The Peryiton

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Rats's picture
Developer EmeritusAsset ReviewerWriting ReviewerExterior DeveloperInterior ReviewerQuest Reviewer
2014-01-08 21:55
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28 min 29 sec ago

Added to asset browser: -10Kaziem

[I took Adanorcil’s old idea and ran with it. Basically this is a western demonology cataloguing various Daedra and their hierarchies. Should be relatively rare in Morrowind because of the Temple and whatnot – mostly found in an outlander’s or a rogue sorcerer’s possession. Still a WIP with plethora of typos and inconsistencies.]


To PERYITE, the Master of Ranks and Lord of Charges and Steward of Misrule, pray, for it is he who guides the transaction, he who brokers the contract. It is he who shall punish any, sorcerer or spirit, who should reach above their rightful station or dishonor covenant in actions or thought. Miasma be the wretch's part.

The PERYITON, which contains the names, orders and offices of the Hosts of Misrule, their various knowledges, and the charms by which to bind them into visible aspect.

The Prince CLAVICUS or CLAVICENE or KALVIK or VILICANT is the crowned demon of the western void and appears as a youth. Alone among the monarchy of Oblivion, he can be called upon by the unpracticed, which the wise must take as ample proof of his shrewdness. He can make men wealthy, powerful or beautiful and it is within his power to teach all skills, arts and sciences of the mortal world. The brash sorcerer may court his attention with votive offerings, though the Prince and his subjects generally distrust gifts, for above all else they loathe indebtedness.

BARBAS or BARBATIS or BARKAS is a seneschal of the western void. He appears as a great hound, but will take many shapes if so commanded and will speak truth, but incompletely. He teaches rhetoric, wit, and judgment of mortal nature, but will always try to break his bonds by deceit.

BITTERCUP or NARXISSA is a governess of the western void. She appears as a maid with crow’s feet, flowers on her hair, and bearing a copper chalice. Depending on the summoning day the wine in the chalice will be either sweet or bitter or both. She teaches the strong to be stronger and the wise to be wiser, but weakens the already weak and further dulls the minds of simpletons.

The Prince HERMAEUS MORA or HERMA or HERMUZ or MORA or MORAEIS is the crowned demon of the northern void. He appears in many shifting forms, but will choose one if ordered by the worthy. Speaking in a soothing voice, he teaches all secrets aetherial, lunar, or mundane, often asking another secret in return. He can be convinced to answer truthfully concerning all past or future matters.

XARXES or SARSIS or ZARCASTES is a chamberlain of the northern void and appears as an old man or scribe. Favoring sorcerers of elvish stock, he teaches philosophy and history and reveals the conjurer's lineage from dawntide to the present.

OGHMA or OGMAHA or OGAMA or OGO is a marchioness of the northern void. She appears as a beautiful woman, a book, or both. She can make the conjurer learned in all mundane arts and sciences and the lesser magics.

The Prince BOETHIAH or BOETHIA or BOTHIAS or BOHATIAH is the crowned demon of the eastern void and appears as a fearsome warrior. He is an insidious and dangerous Prince and may trick the credulous sorcerer into leaving the protective circle at great personal risk. Speaking in a hoarse voice, he can make the conjurer either beloved or feared among friends and foes or overthrow their rivals and superiors. It is within his power to make one cunning and skilled in the deception and manipulation of mortals.

UVUTHIAH or LINGIMAC is a chamberlain of the eastern void and appears as a pink courtier-slug covered in saliva. From within the fleshy maw of his liege he teaches mortals the art of impersonation, turning heroes into fools, and talking backwards.

GOLDBRAND or GELBREHNU or ELDABRAN is a warring duke of the eastern void. He appears as a blue-skinned demon carrying in his hands an inflated goat's bladder and a fiery sword. Mortals who keep a close watch on their finances and their keys may hope to gain his favor. He teaches how to cheat in both games of skill and chance.

The Prince NOCTURNAL or NOCTAS or NOCTURA is the crowned demon of the southeastern void and appears as a pale woman cloaked in black. She is a secretive Prince who can only be summoned at night. When addressing the Prince, the conjurer should only use whispers and silent gestures or she is likely to vanish. She can reveal the location of all things lost and teaches the sorcerer how to find treasures hidden with magic.

