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Creature Density too High Onimushili -> Ebunammidan

This is more of a beetle fix, rather than a bug fix

You're welcome.

Creature density from Onimushili -> Ebunammidan is too high, verging on obnoxious. Low levels that's ~3-6 beetles attacking every 30 metres, lv 20+ that's 3-6 winged twilights.

This is a simple change to remove around 50% of the creature spawns in that specific area. File attached.

Link to discord post:

The Dead Pilgrim - Slight revision to Letter to Sadryn

For the Dead Pilgrim quest, the Letter to Sadryn needs a small revision. I used "with all my heart" twice, and I feel this negatively impacts the readability of the letter. My solution was to simply remove "with all my heart" from the second instance, in the second to last sentence of the letter.




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