fort firemoth

Firemoth Lighthouse

Imperial lighthouse set on Saros Archipelago. Was plundered during the siege of Firemoth.

Try to make the interior neutral in terms of its overal state, so it could be used in both the ruined and the restored versions of Firemoth. You may add a couple of ruined objects that will be swapped via a script for a restored version of the interior.

Saros Caldera Touchups

A claim to remove the deprecated Ascadian Bluffs region assets from the Saros Archipelago and replace it with something ashy as per Bethesda's Firemoth. As the Firemoth section is an esm, this claim should be made as an esp dependant on that esm.

The finished area will be part of either the Bittercoast or Roth Roryn mechanically and could take cues from either region. Vanilla inspiration can be taken from the Caldera mines (ashy West Gash) and Fort Buckmoth (ashy fort.) A dirt path should be added from the landing zone (-7, -11) to the southern entrance of the fort.

2020-08-09 Meeting Summary

Proposed Agenda

Worldspace Implementation

  • Progress on Andothren
  • Firemoth questline
  • TV2-4 wilderness interior planning
  • Propylon index placement
  • Jephre and his (very small) role in Dunmeri society

Cross-Province questions

  • Armor and weapons: sorting out stats, expanding or restricting vanilla sets, special cases
  • Wolli's asset removal and deprecation tracking list

Quests and Dialogue

  • The "characters" of towns like Kartur


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