I understand that this isn't really a place for general modding guidance, but I'm afraid I don't know where to go for that. People keep talking about Discord and I have no idea how to use that (and honestly, loading it up and trying to figure it out made me feel very old indeed..).
So my hopefully quite simple modding question is: How can I have a journal update happen only when x number of other separate journal updates have happened?
For example:
quest1 == 100
quest2 == 100
quest3 == 100
And when all of them have hit the criteria, a "master" quest will get updated.
I am asking because I am basically doing an elaborate (and hopefully interesting) fetch quest, and I just want a simple way of logging it as complete once all items have been handed over.
Putting it in a simple script along the lines of this doesn't seem to work at all:
Begin val_collect
if ( val_quest1 == 100 )
if ( val_quest2 == 100 )
journal "val_masterquest" 90
End val_collect
It seems completely crazy to me that Morrowind's scripting language didn't have, you know, simple things like "and" operators etc!
Any help much appreciated. And if there's a better place (that isn't Discord) to ask such questions I'd love to know that too!
2023-04-16 18:05
4 hours 37 min ago
Hi, your script example is pretty much correct in its approach, but it's missing the GetJournalIndex command.
This should work:
Begin val_collect
if ( GetJournalIndex val_quest1 == 100 )
if ( GetJournalIndex val_quest2 == 100 )
journal "val_masterquest" 90
End val_collect
2023-12-22 11:05
7 months 1 week ago
Brilliant. I should look through a list of the functions really, as I do know that's available..
I subsequently also found that Morrowind only allows ten nested "if" statements. So I ended up having to make further scripts that did the same thing on the "sub quests" to get to the final eventual result. Seriously, if only they had initially added in logic for "ands" "ors" etc etc..
Thanks Ronik. And, do you know of any non-Discord place to ask general modding questions?