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I'm running into a weird bug with the "Friends With Rats" quest. If I obtain all the items and return to the Giacinia, she will no longer be found at her location (neither will her rat). If I return to her without all the items, she'll be there, but obviously can't finish the quest. I tested this by leaving one of the items (Cyrodiilic Brandy) in the Almas Thirr Lower Waistworks cell. When I stepped into the Upper Waistworks, Giacinia was there. Then I retrieved the brandy and returned to the Upper Waistworks, and she and the rat were both gone. My guess is that entering the Upper Waistworks cell with all the items triggers this bug.
Other than that, Lake Andaram is amazing! Great work all around!
That's intended. She's in
That's intended. She's in prison - you're supposed to ask around the Upper Waistworks and get directed there.
I can see how this might be a bit confusing, though - maybe we should add a journal update saying Giacinia is nowhere to be found. Let's see what other quest devs think.
Yeah, a journal update would
Yeah, a journal update would be good there. Felt the same in my playthrough.
Fix: Added a journal stage 15
Fix: Added a journal stage 15 that alerts the player that Giacinia is gone. Added a new activator to Upper Waistworks that updates the journal to that stage if you come close to the spot where Giacinia used to be. Adjusted some dialogue lines to still work as intended with journal stage 15.
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