Game version:
Found in Version:
- only counts 1 hour when time changes and only counts time that passes while in the presence of TR_m1_Shanath Teran (if you ditch the NPC and come back 24-30 hours later, won't it behave as if no time has passed?)
- TR_m1_Shanath Teran will just follow you anywhere for those 6 hours regardless of exterior coordinates or cell (can be used to clear the ancestral tomb next to the smugglers without complaint, is this an issue?)
- quest completed by forcegreeting in Greeting 5has 2x getdeadcount every frame during the questhas constant GetDistance check (constant GetDistance should be ok though, the old wisdom about it is probably wrong) after completing the quest (fix with "set done to 2" in dialogue) if he dies just after the smugglers die and that greeting 5 is skipped the quest will never finish
NPC will forcegreet when smugglers die even if he was left up to two exterior cells away
crate_01_skooma Boethiah's Spine Region (36,9) 296985 74218 703
camp with lit fire and skooma/smuggling goods but it's empty, because the smugglers are only enabled by the quest, should they be there by default? It's easy to replace quest dialogue choices with "They're already dead" in "pair of smugglers"
Fixed performance issues only
Fixed performance issues only, not sure if the rest is just standard for companions. The camp probably shouldn't be left empty?
Moved greeting 5 entries to
Moved greeting 5 entries to greeting 1, moved timer to a global script and almost completely remade the scripts
Patch File: