Checked out:
File versions:
This is the file where dialogue, quests, and claims for Roth-Roryn and the Ascadian Bluffs should be merged. Do not edit this file without also loading TR_Mainland.esp, and do not merge other esps into it without also loading TR_Mainland.esm! (see editing guidelines)
Development Plan
The Roth-Roryn Queue and the Ascadian Bluffs Queue contain links to the development meetings where the future of the section was hashed out.
Considerably most pressing are exteriors for the interior claims which have been finished (for Roth-Roryn a map and details can be found here), and replacing the dirt road that crosses through the Ascadian Bluffs with a main road texture. The Ascadian Bluffs are - sparse as they are - by and large finished.
Of secondary interests are working on implementing the Orc vampire clan in Roth-Roryn and reviewing and fixing some caspering from the landscape overhaul.
Merged Claims from the old forum:
Merged the cells I cut from
Merged the cells I cut from RestExterior. 3 caves and un-Nemonified AA-RR border section and RR area are now in the file.
Cut Armun Ashlands area,
Cut Armun Ashlands area, uploaded here
The Kartur file is cut from
The Kartur file is cut from this and merged with the Verarchen file. Three section files are uploade on this page currently, Roryn-Bluff, Armun Ashlands, and Kartur with Verarchen.
Attack of the betacomments!
Random bugs: (Not the gospel! Some are probably wrong, and some are border issues currently unfixable.)
[EDIT: Removed. Most of them are fixed now; for the rest, see the TODO in one of my comments further below.]
Early-game balancing: Don't leave that good stuff around in unguarded crates. Food, iron/chitin, cheap books, etc. is fine, cheap health potions are actually quite useful (DB assassins), but no steel armor for example at least up until Andothren.
[EDIT: Removed, since all fixed.]
Mergeable claims:
Mergeable claims: (The wrong int was merged here, that int needs to be moved to cell -15,-16 in the same file) (see note for TR_i4-400-Red (below), which is in the same cell) (For RorynBluff) (check the northmarker to see which entrance it is) (file here)
And I guess I'm doing that,
And I guess I'm doing that, Grabbing.
Whoops, that last one was for
Whoops, that last one was for Andothren, commenting there with it.
Next round of ints that need
Next round of ints that need merging:
TR_i4-255-Red –
TR_i4-256-Red –
TR_i4-414-Hla –
Redoran Outpost
Claiming to add a small Redoran outpost south of Kartur to overwatch the border area.
The Menaan interior "Orzuk
The Menaan interior "Orzuk gro-Gum: Smith" has a door that leads to the basement which currently bleeds trough the crates when it opens. It is also a bit akward trying to go through it. If possible the crates should be removed.
Also, Novor Dal's house has a big step you need to make to get inside. Maybe try adding a staircase?
Grabbing the file again to
Grabbing the file again to fix some bugs in Bodrem and to merge and place some additional ints.
Can you also clean the dirty
Can you also clean the dirty Kartur cells in the file? Basically just empty landscape where Kartur is.
Merged and NPC'd:
Thanks! I've uploaded a fixed
Thanks! I've uploaded a fixed version without the Mainland dependency.
Further ints to merge:https:/
Further ints to merge: - Special instructions for merging
Changelogs v0.119--v0.122 and TODO list
CHANGELOG (v0.119):
- Merge instructions from ["My Dear Friend Arven" claim]( done: Cell TR_i4-362-Red has been renamed "Raloran Ancestral Tomb", and its first door unlocked.
- crate_02_imp_weaponsmul Fort Ancylis, Southern Tower 4830 3290 13792 "possibly 2easy2steal": locked the door leading to this crate (there's only this and another crate behind it, so players haven't lost too much; the lock is 35).
- crate_02_imp_armormult Fort Ancylis, Main Keep 594 3007 -96 "2easy2steal": replaced by T_MwCom_Var_Cr1OreIron (4 iron ores).
- furn_com_rm_table_04 Fort Ancylis, Main Keep -1208 3888 -351 "this room should be guarded, 2easy2steal": added TR_imp_guard_s.
