Voice Actor - Introduction!

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Hyoie's picture
2019-06-16 11:44
Last seen:
5 years 7 months ago

Hey folks! 

I'm a professional Actor/VoiceActor who's trained in London and I would love to help in anyway I can! This is such an exciting project. 

I've done work for Ubisoft - The Division 2, LEGO, Anime, Educational Apps, Multi-choice narrative games. A bunch of stuff. 

I don't know what sort of thing you need but I'm happy to do what I can. Quest Dialogue, Narration, Book Reading, Efforts and Grunts, etc...

I'm also a trained singer and have worked on the West End in Musicals here in London! I'm happy to add vocals to tracks any of you musicians have put together. It might be fun to do some songs for lute players in taverns? Maybe there's a quest which involves following a Bard on a night crawl through taverns as he sings new verses in each area? 

Let me know if I can be of any help! :) 


Cicero's picture
Senior DeveloperAsset ReviewerWriting ReviewerExterior ReviewerInterior ReviewerQuest Developer
2016-01-25 21:01
Last seen:
4 hours 20 min ago

Hello! Welcome to TR. Most of us are regularly on Discord. You should come by introduce yourself on the server. There is a link to our discord either on the bottom footer of the website, or at the top under community. Voice Actors are always nice to have, and on discord it would allow us to communicate things we want VA for much better than on the forums.