"Tamriel Rebuilt Community Creations/Calls"
Why: A working proposal to highlight TR's open-development philosophy, improve community outreach, and satisfy asset needs.
Who: Everyone, except for TR members.
What: Every two (or three) months TR will put together a list or theme of desired assets with some artistic suggestions such as concept art or descriptions. The current Community Calls are suitable examples. Assets could include flora, fauna, exterior pieces, interior props, etc and could possibly be separated into different contest categories. TR will then hold a contest asking members of the Morrowind and general Elder Scrolls communities to submit their assets ranging from concept art to fully textured/modeled assets (preferred?). TR judges will score each submission based on a variety of factors such as model/texture completeness, aesthetics, adherence to the design guidelines/TR’s vision, etc. Winners will be publicly recognized in follow-up posts on the social media channels listed below, as well as listed on a special page on the TR website. Winners could also be granted immediate TR membership or at least expedited review depending on the quality/type of submissions.
When: Contestants have one (or two) month(s) to create the desired assets. No submissions will be accepted into the contest following the deadline, but creators will always be allowed to upload their content to the Asset Browser. TR judges will have a month (or two) to review the entries and choose winners. At the end of the review period, TR will announce the winners of the contest via Twitch livestream or a video on YouTube. The topic of the next contest could be included in the same livestream/video or postponed by a couple of weeks.
How: Content submissions are uploaded to specific “contest claims” on tamriel-rebuilt.org.
Where: Advertised on...
- YouTube channels: Tamriel Rebuilt, DarkElfGuy, etc.
- Discord: TR, Morrowind Modding Community's #notifications channel
- Twitch (livestream highlighting the winners of each contest?)
- Reddit: /r/Morrowind, /r/ModdingMorrowind/, and /r/ElderScrolls
- BethSoft forums
- Nexus forums