FacRep rewards in Ando FG, Akamora FG, OE TG and Telvanni Mouths' quests were increased to +5 or +10 (for exact values, see https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sN9tRJEYycgJNtPaRBtEHHIG7ri3vEni...). Some quests still have +2 or +3 rewards for partial completion, I just increased them if they were too low.
Replaces all Bloodmoon silver weapons with the vanilla silver variants. Except in the case of one Map 7 NPC, who was supposed to have a strong staff. I gave her a glass staff instead. I also replaced three Tribunal goblin weapons with T_Data goblin weapons.
Moves the current dialogue lines from the "Kartur" topic to "Veranis" topic (and changes them according to the state of the planning), deletes the Kartur topic and changes the single remaining ingame mention of Kartur in one letter to Veranis.
Replaces every occurence of T_Sky goblin leveled lists with T_Mw goblin leveled lists. Also replaces the remaining two Tribunal goblins still hiding on mainland with T_Data variants.
Replaces hopefully every occurence of the word "molecrab" wth "mole crab" from dialogue and object names. Unfortunately this misspelling has been so pervasive, it has also appeared in a name of an interior, which I had to rename as well.