The CASE against human edibles

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Rot's picture
Quest Developer
2014-03-16 17:45
Last seen:
1 year 9 months ago

In asset browser. -10Kaziem

… that this substance which FOREGN TRADERS would liken to scram comes not from the flesh of any beetle, nor is it derived from the vegetation of foreign soils,
which being unknown to dunmer they have incorrectly assumed to be the origin of these foods,

that they are in truth made of SUCKLING-WATER,
which Uvris the Elder in his thoroughness has taken the time to note is FOUL and SICKENING to grown mer,

that the continued consumption of it is yet known to be WIDELY PRACTISED in the outlands,
the meekness of whose inhabitants is well reflected, in that their magi substitute it for blood in sacrifice to their FALSE GODS,

that great QUANTITIES of it are required, so that those humans not able to provide it themselves steal it from their Beasts and herd-beasts,
which they do by fondling the Teats of the beasts, to coax out the liquids,

that the humans then pour it in shitten or urinal SATCHELS -- one must like to drink piss, who eats this fare,
which accounts for the shape and SMELL of the foods,


that whose Curiosity has carried them past the preceding facts will only find it now newly assaulted, learning that those liquids are not only allowed to ROT but encouraged to do so, 
which is done by the addition of sour leaves or saps or seeds, or certain other substances alike-looking – here not named,

that this convinces the liquid to coagulate and CLOT like blood, and this is taken from the remaining liquid,
which is fed to SWINE BEASTS, which [Blake’s bestiario] says resemble Orc beasts but with the bloodless skin of men,

that such treatment is well indicative of what worth is held by these FOUL SMELLING ingredients,
the worst of which it is said  do not survive crossing into Morrowind, Almsivi be blessed,

that this element the humans call FRUIT OF MILK is used in many of their foods,
which therefore are better avoided entirely.


This is written by , Cook in Mournhold,
for the  benefit and editication and safeguarding of discerning Dunmer
as informed by the testimonies of learned scholars and explorers.

Kevaar's picture
Developer EmeritusQuest Developer
2016-01-19 19:35
Last seen:
2 years 3 weeks ago

I would capitalize the title properly when this goes into an ingame book, though leave alone the rest, it obviously being a style thing.

I like it! Though I’m a little confused about the line mentioning feeding cheese to pigs. Is that a real method of processing cheese? Perhaps better to take that line out.

Fruit of Milk—doesn’t quite do it for me. I would suggest to treat it as a mistranslation of the word cheese itself. The etymology of the word cheese is “To ferment, to be come sour” and “molded, formed, shaped”. So maybe MOLDED WHEEL? Molded as a double meaning (moldy and formed), and wheel because that’s the shape of many cheeses. Perhaps, too, MOLDED MILK.

10Kaziem's picture
Asset DeveloperInterior Developer
2015-12-12 23:47
Last seen:
3 years 1 month ago

I think he means they feed the whey to pigs. I like this book.

Does: concepts, textures, youtube vids, admin stuff e.g. PR, handbook, assets, small website things. Activity level: wildly unpredictable. Still active. Find me on Discord.

Kevaar's picture
Developer EmeritusQuest Developer
2016-01-19 19:35
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2 years 3 weeks ago

Ah, okay, the structure got me a little lost. So maybe this to make it clearer:

that this convinces the liquid to coagulate and CLOT like blood,

and the remaining liquid is fed to SWINE BEASTS, which [Blake’s bestiario] says resemble Orc beasts but with the bloodless skin of men,

And change the highlighted liquid into something vaguely icky sounding for effect. Drainage, discharge, ichor?

But yeah, I really like it. It’s quite clever and I can imagine the Dunmer being just as weirded out by Western food as Western people would be weirded out by theirs.

Kevaar's picture
Developer EmeritusQuest Developer
2016-01-19 19:35
Last seen:
2 years 3 weeks ago

Transferred to asset browser. Some comments have not been responded to by original author.

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