HORVUS and VARRAX; or HORRIN and VARRIN; or SOPPY and SHALKY are the winged heralds of the southeastern void. They are always in the form of two monstrous ravens with feathers of black chitin. They carry the memory and foresight of Nocturnal, and from them it is possible to pry visions from her mind's eye.

The prince HIRCINE or CERNINE or HERCINNOS or HERNE is the Huntmaster of Misrule. He appears as a blood-thirsty bear or wolf or stag or an antlered wildman of the woods. He has little interest in city-folk and can be summoned only by those living beyond the reach of civilization. His subjects are frenzied and without knowledge of any symbolic language. They are liable to escape the bounds of magic circles in their ignorance, but can be contained with open flame. He can bestow upon the conjurer the spirit of the beast, the fear of silver and the instinct to hunt.

The Prince MALACATH or MALAK or MOLAUCH or TRINIMALACATH is the dethroned demon of the eastern void. He appears as a grotesque Orc. He is a proud and wrathful Prince who will take great offence if consulted on matters he deems unworthy. If the summoner has been severely wronged and is willing to swear an oath breakable only by death, he will enable vengeance under all circumstances.

SCOURGE or MACKKHAN-LHAS is a kennel master of the eastern void. He appears as a black war mace or as a decapitated lizard-beast. He keeps the withered legions of his liege in line, and can be summoned by the conjurer to assist in taming otherwise uncontrollable Daedra.

The Prince MEHRUNES or DAGON or MERRUDAG or MERDAGES or MAGNADAGUS is the Marshal of Misrule. He appears as a gargantuan golem carrying the sun’s fire on his shoulders and legions of spearmen, swordsmen, and archers in each of his many hands. His are the catastrophic forces of nature. He is a rebellious Prince fond of violence whose favor the sorcerer may try to gain by performing the summoning rite in the midst of an occuring disaster. Calling for him in the middle of a battle will make him leap with joy. He can bring about the violent demise of multitudes of enemies, but will not see the difference between friends and foes. The conjurer should always be careful not to be eradicated by the Prince.

The Prince MEPHALA or MARFALA or MAPHAT is the crowned demon of the northeastern void. She appears as a black spider with two heads, both a woman and a man. She is known to be a good natured Prince, but will only speak in lies. When properly courted she reveals if the sorcerer's life is being plotted against but also tempts honest people to carry hidden blades on their person and to poison their lovers. Once summoned she won't leave the sorcerer's side until she has lured either them or someone in their vicinity into a trap.

PARUDDMA or RUS’HA-PARMA is a forlorn smith of the north-eastern void and appears as an old, frail mer draped in the carcass of a Dreugh-Prince. Upon an examination of the one who summons him, he will either stay in his fragile state and disperse into the air or melt into the carcass and attack nimbly with many daggers. Upon a fair – and in his own opinion fun – fight, he will rest his arms down on the ground and teach the secrets of enchanting and binding the souls of Dremora into mundane weaponry.

The Prince MERIDIA or MIRDIS or MERDINE is the crowned demon of the northwestern void and appears as a winged sorceress. She loathes darkness, death and decay or anything that reminds her of the fragility of mortal lives. Thus she will take great offence if summoned at night or near a place of burial or a mortuary. She teaches the art of healing and illuminating the shadows.

The Prince MOLAG BAL or MOLGA or MOLAGHA is the imperator demon of the southwestern void and appears as a monster with two eyes, one head and four limbs. He is a great and terrible Prince who can make the sorcerer skilled at the corruption and self-inflicted destruction of fellow mortals, but will also try to accomplish the same effect on the sorcerer. He is a sovereign demon of a great host of monsters, and he is quick to lend them to mortals in return for their loyalty. Any familiar that is given out by the Prince is bound by unbreakable chains which grant the sorcerer absolute dominion over it.

The Prince NAMIRA or NIMIRA or NIMARR or NAMIN is the uncrowned demon of the fringes of the void and appears as a beggar crawling with vermin. Before summoning the Prince, the sorcerer should first fast for three days and then swallow a salt stone to ward against her revolting presence. She can create disgust among men and can make enemies and rivals disliked and shunned. She collects and reveals secrets of unnatural or shameful nature.

