
Atlased statues

The three statues tr_ex_st_talosmed_01, tr_ex_statue_felms01, tr_ex_statue_soldier01, set to use 1-2 textures each instead of the 10+ or so originally. I also adjusted the pose of the felms statue a bit to make it feel less stiff (see screenshot), and the soldier statue to fix some minor clipping. All texture atlases are SD only, as none had any HD size textures.

Imperial Arrowslit Shutters

Shutters for the Imperial Legion set arrowslits. As many have noted, the exterior arrowslits for Imperial forts don't have any kind of interior counterpart. Vanilla does have a shutter mesh (in_impsmall_shutter_01.nif) but it's never used and doesn't work that well since it's made for double arrowslits only.

This asset contains separate left- and righthanded single shutters, which can be placed on blank walls to mimic arrowslits. The mesh doesn't really gridsnap well, mainly because the different applicable surfaces in Legion interiors prohibit a single optimal distance.

A stairway for T_Imp_SetMw_I_Plain set

I need a T_Imp_SetMw_I_Plain staircase that rises 1 gridspace while turning 90 degrees clockwise for the Helnim Chapel overhaul. Attached is the chapel interior ( there's a lot of extra statics floating around atm, sorry). The stairway should allow player and npcs to get to the balcony without blocking the entrance of the building. The name of the interior is TR_Helnim_IC_Chapel.

Asset Request: Indoril set piece similar to in_MH_int_entrance_01

The need for a piece like this came up when I was making the Roa Dyr, Statesmen's Hall. Instead of requesting an asset, I cobbled a bit to hide the gap. When we go to redo all of the other chapels and Almalexia interiors though, this piece is likely going to be needed, so might as well remove the cobbling now since it's (presumably) a very easy asset to make.


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