- All current VM rocks have been recategorised as BM rocks - Most of the filenames were already BM, the few that weren't got copied with bm filenames, and ended up as less than 1 mb - I don't know how many VM rocks I will end up making, or which of these rocks and cliffs will carry over, so no deprecations have occured yet.
Some textures will need to use VM textures as a base. Consider working on those before claiming this. If you upload the layers for the multi textures you could make placeholders with the current RM textures, but I would rather wait to have the actual VM rocks ready before we get into CM.
Needed to start exterior work:
-Grass_01 colour edits (T_Mw_TerrGrassCM_01 / tr_cm_grass_01.dds) potential hue shift on the main grass, assuming people turn against red
A collection of rock assets for use primarially under sea areas of the Padomaic ocean, and select areas above water in the Padomaic Isles. Needs another once over and some work I think. IDs probably need some fixing up to be in line with TR's ID schema better.
Hopefully these assets will aslo be of use for TR off the east coast of Morrowind.
A number of textures and flora to make the Hjaalmarch Region unique.
The Hjaalmarch Region is a frozen salt marsh, compromised of thick reeds, labyrinthine waterways, isolated settlements and constant fog. A CS reference could be the Grey Meadows Region from TR, which shares some of the same elements.
A number of land textures, flora statics & containers etc. to be used in the White Plains Region, covering the majority of White Hold (Whiterun). Whiterun rocks are already in data but more can be made if you wish.
The 2nd rock texture for OW (tr_ow_rock_02.dds) needs to be changed to be a mossier version of 01, instead of being Shipal-Shin layer 2 with the same moss. You're welcome to change the moss texture of 01 as well if you wish, if you think it looks like corny poop (not a common complaint but one I've seen more than once.) After this is done the 2 of them should get a variant rotated 90 degrees, just use the same ID and filename with a b at the end.
We need another scrub texture or 2. It should be pale-ish purple and/or red.