The Prince SANGUINE or SANGINIS or SAGUNAR is the crowned demon of the north-northwestern void and appears as a drunkard or a common devil or an unclothed man or woman. A conjurer may gain his favor by drinking to his good health before the summoning ritual. He teaches suaveness and can make mortals rich and well-liked. He can also make enemies appear foolish and self-destructive without them realizing it.

The Prince SHEOGORATH or SHEOGOG or SEGGOZAR or SHEGGAR or SHEROGOL is the crowned demon of the north-northeastern void and appears as an Emperor of Men who has lost his mind. He is an erratic and a dangerous prince whose mood can change without reason or warning. While summoning him is difficult making deals with him is even harder. He can cause madness or indecision and makes mortals change their minds on previous decisions.

HASKILL or KILL or KILL or KILL is the lord chamberlain of the north-northeastern void. He appears as a slender gentleman who always acts in a very controlled fashion. Though his powers are limited, negotiations with Sheogorath often go through him and his seemingly mild manners make him more popular among novice conjurers.

WABBAJACK or WABBALAG or JAGGALAG is an orderly of the north-northeastern void and appears as a scrawny knight carrying a walking stick. He was once a mighty demon, but his powers have since diminished. He can force others to change their appearance into anything, but can never transform himself.

The Prince VAERNIMA or VAERMINA or VERNIMA or VERINAM is the crowned demon of the south-southwestern void and appears as the woman of one's dreams whose absolute domain is nightmares. A novice conjurer may seek to converse her asleep by placing pieces of a broken skull under their pillow. Cats refuse to rest where they sense her presence. She teaches the interpreting of dreams and omens and can make the conjurer feared by their mortal peers.

Templar Tribe's picture
Templar Tribe
2016-01-17 16:36
Last seen:
5 years 5 months ago

I love this idea! I would also like to add a few more...obscure ones, if possible.

PARUDDMA or RUS’HA-PARMA is the forlorn smith of the north-eastern void and appears as an old, frail mer draped in the carcass of a Dreugh-Prince. Upon an examination of the one who summons him, he will either stay in his fragile state and disperse into the air or melt into the carcass and attack nimbly with many daggers. Upon a fair, and in his own opinion, fun, fight, he will rest his arms down on the ground and teach the secrets of enchanting and binding the souls of Dremora into mundane weaponry.

MARAZZOK or DETHRONE-BESTOW-REFINE or VICAR OF THE WASTES is the deranged navigator of the eastern-most void. While seemingly able to take any visceral form it wants, it gravitates towards the visage of a blowing storm. There are few records of this demon, and the accounts seem to have no correlation to them as those who make contact with the beast tend to decline into the throes of madness or dementia not long after. It seems that, upon interviewing as many cultists as possible, the being is summoned by a type of blood sacrament, involving either family members or chaste women. This being is noted in the Arcane University and in the Bastions of Solitude in High Rock as one of the more perverse and dark beings, who attracts rogue madmen or blood-thirsty lunatics. There is a striking methodology to the speech patterns of the ones who do happen to summon the being, and it seems that the dominion in which he resides is actually one of a mercantile nature. Perhaps in some twisted irony, this demon was meant to convey arcane knowledge that is beyond the comprehension of mortals. All that can be said for sure is that the being has not been heard of or summoned or seen for many eras.

Ateiggaer's picture
2016-03-14 17:47
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1 year 1 month ago
10Kaziem's picture
Asset DeveloperInterior Developer
2015-12-12 23:47
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3 years 1 month ago

Ooh, woodcuts would be really cool. And I like this book idea a lot.

Does: concepts, textures, youtube vids, admin stuff e.g. PR, handbook, assets, small website things. Activity level: wildly unpredictable. Still active. Find me on Discord.

Ateiggaer's picture
2016-03-14 17:47
Last seen:
1 year 1 month ago
Templar Tribe's picture
Templar Tribe
2016-01-17 16:36
Last seen:
5 years 5 months ago


I made some example woodcuts, tell me what you think!




Wow. Those are...actually really bad ass! I had no idea you could draw like that! (No offence.) I would love to see a but more of the esoteric detail one would expect to find in a demonology book; the overall style is a bit too cartoony or…not evil looking enough?

Ateiggaer's picture
2016-03-14 17:47
Last seen:
1 year 1 month ago

No offence taken, and thanks! smiley

Yeah you make great points, I have to confess I made them rather quick, especially the last two, this was just me trying to illustrate what I meant with the woodcuts. Yeah definatley more details and symbols and hopefully a bit more badass.cheeky

But it’s up to Rats to say if he even wants this, or maybe he likes to draw those himself, it’s his book afterall.

