
Water Wheel

The water wheel currently in TD is a bit janky and requires that the water originate from higher up. This claim is for a general-purpose T_Com water wheel that can easily be placed against architecture sets across PTR.

Specifically, we need an "undershot" water wheel, rather than the "overshot" water wheel that is in TD (which is not very versatile)

[HR427] Bjoulsae Riverfolk Architecture

Architecture for the tribes of the Bjoulsae River basin. These semi-nomadic peoples live in encampments much like orcs, ashlanders or Reachfolk, though the riverfolk often live in closer proximity to their settled Breton and Redguard counterparts. Most riverfolk settlements are on or near the floodlands of the Basin, and are built up on wooden platforms on stilts. Brightly-colored tents made of thick canvas can be easily packed and relocated on boats in the event of relocation.

Concept art image by ThomasRuz. More concept art is requested for this claim before it is worked.


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