This is a quest that i use for my showcase.
(Reply #1) Posted on Tue, 2020-02-25 20:07
This is a quest that i use for my showcase.
2014-01-02 23:58
1 month 3 weeks ago
Sorry, I didn't have a lot of time to test this extensively - but I also didn't manage to complete the quest, and found several errors.
Topic S'Khar-ra
Needs a response for the Prince after the player has accepted the quest
The rest of the Khajiit in the Mission would benefit from a generic line about the guy.
Actually, all Khajiit in Old Ebonheart would benefit from having a line about him. Currently, it is unclear what the topic is I should ask NPCs about, because it doesn't show up for any.
S'varr is potentially disabled after an OE TG quest. Use another Khajiit for this quest stage. Also have Anjzhirra tell the player where to find whoever she refers them to.
It is possible to talk to Iron-Claws Urkhu right after accepting the quest, and he will give the 'knew it was a good idea to follow you' dialogue. Clealy this is too early.
Iron-Claws Urkhu has no other relevant greeting that shows up - or at least it's not accessible
Iron-Claws Urkhu's teleport to the sewers doesn't seem to work. Consider moving him from a global script as soon as player exits Mission and disabling him, then enabling him once the player finds S'Khar-ra
It's currently not possible to finish the quest. I assume this is because of the ordering of your dialogue, or broken filters. Pay attention to the order of your dialogue entries - remember that the game tries to find the first valid line from top to bottom, so have your more restrictive / later lines at the top.
Please playtest your quest before submitting it. Currently, as far as I can tell, it cannot be completed, and it has a few errors in it that simply cause the quest to be impossible. From what I can tell, none of your PositionCell calls are functioning correctly. They need both a PositionCell call and an AIWander call to work - see those links, or the Morrowind Scripting for Dummies guide, for how to implement those.
Having said that, I thought the writing of this quest was pretty good. It needs more dialogue, though, and it needs to be clear that you need to speak to the Khajiit of Ebon Tower and Old Ebonheart about S'Khar-ra to see if anyone knows his location. That means that the OE Khajiits need access to the S'Khar-ra topic, even if to say that they don't know anything - and some should refer the player to Anjzhirra, her being someone who's on top of what's going on in town.
S'Khar-ra himself is still named [Alfiq template] and is set to be agressive, which doesn't help in trying to talk to him.
Like I said, please playtest your quest, fix anything that prevents the player from completing it, and submit it again! Apart from the bugs, this is a promising quest, and you've done a good job on the parts that work. Unfortunately there are currently still parts that simply don't work. Keep up the good work!
Hello, as you may know i dropped the claim and made this quest by myself. The player starts by meeting Eran Oril outside of Omaynis and getting a task of delivering a letter to his "friend" in Bodrem. Once the player delivers the letter, Mervis gets shocked and tells the player to go kill him.
From now on Player has 3 ways to go about this quest.
1. Confront Enar and kill him.
2. Confront Enar and get bought over by him.
3. Tell a guard nearby, that he is a dangerous criminal who needs to be stopped.
1 & 3 leads to getting reward from Mervis. 2 leads to getting reward from Enar.
Requires Roryn's Bluff.
2019-03-20 13:12
4 years 7 months ago
Hello Nats,
I'm finally in a position where I can do a little bit of playtesting for TR again, so here we go! Apologies for the longer wait.
Due to a bug however, I wasn't able to go very far in the quest. Nonetheless, here's what I got so far:
So the big main take-away is, as Why already pointed out: playtest your quests before uploading them ;)
Don't hesitate to reach out to me here on on Discord if there's anything you wish to discuss. I'll be happy to re-test the quest once it is fixed!
Fixed all of the bugs, if there are any problems, i haven't encountered them.
Due to what Arvis said about my file, I decided to fix it. Uploading it here for the sake of it.
2014-01-02 23:57
1 week 4 days ago
Thanks for your fixes -- I'll review this tonight. Nice little quest from what I see so far.
2014-01-02 23:57
1 week 4 days ago
Not a final review, just an intermediate version. Homework:
1. Check the diff of the two tes3cmd dumps!Avy4r3XS1seKge5IgPq7h4yvxtjeDA?e=vDY3Up (before)!Avy4r3XS1seKge5JiFjhJWBvcPkqvA?e=2SU1k4 (after)
and make sure you understand what I changed and why (ask me if something is unclear).
2. There is currently no way to tell Enar "yes, I delievered that message; where's my money?" after declining to help Mervis kill Enar.
3. Enar's "You're interested" response to the "letter" topic sticks around even after you have delivered it.
Fix these and I'll finish the review!
Fixed all of your isuses.
fixed the last issue
2014-01-02 23:57
1 week 4 days ago
Review passed! (Final version attached.) One last thing I'd like to see some comments on is whether 440 gold isn't too much of a reward for a quest that is as easy as getting to Bodrem. (It's a balancing question, and I'm not claiming the answer is "yes".)
You did a good job; the quest isn't very complex but offers several options, fits the places nicely (at least how I see them) and isn't just a bland fetch quest. Please pay some more attention to spelling ("then" vs "than") and to tying up loose ends (e.g., disabling Mervis if the player solves the quest in Enar's favor). More generally, you should try talking to every relevant NPC ingame at every possible quest stage in order to ensure that no one has a topic that isn't appropriate for that stage.