Belated Justice quest breaks if you speak to Caecalia Victrix before Gaulus the Jailor





Game version: 




Found in Version: 



During the Belated Justice quest, if you go upstairs and speak to Caecalia Victrix before going to the jail and getting entrance from Gaulus the Jailor and speaking to the general, the dialogue for entering the jail never appears with Gaulus. You can speak with him about the general and he will tell you which cell he is in, but he will not give you the keys or open the door since the initial dialogue choice never fired.

If you use the console to unlock the doors and get into the cell, then the general will act as if you already spoke and refused to hear him out, skipping a chunk of the quest and potentially breaking it.


Fix: Updated Gaulus'

Ronik's picture

Fix: Updated Gaulus' greetings so that he opens the door for you at other journal stages than 10 as well.

Also fixed a possible sequence break that happens if you talk to Caecalia Victrix about Casik before you accept the quest. Also updated certain dialogue for clarity in reaction to a certain lets play.

Patch File: