
[SHOTN] Nordic Murte

"Murte" (sing. "murti") are Nordic religious icons kept by the hearth in homes, as objects of private worship. They are representations of the three Hearth Gods: Kyne, Mara, and Dibella.

SHOTN needs a Rich and a Poor set, just single statuettes, designed to sit on the floor or fireplace. (No bigger than T_Com_LanternEmpty_01, for example)

Although both are carved from wood and have very little ornamentation, the Rich set could be more lifelike and have greater detail. The Poor set could be more roughly carved, maybe smaller and with an appearance like the Lewis chessmen.

[PI] Three Colorful Birds

Pan-Padomaic birds? Their idle animations are unique from the cliff racer's but strange.

They are called "kolibri" (like hummingbird in Spanish) in the Lyithdonea mod, as far as I know. Debatable if the name should be keep or not.

Models and textures by Melchoir Dahrk.


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