
2020-09-20 Meeting Summary

Proposed Agenda

Worldspace Implementation

  • Progress on Andothren
  • TV2-4 wilderness interior planning

Cross-Province questions

  • Armor and weapons: sorting out stats, expanding or restricting vanilla sets, special cases (this agenda point could use some elaboration as to what specifically should be discussed and in what format we can best discuss it)

Quests and Dialogue

  • 6+ has a few

2017 04 23 Meeting Summary - Aanthirin flora update, Coronati Basin flora

Proposed Agenda

  • Opening up exterior claims (Knocker's Neck; what is still missing to open Thirr, Orethan)
    • Thirr Valley assets need to be assessed: textures and flora?
  • Roa Dyr and state of completion (NPCs, interiors, exteriors, purpose of the town in the lore)
  • Aeven wants to examine a possible makeover for the Alt Orethan region, and do research into what needs to happen with Almalexia, including the many completed interiors until progress halted in 2015.
  • Update various documents on the site
  • Finish reviews of various as
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