Rats's picture
Developer EmeritusAsset ReviewerWriting ReviewerExterior DeveloperInterior ReviewerQuest Reviewer
2014-01-08 21:55
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28 min 29 sec ago

I think the woodcuts look very authentic and their style is spot on. I like the way the Daedra are sort of happy and simple-looking. It feels disturbing in a very good way. I couldn’t draw them any better! Keep ‘em coming please and keep them weird. (I’m not quite sure if we need pictures of all the Daedra, or the book might become much too long – maybe just the weirdest.)

Great work, Ateiggaer! Please draw some more art for us!

This book is very much a group effort, so need to worry about stepping on my toes :) Adanorcil had the original idea and most of the writing is actually his, not mine. All contributions are welcome. I feel like this book would benefit from such eclecticism.


10Kaziem's picture
Asset DeveloperInterior Developer
2015-12-12 23:47
Last seen:
3 years 1 month ago

Those woodcuts look awesome!

Does: concepts, textures, youtube vids, admin stuff e.g. PR, handbook, assets, small website things. Activity level: wildly unpredictable. Still active. Find me on Discord.

Ateiggaer's picture
2016-03-14 17:47
Last seen:
1 year 1 month ago

Hey thank you very much for the kind feedback Rats! Really appreciate it!

A weird, disturbing look was exactly what I was going for, so when you look at them you don’t know if you should laugh of find them “scary”. I took some inspiration from medieval artists like Hieronymus Bosch or Pieter Breugel, they’re masters of weirdness, and I have already some improvements in my mind.

Yeah I realised it would probably be a bit to much, I just illustrate some of the most interesting sounding to me, and in the end maybe choose like five of the weirdest for the book.

Phew, that’s good to hear, it’s just that I felt in hindsight, that I was maybe a little to pushy. :)



Edit: I made another one. This is how I imagine they have to look in the end, so I probably rework the other three.




Rats's picture
Developer EmeritusAsset ReviewerWriting ReviewerExterior DeveloperInterior ReviewerQuest Reviewer
2014-01-08 21:55
Last seen:
28 min 29 sec ago

Well, this is almost too good. I’m a fan.

fufufu's picture
2016-01-23 02:43
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7 years 10 months ago

Wow, I love everything happening in this thread. This is how I’ve always imagined Breton wizard culture; full of Rennisance-style occult philosoply, hermetic alchemy & secret societies. Very cool!

Ateiggar, that last drawing of Barbas is fantastic. I hope someone at P:C sees this thread.

Ateiggaer's picture
2016-03-14 17:47
Last seen:
1 year 1 month ago

Thanks, this is really motivating. smiley

Templar Tribe's picture
Templar Tribe
2016-01-17 16:36
Last seen:
5 years 5 months ago

So long as you’re ok with it, I’ll keep on writing!


LEHRNUX SKOHAL or LENX-HAL is the ostracized savant of the temperate void. She is depicted as a field medic with a scarred face and a veil made of Ehlnofex chainmail draped over her head. Reigning over all small schools of restoration and having the ability to cast meager healing and warding spells on a whim, she is a favorite of miscreant alchemists known in the underbelly of the thieves guild who help heal fellow thieves who have been injured while out on job or poisoned by fellow members over pay disputes. While mostly placid, she is known to administer judgment to those in her liege who practice destruction magic or who mingle with more sinister spirits by infecting them with illnesses. Novice healers can benefit from her aid, as long as they are loyal.


V’ORUHNBAAL or WALDEMDIBADT or IMBUED ARMADA is the glider beneath the waves of the oceanic void. Seen as a figurehead of a Cepalapod’s body with an abnormally long neck and the head of a falcon skull that emerges from the water, this lesser dremora Lyrknaz is the pontiff of the seas. Though denied by public decree, it is said that many higher ranking members of the East Empire Company are secretly in service to this being. Being able to control the undercurrents, the tides, and the waves, it is a very important specter to both mortals and creatures who depend on the waterways to survive. It is said that it can be summoned by collecting fresh rain water, the blood of a few different chitinous creatures, a few flakes of pearl, mixing the ingredients together in a large conch, and then dumping the mixture out into a shallow tide pool. It is said that offering one’s own blood to this being will enhance one’s favor with him, and allow one to have stronger influence on the seas for long expeditions; at the cost of one eventually turning scaled like a Slaughterfish and being sucked into the sea, never to be seen again. Most live in servitude to it with no ill consequences, and are thankful for the bounties of fish they say are gifted to them in return.

