Quest Idea: Guar Guard

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Tyrant's picture
2016-09-18 05:23
Last seen:
2 years 11 months ago

Faction: Fighters Guild

Summary: A Guar Rancher has been repeatedly visited late at night by someone "cattle rustling" from his guar herd,  and has hired the FG to provide security and find out who's responsible.

Objective: Prevent the guar from being stolen

Bonus: find out who's responsible.

Detail: You'll be asked to watch over the herd after sunset to see if anyone shows up. After several minutes of waiting, a thief (member of the thieves Guild, who was hired by a rival guar rancher) will sneak up to the guar and attempt to lead it to the rival ranch.

Option 1: Confront thief immediately (could trigger combat, or intimidate thief into confessing)


Option 2: follow thief to rival ranch without being detected and then confront the rival ranch owner.



Additionally, It would be very cool for this same quest to be an option to do from the perspective of the thieves guild, and have an FG NPC standing Guard. Obviously the quests would conflict and you wouldn't have the opportunity to do both as the same character. This would help roleplay by having quests have some conflict between each other.





PeerOfKings's picture
2021-05-01 03:43
Last seen:
11 months 4 weeks ago

I love conflicting guild quests, though

1: I note it overlaps a bit with Guar Sabotage.

2: Is the TG doing this nightly? To my knowledge, Stake-outs for potential crimes (vs those for spying on people) are either to deter the crime with presence, or because there's some way of knowing the crime will take place then and there. Very few crimes will come back again after the crime is detected to do the same crime. Only ones I can think of with relatively low steaks (no unique item sought or person deseperately desired dead) that it would happen with are harassment and/or vandalism.

Perhaps the guar aren't being stolen, but disrupted in some way? Poisonous crops being planted where they graze? Faking a mating call from outside their enclosure to make them unruly/try to escape? Making (not yet) lethal bolt/arrow attacks on them to make them aggressive/wounded? All of these carry the extra bonus of having some kind of evidence on the opposition.