- in_impsmall_door_01 Fort Ancylis, Main Keep -453 3972 -287 "this room should be guarded, 2easy2steal": locked 3 of the 4 chests in the room; the books on the beds are still a bit on the easy-grab side.
- crate_01_iron_weapons2 Teyn, Customs and Contraband Warehouse 3152 3198 32 "2easy2steal -- swap with some less plentiful crate" / crate_01_iron_weapons2 Teyn, Customs and Contraband Warehouse 3187 3195 96 "same" / crate_01_armornetch_mel Teyn, Customs and Contraband Warehouse 3323 3201 352 "same" / crate_01_armornetch_mel Teyn, Customs and Contraband Warehouse 3288 3204 288 "same": replaced by less interesting crates.
- crate_01_steel_armor Fort Ancylis, Eastern Tower 2641 2114 736 "2easy2steal": somewhat weakened (only a steel helm, but also a few potions now) and put behind a locked door.
- T_Mw_TerrRockGL_Rock_18 Armun Ashlands Region (-1,-22) -6994 -172661 1129 "c" fixed by covering.
- Terrain_rocks_GL_03 Roth Roryn (-13,-17) -98603 -133868 1172 / Terrain_rocks_GL_03 Roth Roryn (-13,-17) -98805 -134739 1136 "f cluster" fixed.
- Terrain_rocks_GL_03 Roth Roryn (-12,-17) -97964 -137895 718 "f" fixed by raising ground a bit.
- Terrain_rocks_GL_02 Roth Roryn (-12,-17) -94063 -136075 3442 "c".
- T_Mw_TerrRockGL_CliffRRS_03 Roth Roryn (-8,-16) -60476 -125966 1476 "caspers on its eastern end" covered with two rocks; fuck these cliffs big time.
- Minor grammar corrections to journal TR_m4_T_MotherInLaw stages.
- Merged .
- Merged .
- Merged , replacing two of the critters (a scrib and a kwama forager) by static levlists (= making them respawn).
- Merged . Did not add a fire outside as per the int's author; leaving this to someone who is good at ext work.
- Deleted Orgnum-Coffer-related greetings and the coffer itself. They all appear in the Data Addon since Nov 1, and apparently are correct there and wrong here.
- Deleted MISC tr_key_m4-450_shipwreck01, LAND (-9, -14) and LEVI tr_m4_random_spellbook_gz; these objects all appear in the Kartur file, where they are actually used.
- Deleted various other common crap (I've ran "tes3cmd common" with all the other section files I have). The only one I'm not 100% sure about is BOOK tr_sc_writ_molvar, which is an Imperial writ of arrest against a traitor named Molvar Carbo. It appears in RestExterior in an unlinked int named "tr_i4-122, building 56, apartment 3", which sounds like a much larger city than we have anywhere in Roth Roryn (but I can't find it in Andothren or Kartur either).
- Int cell Yansurashmi is now entered from the Armun Ashlands (-1, -23). Also, critters in that cell have been replaced by static levlists.
- Int cell "TR_i4-298: Main" (an inhabited Kwama mine with dwellings for the Dunmer workers) is no longer linked from cell (-14, -18), but now linked from cell (-11, -19) (using the former entrance of Yansurashmi).
- Merged with two entrances in (-14, -18) (formerly, one entrance was used for "TR_i4-298: Main").
- Cleaned the file.
