Some faction quests demote the player, not usually interesting (failure state=reload) but it's useless if advancement isn't at least temporarily blocked at the questgiver's location. Demoting doesn't lower the faction reputation that lets the player get promoted again.
See uses of PCLowerRank
already does it correctly: TR_m2_FG_Irano2 TR_m3_IL_Purloined
An inherent problem to Morrowind - LTEX stores all texture IDs and paths that were once upon a time used in the plugin, and can't be easily gotten rid of or patched.
For example
T_MW_TerrCloverAT T_MW_Terr_CloverAT
TR_nec_whiteroad T_De_SetNecrom_TxCobbleStone_01
The biggest problem is that Morrowind registers them as two different textures and thereby can create texture seams even if the textures themselves are actually identical.