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Haivin and the Mountain of the Gods volume 2

Haivin and the Mountain of the Gods
Part II A feast for two Ravens

The air felt so unnervingly cold… almost damaging to his essence. His legs would barely move when trying to step forwards, through the thick and heavy fog that encircled him.

He knew that he had to keep moving, he had to.

Strange sounds started appearing all around him, piercing through the fog, none of these he could specify.


An edible plant. The root is starchy/woody and requires pounding and cooking to be eaten. It has a sharp, almost peppery or wasabi flavor to it.

Using splotch pattern A, with flat but distinct spots. Coloring scheme A but using light blue spots.

Ingredient: Ibasi tuber (the entire root)

Swamp Goop

A floating aquatic plant for the Arnesian Jungle. It also appears in the salt marshes as appropriate.

2 variant needed, both should be of moderate size.

If an ingredient is needed we may be able to use the ectoplasm model for the goop ingredient.


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