Sparts's picture
2016-01-22 22:15
Last seen:
6 years 4 months ago

Not so sure about the second one. TES has a very notable lack of sea gods, I don't think a minor dremora's a good way of introducing one.

Gnomey's picture
Asset DeveloperWriterExterior DeveloperInterior Developer
2015-08-10 20:50
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1 month 2 weeks ago


Not so sure about the second one. TES has a very notable lack of sea gods, I don't think a minor dremora's a good way of introducing one.

I actually think filling the gap of sea gods with a minor Dremora with powers apparantly vastly above his station in an obscure and dubious Breton book on demonology is a very good approach.


Xarxes: Favoring sorcerers of elvish stock, [...]

I feel that ‘elven’ would work better here, but they’re more or less the same thing.


Molag Bal: Any familiar that is given out by the Prince are bound by unbreakable chains which grant the sorcerer absolute dominion over them.

This switches from singular to plural. It should either read “Any familiar that is [...] is bound [...] over it” or “Any familiars that are [...] are bound [...] over them”. I think I prefer the singular myself.


Vaernima: [...] and appears as woman of one's dreams whose absolute domain are nightmares.

This bit is a little unclear. It feels like there’s an article missing here; “appears as a woman of one’s dreams” or “appears as the woman of one’s dreams”. The meaning of the latter is naturally quite different and interesting, so I would like to know if that’s what Adanorcil meant. The last bit should read “is nightmares”.


Paruddma: Upon a fair, and in his own opinion, fun, fight, [...]

The flow of this bit is rather halting. I’d suggest: “Upon a fair – and in his own opinion fun – fight, [...]”


Lehrnux Skohal: [...] she is a favorite of miscreant alchemists known in the underbelly of the thieves guild who help heal fellow thieves [...]

This subject is unclear here; I suggest something like “[...] she is a favorite of miscreant alchemists who are known within the underbelly of the Thieves Guild to help heal fellow thieves [...]”


Lehrnux Skohal: [...] she is known to administer judgment to those [...]

This should read “[...] to administer judgement on those [...]”


V'oruhnbaal: [...] are secretly in service to this being.

Similarly, this should read “[...] are secretly in service of this being.”


V'oruhnbaal: [...] at the cost of one eventually turning scaled [...]

I’d leave ‘one’ out: “[...] at the cost of eventually turning scaled [...]”


As for the illustrations, excellent start. Be sure to include Trinimalacath, from the original thread:


Could be fun to take inspiration from some medieval depictions of the Devil and have Trinimac be literally his arse. Like he's got eyes on his buttocks and can speak with his anus.


This text might be a good way to deal with some of the minor gods from the Daggerfall era, actually. Their silly names would fit right in. I'd offer some texts, but that would require reading up on them first.cheeky

Ateiggaer's picture
2016-03-14 17:47
Last seen:
1 year 1 month ago
Rats's picture
Developer EmeritusAsset ReviewerWriting ReviewerExterior DeveloperInterior ReviewerQuest Reviewer
2014-01-08 21:55
Last seen:
28 min 29 sec ago

Vulgar stuff. Love it.

@Templar Tribe: Hold on. PARUDDMA or RUS’HA-PARMA is a reference to the Ruddy Man, isn’t it? Being a smith of the northeastern void would make him an orderly of Mephala. Which I find really cool!

And we should probably split this book into two or more volumes. Long books are tedious to read in-game.

TheDVI's picture
2016-01-18 02:44
Last seen:
6 years 11 months ago

Eh, Templar Tribe, I don’t think your descriptions match the style of Rats, who delved into the Daedra only in those facts that may be relevant to someone wanting to summon one and cut a deal, while you went more in-depth.

I do think Fa-Nuit-Hen should be in the Perityon, offering the prospective sorcerer the ability to become skilled in all forms of martial arts.

