Arkasas's Quest Showcase

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Arkasas's picture
Quest Developer
2017-04-18 17:12
Last seen:
1 year 4 months ago

Hi. Been watching this project move along for ~7 years, figured I may as well join up. I made my showcase out of the Geewp Eee claim. It is by no means perfect, but it is a functional quest, despite my inadequacies at scripting. Please, nitpick away, and perhaps we'll arrive at a fully functional quest.

Binary Data Clean arkasas_showcase.ESP19.82 KB2018-07-07 02:06
Arvisrend's picture
Developer EmeritusQuest Developer
2014-01-02 23:57
Last seen:
1 day 1 hour ago

Welcome and really nice for a first attempt! (Much of the quest is already working.) A few comments:

Script TR_m2_q_AB_Adrosu will not do much: ever since it sets TR_Map to 2, it will just "return" right in its first loop. This is why the "if (TR_map == 2) return endif" stuff is usually done at the end of the script.

Script TR_m2_q_AB_end: We put parentheses around an if-condition. So, "if ( doOnce == 0 )", not "if doOnce == 0". Might be more of a convention than a necessity, but still best done that way.

One of the responses to topic "regrowth potion" has
Journal "TR_m2_wil_Tongue" 90
as a result script. But there is no stage 90, so this does nothing.

Arkasas's picture
Quest Developer
2017-04-18 17:12
Last seen:
1 year 4 months ago

These errors (and a couple more) have been fixed.

Binary Data Clean arkasas_showcase.ESP20.2 KB2018-07-07 05:53
Jani's picture
ModeratorInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2017-10-08 01:57
Last seen:
2 days 1 hour ago

This turned out to be a pretty nice quest. Though there are some minor issues, I'm sure you'll be able to take care of them.

Arkasas's picture
Quest Developer
2017-04-18 17:12
Last seen:
1 year 4 months ago

Okay, updated with suggested changes.

Binary Data Clean arkasas_showcase.ESP22.2 KB2018-07-07 19:17
Rot's picture
Quest Developer
2014-03-16 17:45
Last seen:
2 years 1 week ago

Hello, reposting comments from chat:




These are nitpicks and have more to do with perfecting the file for inclusion in TR than with showcase review!

Jani's picture
ModeratorInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2017-10-08 01:57
Last seen:
2 days 1 hour ago

As you've fixed most of the issues mentioned by Arvisrend and me, this showcase is already very nice. While Rot has listed a few more minor ones, those can be fixed any time before this claim gets a proper review, and is merged into Mainland. I'm recommending you for promotion, welcome aboard!

Once you’re approved, you can use your Dashboard and the Help Needed tab to figure out what needs doing at TR. We're wrapping up the Summer release right now, but you can start on any unclaimed quests in the claims browser. I've already updated the claims to match our post-release priorities. Just click "Request this Claim" on anything you wish to work on. The first thing to do would probably be properly claiming Geewp Eee and uploading your progress.

Arkasas's picture
Quest Developer
2017-04-18 17:12
Last seen:
1 year 4 months ago

Great, can't wait to make the mod come out 2% faster! wink

Rats's picture
Developer EmeritusAsset ReviewerWriting ReviewerExterior DeveloperInterior ReviewerQuest Reviewer
2014-01-08 21:55
Last seen:
23 hours 41 min ago


Welcome aboard! :) Great to have a new quester with us!

The Violet Euphemism's picture
The Violet Euphemism
Quest Developer
2017-10-30 13:01
Last seen:
2 days 3 hours ago

Congrats! *Toots party horn*


Atrayonis's picture
Developer EmeritusInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2015-09-28 20:13
Last seen:
2 years 8 months ago
