A special set of clothes for the King of Yneslea. The bits around the arms and ankles will need design adjustments to align with the way clothes/armor work in the game.
Altmer clothing claim. Due to the population explosion in the Summerset Isles, Altmer are more commonly found than ever in Cyrodiil and the Abecean isles of Hammerfell. Claimant should follow the vanilla model of organizing clothing into Common, Expensive, Extravagant, and Exquisite categories.
Redguard clothing megaclaim. Claimant should try to follow the vanilla model of having Common, Expensive, Extravagant, and Exquisite clothes, with Common being the majority.
Vague inspirations for the aesthetics of this set are the clothing of TESA: Redguard, styles of the American Old West, and 17th-18th Century colonial fashions of the Caribbean. Some nods to early 20th century fashion should also be present in the more costly items.
Concept art is by Aldergo, Tammilisäke, and Autochtone Fol