Hlaalu bank loans problems





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So when I take a loan from Andothren Hlaalu Bank, the gold I borrow isn't transferred to my inventory, neither to my bank account.

The deposit / withdraw function is working without problems.

I tested it with 1000g loan. I had 10g on my bank account.

I'm also able to ask again for a loan and "successfully" (meaning having the problem just above) take a second one of 1000g if I don't quit the dialogue. Even without quiting, at the 3rd try he tells me I can't have two loans at the same time. If I quit after the first loan dialogue, he won't give me a second one.

Lastly this is not really a bug but a design question : if you were able to get gold from loans, there is a way to "fraud the bank" if you're member of the Thieves Guild.

By borrowing X gold you have to refund 1,2*X gold, which after 10 days become a bounty with 10% extra, which is either 1,3*X or 1,34*X depending the way you count it.

Now you can erase your bounty for half its value from the TG, which would be 0,65*X or 0,66*X, and end up with 34 - 35 % of the sum you borrowed as benefit.

Although you aren't able to take another loan if you fail to repay one, can take only one at a time and for no more than 1000 gold which limits the game - breaking effectiveness of this scheme (and show that Hlaalu bankers have still things to learn on how to indebt the poor cheeky), still might not be intended hence the report.

I have tested that "scheme" which seems to work (intial payment of the loan set aside). For a 1000g loan on a 10g account, I earn 1310 as a bounty which is levied for a 655 fee : 345 benefit (actually 335 accounting for the flat 10 gold needed to maintain the account).

As a personnal opinion : being able to "break the bank" in this way and with the help of the TG would be quite a fun time that could be seen as an embezzelment scheme (the Empire refunding the bank, then clercs and magistrates being bribed to forget about this affair and "everybody's happy). But anyway, that seem to not be intended and worth a bug report.


Thanks for your time !