I think the ref count went a little high but im not sure where the bloat came from, I feel like I cluttered a normal amount, the dining table and the 2nd floor bookshelf feel a little bare tbh
I put most of the personality into the two bedrooms trying to convey the different personalities of the two people that live here, a mage and a fighter of some kind
(Reply #1) Posted on Sun, 2024-08-25 17:52
2024-02-09 06:08
4 months 3 weeks ago
Edited based on tips from the discord server
- greenlighting should be fixed
- went over some clipping/floating
- added some more clutter to the 2nd floor bookshelf
2021-07-09 00:40
1 hour 8 min ago
Grabbing this showcase for review
Hainab stole my pants.
2021-07-09 00:40
1 hour 8 min ago
Great work on your first pass. Not many issues and all are easy fixes. Give the notes a read over and fix any issues listed, if you have any questions about an issue or need help feel free to give me a shout.
Name: PTR_lytre_showcase
Clean: No, Texture needs cleaned. https://wiki.project-tamriel.com/wiki/Interior_Guidelines#Cleaning_Your_...
Lighting: Sunlight too high, vanilla can get crazy with it sometimes, check https://wiki.project-tamriel.com/wiki/Interior_Guidelines#Interior_Cell_... for guidlines.
Northmarker: Present
Fits exterior: Correct (ex_hlaalu_b_10)
Pathgrid: Good start, Make sure the nodes and lines are not clipping into any objects and allow a clear path.
Illegal to Sleep Here: Yes, correct
Gridsnap: Correct
Coda: Correct (An extremely minor float from one leaf, but no worries)
Steel Axe: Correct
Spoon in bowl: Correct
Soul gem: Correct
Broom: Correct
furn_de_p_chair_01 - Bleeding into wall behind
furn_de_rope_03 - clipping into ceiling support
com_basket_01 - bleeds into floor
Com_Sack_02_Ingred - Bleeds too much into floor, these generally do bleed a bit but dont sink them too far. I personally try to allow some of the black on the bottom to show to help with "shadowing"
active_de_p_bed_11 - bleeds into floor a bit.
misc_com_redware_bowl_01 (3) - The three stacked bowls can be snugged together a little more.
misc_de_pot_redware_02 - Just needs a "F" drop
light_de_lamp_01 (4) - Always double check objects, some dont fully hit the ground when "f" dropping or "ALT" placement.
magickguard robe - Just needs a "F" drop or two.
bk_MysteriousAkavir - minor float. Side note, be sure to stagger the books that are standing up in line with each other. makes them look more natural.
T_Bk_Reality&OtherFalsehoodsPC - This is a book for Province: Cyrodill. Note the "PC" at the end of the ID. Sometimes isnt an issue, but its situational depending on where the Int is located.
Hainab stole my pants.
2024-02-09 06:08
4 months 3 weeks ago
Edited based on review
2021-07-09 00:40
1 hour 8 min ago
Great work, all issues fixed, promotion incoming.
Name: PTR_lytre_showcase
Clean: Correct
Lighting: Correct
Northmarker: Present
Fits exterior: Correct (ex_hlaalu_b_10)
Pathgrid: Correct, Note for the future: you dont need a node in the middle of a straight staircase as long as the top and bottom node connect.
Illegal to Sleep Here: Yes, correct
Gridsnap: Correct
Coda: Correct
Steel Axe: Correct
Spoon in bowl: Correct
Soul gem: Correct
Broom: Correct
light_de_lamp_01 - Minor bleed from leg into wall
misc_com_redware_bowl_01 - Top bowl slightly bleeding into bottom
(Talked about issues in Discord DM, not worth going back to make fix.)
Hainab stole my pants.