Lestet Exterior Showcase

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Lestet's picture
Exterior Developer
2020-04-08 07:02
Last seen:
3 months 9 hours ago

The island is easily accesable by imputing the command coc showcase
This .esp is not compatable with the firemoth mod because it is very close to it.

I would like to improve this showcase, but I don't know where to start.
I also don't want to spend too much time on a example island.

(My dscord is theredcicada)

Binary Data Showcase_RedCicada.ESP880.77 KB2023-08-12 04:44
Cicero's picture
Senior DeveloperAsset ReviewerWriting ReviewerExterior ReviewerInterior ReviewerQuest Reviewer
2016-01-25 21:01
Last seen:
2 hours 53 min ago

Hello. There is a link to our discord on the bottom of the web page. That would be a good place to ask for advice and to get to you quicker.