This is the thread I will use to upload my showcases. Currently I have made an interior showcase using the Hlaalu Manor set using de_p furniture. My concept of the inhabitants was 4 brothers, Imperials, who were once legion members but fell in love with the culture of Morrowind and decided to stay. It's a pretty basic concept just to help me theme out the clutter and such. The file is attached, and as the name suggests my cell's name is "TR_i2767-2767-hla" without the quotes.
(Reply #1) Posted on Mon, 2018-05-07 18:33
Welcome Kaiel to TR.
First of, your showcase looks promising and your showing the potential to become a member of TR. It really just needs the stuff pointed out below.
Clean: Yes
Northmarker: Yes(Is not supposed to be placed in the house btw)
Lightning: Good
Illegal to sleep: Yes
ingred_bread_01(As its food its allowed to be sunk a bit into other things.
The shelf one sees when coming in straight through the entrance: Half the stuff, while rotated very good, floats in the air a bit.
misc_com_broom_01: Should be sunk into the ground a bit more. Should also lean on a wall.
All com_sack_02_saltrice_10: Sink them more into the ground. They are not really floating but ar supposed to sink a bit because of their material.
The whole shelf: Stuff not rotated and therefor floating.
Place in more tapestries. On every free wall there can be one, its a quick way to make it look better without adding to much stuff.
The beds need pillows, you can find them under the misc assets.
More detailing. Maybe a sort of kitchen area or something but it really needs some more detailing especially in the 1. floor and on the desks in floor 2.
If you need help with detailing you can take a look at the showcase I did to see what you can add. As you are also on discord, you can ask me there for more questions or other members. Like I said you have proven to understand the functions of the CS fix the above mentioned problems and youre good to go.
2018-05-07 18:02
1 year 8 months ago
Okay, I believe I have addressed the concerns laid out above, and the fixed version of the esp has been attached here, please let me know if this has solved the problems there were with the first version.
misc_com_wood_knife: Floats in an physically unpossible position.
misc_com_wood_spoon_01:Floats on one end.
misc_com_wood_fork: Nearly perfect. Try it a bit better.
com_sack_01_chpfood5: Floats.
Both Potion_Cyro_Whiskey_01 on the right:Floating a little bit.
potion_comberry_wine_01(left of the flin):Floats a bit.
light_de_lantern_02_128: Nearly done. But still floats a bit.
T_De_Scales_01: Floats a bit too much.
bk_CantatasOfVivec:Floats. All books to the left of it too.
chitin war axe: Physically not possible rotation.
chitin shortsword:Same as above.
bk_BookDawnAndDusk: Bleeds into the desk.
misc_com_broom_01:Bleeds into the wall.
furn_de_p_bookshelf_01:Bleeds into the wall.
All furn_de_tapestry_03: Bleeding into the ground.
Both furn_de_p_table_02: Bleeding into the ground.
bk_WaroftheFirstCouncil: Bleads a bit at the top.
chitin dagger:Bleads.
Replace the misc_com stuff on the table in the 1.Floor with redware.