Closed (Rejected)

Doors self-unlock on the other side

Some doors are locked on both sides. It doesn't happen often but it breaks immersion. Is it worth including a version of those doors scripted to unlock itself when the player enters a cell next to it, at least for the door types that could already use it?

Two examples

Ex_MH_sewer_trapdoor_01    Khalaan, Rivaal Manor    3735    4941    15359
In_DB_door01    Khalaan, Rivaal Manor    4215    4175    15430

In_DB_door01    Khalaan, Sewers    -5259    -924    14329

Deprecated Asset Replacer .esp

This .esp swaps the original art-asset file of several deprecated TR models for tr_help_deprec_01.nif instead.
The deprecated assets have been painstakingly and methodically selected over several months, via many discord discussions.  

The esp currently covers these assets:


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