CHANGELOG (v0.120):
- Merged [i4-317]( and placed it with a semi-hidden entrance in (-2, -23). Did NOT NPC it, so let me copy Jule's NPCing notes: "Don't forget to add the ornadas (not a lot though, a queen in the small alcove where the nests are and maybe one or two more), as they are the primary source of food (and perhaps income). Water height has deliberately been set to a level that allows the inhabitants to traverse the whole river to the waterfall by boat, which allows for quicker resupplying. No traces of human activity in the first part of the cave since the inhabitants don't want to be disturbed. There's also a small area dedicated to meditation and prayer. There are places where you'll have to crawl or jump in order to go further, and there are also places you won't be able to leave without jump or levitation once you get stuck (this is intentional, caves don't tend to be user-friendly in RL). Throw in some slaughterfish, too, especially in the deeper parts of the river near the settlement, and some rats in the dry parts of the cave. Place for four people: shack 1 houses a handyman, shack 2 houses a female commoner or healer, shack 3 has place for two, one of them is a former warrior." Note that very few players will find the shacks and their inhabitants as-is. My suggestion is to have a quest leading here, perhaps starting in that Hlaalu border post TR_i4-334 (e.g., the border post has been broken into and they've seen some shadows disappear into this cave after that). Whoever lives in this cave is being extremely good at hiding, so they should have a really good reason (Morag Tong writ, or DB target, or some province's "enemy of the people").
- ex_dae_pillar_02_ruin_02 Roth Roryn (-8,-19) -64374 -155539 5068 "casper": nice, finally a use for T_Dae_DngRuin_X_Wall256_09.
- in_impsmall_door_01 Fort Ancylis, Eastern Tower 3771 1027 -287: locked (lock 25) since too much loot behind it.
- in_impsmall_door_01 Fort Ancylis, Southern Tower 4132 4037 13857: rotated 180° so that it no longer bleeds into other door when opened.
- furn_com_tapestry_04 Fort Ancylis, Eastern Tower 1025 -97 72 This is a blind alley; I've added [a table, some chairs and some low-level loot (my idea is that this place is just a place where the recruits put their unused provisions; unexpectedly there's just crap in there)](
CHANGELOG (v0.121):
- Remerged LAND (-15, -15) from the September 14th version of this file.
- crate_02_imp_armor Fort Ancylis, Main Keep 673 3015 -96 Replaced by crate_02_iron_weapons, since too easy to steal.
- crate_01_iron_weapons2 Teyn, Customs and Contraband Warehouse 3224 3200 32 Replaced by crate_02_imp_weapons, since too easy to steal.
- crate_01_random_pos Teyn, Census and Excise Office 4402 5317 15776 Replaced by crate_01_de_fclothes.
- ex_h_trapdoor_01 Menaan (-3,-20) -20954 -161639 1191 "link 'menaan, storage tower'".
- T_Mw_TerrRockGL_Rock_08 Armun Ashlands Region (-2,-22) -9142 -172352 4067 "c".
- Terrain_rocks_GL_04 Roth Roryn (-14,-18) -111557 -140489 1393 "c".
- Fixed the pertinent parts of .
- Fixed .
CHANGELOG (v0.122):
- Removed topic "suspicious-looking fellows", which belongs to a quest that isn't in the file (it used to be in Hlaalu-Thirr, but has been removed from there too). For the sake of completeness, here is the topic in a separate ESP: I must say I like the word "n'chow" a lot, but other than that I'm not too excited about that quest (generic "plantation owner is being harrassed by Camonna Tong thugs").
- terrain_rock_rm_19 Velothi Mountains Region (-15,-15) -121166 -121260 8069 floater.
T_Mw_TerrRockGL_CliffRR_05 Roth Roryn (-1,-18) -5928 -141369 706 "c from the south"
Terrain_rocks_AI_02 Roth Roryn (-3,-15) -17040 -116404 1545 "rather empty field here"
Terrain_rocks_GL_03 Roth Roryn (-5,-16) -39971 -129504 3831 "terrain caspers nearby" cannot find this caspering in the CS; fixed already or bad comment?
