Faction Planning

2016 10 01 Meeting Summary

There was an unofficial meeting held in the general chat, with no set agenda. We discussed TR’s workflow as well as how the Hist and Dres interact.

--TR hopes to create a quest pack that goes back over lands already created and add more quests to them. This could be advertised as an expansion pack to also gain some more interest in TR.

2016 09 24 Meeting Summary

Meeting Notes for Saturday August 13 at 5PM GMT on Discord



Frequency - We’re in favor of a semi-annual release instead of a quarterly one. Quarterly releases presume the optimistic version of a workflow TR doesn’t currently have, centered around assembling finished and reviewed claims.1612 should be released on schedule as a bugfix release, but afterwards TR should move to 1 release every 6 months.

Tamriel Rebuilt 1609

2015 08 01 Meeting Summary

The meeting of Saturday, August 1, 2015 could best be described as rambly. In short, St. Veloth hijacked the meeting to share his ideas on a variety of subjects, which were then discussed in TR's trademark 'let's go completely off-topic' fashion. There was also some discussion on TR's accounts on various sites, but since that's both confidential and not very interesting, I won't go into further detail.

As for the new ideas, we didn't reach any kind of decision on any of them, so I'll just leave them hear for other members to think about.

2015 06 13 Meeting Summary

This meeting (Saturday, June 13, 2015) was relatively unfocused and mainly revolved around organizational stuff. If people like I can provide a more complete summary, (though half the summary would just be posting the chat log, as the second half of the meeting was all typing no talking anyway), but I think the following are the important points:

2014-03-16 Meeting Summary

This is a summary of the Skype meeting that took place on Sunday; March 16, 2014 based on my notes. The topic of the discussion was the themes of Morrowind.

Some main themes suggested during the meeting:

- Immersion in an unknown land. Getting lost in an environment that gradually reveals itself to the player as they uncover secrets and information about the world, meeting bizarre, inexplicable things along the way.


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