2023-06-25 Meeting Summary - Release Status Update

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Gnomey's picture
Asset DeveloperWriterExterior DeveloperInterior Developer
2015-08-10 20:50
Last seen:
22 hours 38 min ago

Proposed Agenda

  • ESM section files
  • Release checklist for LA
  • discussion about a more standardised and less scattershot release process in general
  • OM Chapels, and the OM set usage in general
  • Hotfix status update and confirming what's still needed for it/if it will be rolled into a release at this point
  • Dreugh citadel status update and possibility of Dreugh Queen model
  • Knots has offered to make a preview-esque esp for us, discuss if we want it
  • Brief update on OW

Meeting Notes


Knots has offered to revive TR_Preview as a third party mod. The concerns are about it staying up-to-date with TR as we release updates. Knots was fine with taking the mod down should they no longer be able/willing to maintain it. From TR’s side this would entail adding the mod to the recommended mods list, but keeping it on Knots’ own Nexus page rather than the TR page.

There were no real objections so we agreed to let Knots create the and host it on the Nexus under their own name. Knots’ll get back to us when it’s done.

ESM section files

As mort put it, the CS was designed for a merge-to-master workflow. As such we want to consider and possibly move ahead with transforming section files to ESMs, much like T_D and Mainland are ESMs these days.


Chef expressed interest in multiple people being able to work on a section file concurrently using this system.


Khazar and Exovian mentioned that it’d be annoying to need to clean out the ESM dependency from an int claim. Jackimoff Wackimoff said this is a trivial operation, and Evil Eye said it didn’t need doing at all (neither in the current workflow nor in the proposed one).
Chef and mort wanted to make interior devs link doors to the exterior as part of the new workflow.


The new workflow would essentially serve to make merge notes obsolete because quest devs would be able to apply changes themselves and have them stick. (The same applies to the other departments.)


Mort and chef expressed concerns about the increased importance of ESPs needing to be clean when they’re merged. Mort also had concerns about the site not being suited to a workflow of merging lots of patches into ESMs regularly at present. It was agreed to discuss site possibilities with Magamo and/or Jani. Evil Eye raised the issue of all patches for a specific section file needing to be merged into that section before the section itself is merged into mainland due to the section file no longer existing and its refnums being different in mainland. Chef proposed taking content locks more seriously to hopefully address the majority of cases. Evil Eye and mort foresaw issues in the quest department.

It was agreed to continue to look into this topic. Chef proposed turning the SH section into an ESM as a trial run. Evil Eye mentioned that the Firemoth section has been an ESM for a while now, but that it has not seen a lot of active development.

Will be discussed with the web developers either next meeting or between meetings to see how to best integrate it.

LA release

Arrange for the quests to be combed through to see what’s needed

Almas Thirr NPC-ing - top priority, is holding back progress on quests.
Old Aanthirrin quest refits.
Review of the Stronghold north of Aimrah.
Five Galleon refits (2 unclaimed)
Three cutter refits.
Dreugh citadel interior work.
Some new dreugh assets
Almas Thirr Mages Guild
Hlaalu Thirr River watch placement

Hotfix release

It was agreed to merge the upcoming update into the LA release instead of releasing it separately. It’s been a long time anyway.

OM set

It was agreed to use sets in the following manner:
Villages: velothi
Chapels (including the player’s stronghold and any chapels near Mournhold): OM
Almalexia-Mournhold: MH

This would make Mournhold unique in a way similar to Necrom. Changes will be required to Roa Dyr and Gorne, the only two completed chapels.

Dreugh queen

We currently don’t have a model for the dreugh queen. It was proposed to use a placeholder for the release as a completed model is unlikely to materialize before the release is done. (Doubly so because no concept has been agreed upon.) An upscaled dreugh and a kitbashed model were suggested as temporary solutions.

OW progress

Several assets are unfinished or haven’t been created at all.

The second rock texture for the region is still a placeholder.

Fluxbender was working on a sight-blocker bush-plant for the Woods. And they wanted some feedback on it, so they could wrap it up. Chef said looks good.

Missing assets should not be a blocker according to chef. Retroactively adding them in would be easy, if slightly annoying. ESM sections would make this easier.

Finishing up RR

To be discussed at a future meeting.

Getting out of bed

Phen’wah hates getting out of bed. He woke up at noon today due to being up till 3 last night.