House Dres

2019-06-23 Meeting Summary

Proposed Agenda


  • Anything in need of high-priority attention?

Cross-Province questions

  • Tamriel_Data: how to handle lowres/highres
  • Faction integration, cross-provincial
  • Travel Networks: ships, teleportation, Intervention, restrictions at border forts (these should be been cleared up, further discussion necessary?)
  • Armor and weapons: sorting out stats, expanding or restricting vanilla sets, special cases

Various topics

  • Andothren,

2019-06-16 Meeting Summary

Proposed Agenda


  • Indoril names, part two?
  • Anything in need of high-priority attention?
  • Rubberman, final confirmation/call for concepts and textures.

Cross-Province questions

  • Tamriel_Data: how to handle lowres/highres
  • Faction integration, cross-provincial
  • Travel Networks: ships, teleportation, Intervention, restrictions at border forts (t

2017 11 05 Meeting Summary

Proposed Agenda

  • Faction ranks: Should any of TR’s faction ranks for Great Houses replace the vanilla ranks?
  • Player strongholds

Meeting Summary

Faction ranks

In general, the discussion started with a review of a previous short disagreement whether the vanilla ranks should be kept or the ranks that TR invented for the mainland factions (which no longer exist) should be used instead.

2017 05 14 Meeting Summary

Proposed Agenda

  • Deshaan, who do what
  • Almas-Thirr Dialogue, good to go or no-go area
  • Indoril-Thirr, further problems: Roa Dyr, Felm’s Hamlet
  • Nav Andaram, concept needed
  • More exterior claims east?
  • Region template meetings for Ascadian Bluffs
  • Handbook needs butter by the fish
  • External updates: Wiki, Nexus (Tamriel_Data needs images)
  • Roles/Responsibilities (you know what this is about, leads)


2017 02 19 Meeting Summary

Proposed Agenda

  • Backlog
  • Handbook for TR1703
  • Marahk-Bazhul
  • Foul Murder

Meeting Summary


  • The Ashtaar heads were discussed. Mutton chops and Socius Ergalla-with-beard are slated for some editing. Mutton chops is supposed to get more polies, and and SE-with-beard will be un-Sociused by Rats.
  • Nedothril plants, Othreleth/Shipal-Shin and Deshaan Rocks were discussed and generally found okay.

Deshaan and friends

The discussion veered off into the Deshaan as a whole.

2016 10 01 Meeting Summary

There was an unofficial meeting held in the general chat, with no set agenda. We discussed TR’s workflow as well as how the Hist and Dres interact.

--TR hopes to create a quest pack that goes back over lands already created and add more quests to them. This could be advertised as an expansion pack to also gain some more interest in TR.


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