Dark Elf

Asset Request: Variant pieces for Vanilla Bread.

Asset request for variant pieces for the vanilla bread.

Noticed that "deshaan bread"  from data is ending up over-used compared to the default bread owing to it having more shapes to work with, namely half loaves and slices, as such putting in a request for such variants for the vanilla bread to help correct the disparity.

Small rug - shalk design

A new small rug in vanilla style, depicting a shalk. This went through a ton of revisions based on feedback on Discord.

ID: T_De_Furn_RugSmall_06
mesh: meshes/tr/f/tr_furn_de_rug_s06.nif
texture: textures/tr/c/tr_rug_small_06.dds

The HD and SD textures are noticeably different (SD is not a downscaled HD) because downscaling tends to smooth out the types of detail which make a texture look like fabric at HD size. So the SD texture needed some special treatment to look like a vanilla asset.

OAAB Hlaalu Sewer Set

A more substantial version of the Hlaalu sewer set from OAAB which has more pieces and is better sized for general use.

Will need new ID's and also might require re-IDing the sewers currently in data so as to prevent the ID system becoming too confusing.


Credit to MwGeck and the OAAB team

Dualities of ALMSIVI Worship

A book warning Tribunal worshippers of the pitfalls of belief- expressed through comparisons to the House of Troubles, followed by further comparisons between traps of overzealous worship and individual aspects of Sheogorath, which also inadvertently foreshadows the eventual downfall of each member of the Tribunal.


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