T_Mw_TerrRockGL_MtRidgeTRV_01 Roth Roryn (-11,-20) -89900 -158911 3631 "lacks collision at the top"
T_Mw_TerrRockRM_MtRidge_01 Roth Roryn (-13,-21) -101373 -171590 2808 "this bleeds into the underpassing road"
TR_m4_talaru gelvendu00000000 Teyn, Talaru Gelvendu's Shack 4107 4023 15141 "maybe give teyn NPCs custom little advice"
TR_imp_guard00000004 Fort Ancylis, Eastern Tower 2473 2060 386 "he runs against the wall here, maybe broken pathgrid"
T_Mw_TerrRockGL_CliffRRS_01 Roth Roryn (0,-18) 792 -140111 1908 "caspers massively and also blocks an entrance to Andothren"
T_Mw_TerrRockGL_CliffRRSB_03 Roth Roryn (-13,-20) -100383 -156735 4227 "casper if you look from the east"
T_Mw_TerrRockGL_Rock_24 Roth Roryn (-11,-16) -89839 -125448 4289 "two casperers and generally bad detialing"
Terrain_rocks_AI_02 Ascadian Bluffs Region (-9,-13) -70135 -101046 3413 "c" (look from side)
Terrain_rocks_AI_02 Ascadian Bluffs Region (-9,-13) -68094 -102328 2457 "c"
T_Mw_TerrRockGL_MtRidgeTRV_01 Roth Roryn (-7,-17) -55338 -131256 3982 "ufo landing site, needs detailing perhaps" Camonna Tong outpost with archers?
T_Mw_TerrRockGL_CliffRR_05 Roth Roryn (-1,-18) -5928 -141369 706 "c from the south"Terrain_rocks_AI_02 Roth Roryn (-3,-15) -17040 -116404 1545 "rather empty field here"Terrain_rocks_GL_03 Roth Roryn (-5,-16) -39971 -129504 3831 "terrain caspers nearby" cannot find this caspering in the CS; fixed already or bad comment? Seems ok.
T_Mw_TerrRockGL_MtRidgeTRV_01 Roth Roryn (-11,-20) -89900 -158911 3631 "lacks collision at the top" Probably going to be fixed by someone modelish.
T_Mw_TerrRockRM_MtRidge_01 Roth Roryn (-13,-21) -101373 -171590 2808 "this bleeds into the underpassing road"TR_m4_talaru gelvendu00000000 Teyn, Talaru Gelvendu's Shack 4107 4023 15141 "maybe give teyn NPCs custom little advice"
TR_imp_guard00000004 Fort Ancylis, Eastern Tower 2473 2060 386 "he runs against the wall here, maybe broken pathgrid"
T_Mw_TerrRockGL_CliffRRS_01 Roth Roryn (0,-18) 792 -140111 1908 "caspers massively and also blocks an entrance to Andothren"T_Mw_TerrRockGL_CliffRRSB_03 Roth Roryn (-13,-20) -100383 -156735 4227 "casper if you look from the east"T_Mw_TerrRockGL_Rock_24 Roth Roryn (-11,-16) -89839 -125448 4289 "two casperers and generally bad detialing"Terrain_rocks_AI_02 Ascadian Bluffs Region (-9,-13) -70135 -101046 3413 "c" (look from side) Split into new file it seems
Terrain_rocks_AI_02 Ascadian Bluffs Region (-9,-13) -68094 -102328 2457 "c" Split into new file it seems
T_Mw_TerrRockGL_MtRidgeTRV_01 Roth Roryn (-7,-17) -55338 -131256 3982 "ufo landing site, needs detailing perhaps" Camonna Tong outpost with archers?Fixed the casping errors and lack of detailing.
Work nearly done on the
Work nearly done on the ATRRAA mountain range. Must be tested with the other two recent Nemon files.
(Roth, Armun and HlaaluThirr)
Done with the ATRRAA mountain
Done with the ATRRAA mountain range. Checking back in. Minor fixes done to some ext errors found here and there while in the CS.
Quickly grabbing this after
Quickly grabbing this after all to toss out one cell which is sticking out to add to the Hlaalu-Thirr file. No interiors or NPCs or anything in the cell, so a simple job. I might also add a skylight to the Olruhk mine as discussed before while I'm at it. Should be done within the hour.
Dropping again. The
Dropping again. The implementation is rather bare-bones, but certainly pulls off the effect I wanted. The top of the plateau could probably use some detailing and perhaps hidden goodies and such; I have added a pathgrid to part of it, as well as to the mines themselves.