Templar Tribe's picture
Templar Tribe
2016-01-17 16:36
Last seen:
5 years 5 months ago

Ateiggaer, V’ORUHNBAAL looks really insanely good! Howver A figurehead is what goes on the front of a ship. I was thinking the front of the ship would rise out of the water and he would be attached to it. Like so:

Though I can change that if it’s easier for you.

Also, Rats, nice catch. ;p There is a shared symbolism between them.

DVI: I guess I am thinking more of an index of demonology; something that gives a reason and a purpose to these beings. Should I not explain so much on them?

Ateiggaer's picture
2016-03-14 17:47
Last seen:
1 year 1 month ago

Splitting the book may be a good idea and since you said this would be a rather rare book in Morrowind and if there’s two or three volumes of it, they would be hard to obtain and well hidden. I think a lot of players love to collect or hunt rare stuff and I am one of them. Also does that mean I can draw some more woodcuts? :)

TemplarTribe: Ah I missunderstood, I know what a figurehead is, but thought you ment it as a common depiction on ships, not that he is actually an extention of a ship. So he would be shown on the nose of a ship?

Templar Tribe's picture
Templar Tribe
2016-01-17 16:36
Last seen:
5 years 5 months ago

Yea he would.Think of the Titanic when it was sinking:

The front of the ship kind of poking out of the water like that, with the figurehead at the nose of the ship. I’m thinking the ship itself may be a little more decrepit looking as well; and it’s hard to find a good pciture of a rotted away wooden ship, but...yeah.

Ateiggaer's picture
2016-03-14 17:47
Last seen:
1 year 1 month ago

I see, interesting. Maybe I’ll make a second version after some other Deadras.




Mwgek's picture
Asset ReviewerExterior DeveloperInterior Developer
2016-03-14 23:18
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2 weeks 4 days ago

I like these a lot! Great artwork.

Find me on:
ArtStation 》Tumblr 》Sketchfab

Templar Tribe's picture
Templar Tribe
2016-01-17 16:36
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5 years 5 months ago

If V'oruhnbaal ends up making it into the book, I think it would be really cool to find the volume it’s entioned in to be hidden in the chambers of some higher-up of the EEC to really give a vague sense that maybe the rumors are true. ;p

Rats's picture
Developer EmeritusAsset ReviewerWriting ReviewerExterior DeveloperInterior ReviewerQuest Reviewer
2014-01-08 21:55
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28 min 29 sec ago

While you’re at it, Ateiggaer, wanna redo the Peryiton sigil so its fits better in with the woodcuts?

Ateiggaer's picture
2016-03-14 17:47
Last seen:
1 year 1 month ago

If you want me to, I can certainly do that, but wasn’t it in old books often so that one or more people made illustrations? :)


Rats's picture
Developer EmeritusAsset ReviewerWriting ReviewerExterior DeveloperInterior ReviewerQuest Reviewer
2014-01-08 21:55
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28 min 29 sec ago

I was thinking it’d look more like an authentic woodcut, if you made it.

The new illustrations are, once again, great. I like how Sheogorath's doing the Napoleon pose with his hand. Maybe make Meridia a bit more violent by adding a novice conjurer or two whose eyes have been set on fire by her presence.

Atrayonis's picture
Developer EmeritusInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2015-09-28 20:13
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2 years 5 months ago

If I may be so bold, while I’m both in love with the book idea and the pictures, I’d advise against displaying Sheogorath and Hermaeus Mora the way you’ve done – both displays are specific to later games (the two/three-faced Sheogorath is entirely Oblivion and honestly pretty dumb if you look at it in a larger context and Hermaeus Mora as a cloud of darkness is all darker and edgier Skyrim).

I would suggest you do them with more of a look at their Daggerfall counterparts: Sheogorath as a banker with a pocket watch in a world where pocket watches don’t exist and Hermaeus Mora as   a pile of sludge with eyes, claws, and tentacles rather than a disembodied thing.

Ateiggaer's picture
2016-03-14 17:47
Last seen:
1 year 1 month ago

Great suggestions guys! I will update them accordingly. Also do we assume that the creator of the illustrations knows exactly how they look like or just knows about them through reading and mouthpropaganda?

Updated Sheo to a real gentleman.



Don’t mess with this Lady.


Made a second version of HERMAEUS MORA:


TheDVI's picture
2016-01-18 02:44
Last seen:
6 years 11 months ago

That Hermaeus Mora reminds me of an illustration from the first Monster Manual.


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