Hi, guys! I know we're all enthusiastic about the Elder Scrolls, but aside from that, I’m sure some of us have our own adorable companions at home. I created this thread for us to show off our pets. This is our loyal companion, Boogie. He's a Pomeranian who loves to hang out in our living room. He likes to play catch in the backyard, though my wife (the precautious woman that she is) would fit him with a pair of doggles (dog goggles) as a safety measure, just in case he decides to chase the ball in the bushes. He would cuddle up before bed time and lick us awake in the morning.
(Reply #1) Posted on Tue, 2018-04-24 09:01
2016-01-19 19:35
3 months 2 days ago
Well, we recently got a new dog from the pound. We think he might actually be a purebred Australian Cattle Dog, despite the bobbed tail and the larger size (24 inches and 60 pounds). Pretty chill, but likes to give love bites and tackle people when excited. We're working on that...
Then we've got the cat. It's a good thing the dog is good with cats, because the cat is not good with dogs. He stalks the dog around the house and attacks him. Nothing like having a big cattle dog trying to hide behind you while you have a cat weighing less than 10 pounds dancing around your feet.
Here's the wannabe Senche-Raht. Hard to see in this picture, but his tail only goes down to his hocks. Some sort of genetic thing we're told--he's also a mutt from the pound.
And the Senche-Raht's hunting perch while said hunting perch is modding (sacked out on my lap, if you couldn't tell).
Waiting for the perfect time to pounce on his prey...by fallng unconscious, sliding off my lap, and faceplanting into his bowl. Hey, whatever works.
2016-05-09 13:13
3 days 13 hours ago
We've got a little dachshund/king charles cavelier mix at home called Nero.
As you can see he's very small, guarding his tennis ball.
He's a very playful doggo, but also likes to relax and bark alot. The last two don't go hand in hand very much.
He's a couple of years old now, but we got him since he was a pupper.
Sometimes we also take him to the forest where he can run around, in which case he's Speedy Gonzales.
Because of his small size he also behaves like a cat sometimes.
Like here relaxing on the sofa.
All in all he's a very good boy