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T_Glb_Cook class NPCs don't refuse services if you have skooma/moonsugar/flashgrit

I believe there are at least two NPCs in TD projects (like TR_FM_Slick_Skewer in Firemoth fort) who are Cooks and sell/buy ingredients/potions, so I imagine it'd be good do add this refusal.

Attaching a dialogue fix in the comments adding the three lines for refusing services due to player having moon sugar / skooma / flashgrit

Dreugh set piece issue

Liliana discovered an issue in a Dreugh set piece, T_Glb_DngDreu_I_SRoom_03 . The top hole dosent line up with T_Glb_DngDreu_I_SRoomEntranc_01 and shows a small gap at one point on the perimeter. The entrance piece lines up with other room pieces fine, so my assumption is that the T_Glb_DngDreu_I_SRoom_03 has a mesh issue around the top.

T_Rga_FurnP_Table_01 lighting issue

T_Rga_FurnP_Table_01 (hf_furn_rga_p_table01.nif) isn't affected by lighting correctly. The legs of the table are fine, but the tabletop is only affected by lighting when the candle is in very specific places, and looks very strange, and in most places a light simply won't affect it whatsoever. I have checked in game so it's not just a CS issue.


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