Closed (Merged)

Fix: Map 3 Maps

These are bookarts and text concerining the maps for map 3  T_Bk_MapsM3-1TR amd T_Bk_MapsM3-2TR respectively.

The file must be merged into TR_Mainland (esm only!) for the Spring 2018 release and simultaneously merged into T_D v6.


When teleportation is disabled only spell effects are disabled. There is no get disabled function so scripted teleportation from vanilla items or others doesn't know it.

Using a global, at least scripted teleport items added by provinces can respect their own (and each other's) disabled areas. Set to 1 when using DisableTeleporting, set back to 0 when using EnableTeleporting.

Coastguard + navy building full dialogue + coast guard npcs

-coast guard building guards have unique armor
-added unique dialogue for navy and coast guard npcs
-changed the armor on some navy folks
-placed some npcs that were taken out in the last section file update

~~~this is the file you want to merge if you want to place coast guard people at any point~~~

fixed changes rot pointed out, the admiral is the admiral again!

Dondril - Under Nest Inn

Four npcs
Bols - the bartender
two inn patrons
one guard on top of the tower

one 'bols special mazte' alchemy item, if you talk to one of the patrons they tell you it's just the leftover undrank liquor bols rebottled

merging instructions for atrayonis
move or delete some chairs, maybe move some of the tapestries, its pretty cramped in there


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