Hlaalu Questline

2019-01-13 Meeting Summary - Hlaalu History and Questline

Proposed Agenda

Missing Hlaalu questions

  1. What are the three most notable events in faction history?
  2. What happened to them during and after the Armistice?
  3. What happened to them during and after the Simulacrum?
  4. What is the future outline?
    1. What are the rough outlines for local plots? How do they tie into the global plot?
    2. What conflicts exist that the player cannot resolve?
  5. What bonus and fluff is there?

2017 11 05 Meeting Summary

Proposed Agenda

  • Faction ranks: Should any of TR’s faction ranks for Great Houses replace the vanilla ranks?
  • Player strongholds

Meeting Summary

Faction ranks

In general, the discussion started with a review of a previous short disagreement whether the vanilla ranks should be kept or the ranks that TR invented for the mainland factions (which no longer exist) should be used instead.

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