expression error

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elonin's picture
2019-02-19 00:46
Last seen:
1 year 6 months ago

I'm getting expression errors from an add on patch for Uviriths_Legacy 3.53 the .esp being the UL_3.5_TR_16.12_Add-on.esp.  I'm guessing it is old and not matching the TR work.  is it possible to update it to remove the dependancies that don't exist in the current files?  Also i want to confirm that i'm using the up to date files :
Tamriel Rebuilt-42145-18-09
Tamriel_Data (HD)-44537-6-1hd

Thank you.

MinerMan60101's picture
Exterior ReviewerInterior Reviewer
2016-10-09 23:10
Last seen:
10 hours 27 min ago

Here's the updated version. Files -> Optional Files -> Uvirith's Legacy 3.5 TR add-on 1809

elonin's picture
2019-02-19 00:46
Last seen:
1 year 6 months ago

Thank you very much.  Think i initially skipped over the 1809 due to the way it was catagorized in nexus.