Grabbing this file again to
Grabbing this file again to hopefully wrap things up in terms of detailing. I might also make some fixes here and there where I see placement issues.
Dropping again. I finished
Dropping again. I finished detailing the area as planned, but then got a bit carried away testing out new plants for the region in the surrounding area (the mine is in [-6, -21]. The asset palette is in Nemon's test cell; forgot the exact ID, but it's something like TRNemonTestGL.
Hmmm, could some of the
Hmmm, could some of the vanilla WG clusters be replaced by the t_mw_terrrock_wg peak mesh I added for ruinous keep? It looks a bit odd in places.
Grabbing to work on fixing
Grabbing to work on fixing weird cliff stuffsies.
Checked back in after some
Checked back in after some minor work.
Once more
I'm grabbing this to merge new ints and fix a few bugs.
Dropping the file.
Dropping the file.
Ruin + 2 Shacks
I quickly merged a Daedric ruin and two shacks.
Three more ints got merged.
Grabbing for some further
Grabbing for some further work.
Cleaned version of 2019-04-06
Cleaned version of 2019-04-06 file for testers:!Avy4r3XS1seK6zznSaf6nuZ1zoGl
There's some exterior work
There's some exterior work needed for this claim:
The area is going to be home to a small guarherd, owned by a commoner living in a cave dwelling.
Exterior edits are also
Exterior edits are also needed in -12,-21 to accommodate this claim:
An entrance should be added for the kwama mine, with an additional cave dwelling.
Grabbing to merge some
Grabbing to merge some interiors and delete the cells that got moved to Hlaalu Thirr.
Dropping. I also had to move
Dropping. I also had to move Natural Cave 8's entrance so the interior would fit and I deleted the observatory from the Dwemer Ruin in -12,-16 as it was not present in the interior and we have too many of the things as it is. I also added guars in front of Valothi Cave Dwelling 3's entrance and Kwama Workers in front of Kwama Mine 5's. Finally I got rid of the name KEEEEEEP from 0,-23 and changed it from Armun Ashlands to Roth Roryn, as I swapped the other cells in that column (in the Hlaalu Thirr file) too. Maybe change it to Aanthirin so the region map isn't weird.
Grabbing to give RR its new
Grabbing to give RR its new rocks.
Holding on to this a little
Holding on to this a little longer for flora placement.
Needs the data addon, but I didn't clean any statics. Make sure T_Mw_TerrRockRR_CaveEntr_08 doesn't get cleaned until it is merged into the data addon.
File patched GL rocks into RR rocks.
Replaced vanilla GL Rock, dirt and WG scrub ground textures with new RR equivalents. Also replaced Sand with Sand_02 as it fit the region pallette better.
Covered a few texture seams with rocks.
Added some missing vertex paint.
Added 2 Velothi dwelling entrances to (-12,-21)
Added a Velothi dwelling entrance to (-9,-20)
Added 2 Velothi dwelling entrances to (-7,-18)
Added an ancestral tomb to (-2,-19)
Added a Velothi tower (-15,-22)
Added a shipwreck to (-8,-17)
Fixed floating rocks in (-9,-19),(-8,-19) and (-8,-20)
The meshes included in the
The meshes included in the latest file can now be ignored in favour of these:
Posted a cleaned version just
Posted a cleaned version just for the sake of playtesting. @chef, don't donwload it.
Finished flora on the west
Finished flora on the west side of the river, posting a file for safety.
Dropping, here's what cells I
Dropping, here's what cells I've touched
Some plantations will need new flora added since I blanket deleted all wickwheat.
Grabbing to edit shipwreck
Ancient shipwrecking!
New file up with remade
New file up with remade shipwreck, split the hull.
Grabbing the file to update
Grabbing the file to update the flora of the remaining cells.
Changed the flora of 4 more
Changed the flora of 4 more cells. Dropping.
MinerMan says: Double check
MinerMan says: Double check that these have a <BR> at the end, otherwise text will be lost.
I'm taking this to merge some
I'm taking this to merge some more claims, I'll also check the books above.