The Yongre, known more commonly as the Yneslean Bat by those outside the Padomaic Isles, are considered one of the most vile creatures of the isles. Carnivorous, large, and responsible for several native species' extinction, the local government has reissued a "kill on sight" order this year, which marks the 146th year since the Imperials took hold of Yneslea.
A hostile lizard like creature unqiue to the Yneslean archipelago, Ynesai use their teeth, bones and hide to craft armor, weapons and other utilities for use. The Nahoka can puff up its neck flaps to appear larger and scare off predators or as a mating display for females.
Hedonites, servants of Sanguine. Created with an insatiable need for entertainmnet and joy, they will try to slowly escalate any festivity they are summoned to.
Another set of spider enemies for the Mephalan Vales -- the Tusked Tarantula.
Unrelenting and agressive. These two words are enough to paint a clear picture of the tusked tarantula. These creatures, often described by foreign travelers as "unholy hatechild of tarantula and boar", are as much revered by the locals as it is feared by them.
Loomspider, a domesticated spider in the Mephalan Vales, known for producing copious spiderwebs. There are also feral, hostile variants in the wilderness. Concept and art by be-a-stranger:
A creature for Sacred Lands. Art and idea by be-a-stranger:
The region around the city consists of mudflats around the shores and tender, muddy hills covered in golden-orange grass inland. Ancestral tombs, daedric ruins and ancient indoril strongholds dot the landscape. At the beaches, shreals come to rest their flippers, while the hills are haunted by the immensly loud calls of the mourning cicadas. Oftentimes travelers mistake their eerie husks for ghosts staring at them