In this file is my interior showcase. You can find it in interior cell named Shawcase-Hla-inn. I tried to create hlaaulu tavern, hoping to join working on the land of this house in the future. So I waiting any comments or suggestions.
(Reply #1) Posted on Mon, 2019-03-25 12:01
2018-08-13 09:52
1 day 10 hours ago
Hey you may want to mention this in the discord, you can find a link under the community tab.
"Forum sigantures suck" - a great man
2016-04-20 22:30
5 months 3 weeks ago
Hello and welcome to TR!
Your showcase is both creative and for the most part well detailed (very much liking the balcony and the ambiance created by the lights) however there are a few important problems that become apparent even after a quick look:
- The file is dirty; which means it has some unnecessary edits. Use TESAME to clean it (link to the tutorial for suggestions - ideally you shouldn't have anything other than your int cell when you look at the file in TESAME. This is important because the files would be quite a bit larger otherwise which would add up over time.
- The interior shell isn't "gridsnapped" properly. Whilst arranging interior pieces without gridsnap is sometimes necessary (and you've certainly done a very good job at it) grid snap is essential for ensuring int pieces fit together. The interior modding tutorial explains the basics in text form and here is a video tutorial that also talks about grid snapping around the 35th minute mark. The bar can also be more easily placed using grid snap.
- Thirdly but no less importantly there's a lot of floating (tables, chairs, the plates that are stacked upon one another, etc) and bleeding (the bottles that go through the winerack or the empty winerack that goes through the wall) objects in your showcase . The interior modding tutorial explens how to solve this but basically pressing "f" on basically all the objects that aren't part of the buildings architecture or that need to hang up (like tapestries) will eliminate the vast majority of floaters. Bleeding is a bit more complicated - you basically need to ensure that objects that logically wouldn't go through one another don't go through one another (or at least not visibly). There are some exceptions to that rule with soft objects like sacks (such as the com_sack_02 which you've used in the hidden storage area) which can and sometimes should sag a little into the surface they're on. When building caves or other more natural looking interiors like say an inner garden (or just about any exteriors) then rocks, trees and other appropriate stuff should bleed in.
Feel free to post comments or questions either here or on discord for further clarification and once again welcome to the project.
2019-03-11 20:09
12 hours 53 min ago
Thanck you for commenting, I will try to send fixed version of interior very soon, may be this interior will be usefull for future work on southern Hlaalu cites.
2016-10-09 23:10
2 hours 57 min ago
Here are a couple more things you should know. First, upon passing your showcase, you can make interiors for the mods making Skyrim and Cyrodiil in TES:III with lore from that game (Project Tamriel link to their discord in our #rules-guidelines). Second, load Tamriel_Data.esm if you aren't already, as you have to for everything you do for TR and PT. Third, add "TR_" to the start of your cell name, as all interiors for TR should have that (PC_ for Cyrodiil and Sky_ for Skyrim).
Good luck with your showcase!
2019-03-11 20:09
12 hours 53 min ago
So there is a new version of my sell, I cleaned it with TSAME and tried to get rid of any floating and bleeding, I also trid to do grid snapping but to do it I must reworok all interier, I think it is better to do it during the first stage of interier developing. So I must rework my shawcase from the all very beginning or merly think abut grid snapping working in my future interiers. What do you think about it?
2016-04-20 22:30
5 months 3 weeks ago
It would probably be for the best to gridsnap. You don't need to start from the beginning- just move the existing shell pieces one by one some distance away with the gridsnap on and then remove the gridsnap and select everything else (lights, furniture and misc stuff) and drag all those items into place - it shouldn't take long.
Also whilst the upper part of the balcony looks very nice there is no bottom to the balcony pieces which means that looking from below would make one see the hollow interior of the models. Likewise the bases of the two pillars supporting the balcony have also very large bases and face the same problems. Sadly there's no easy solution for this other than improvising. Rotating the pillars/balcony pieces by 180 degrees and then positioning them so they seemlessly connect with the upper bits might work (or it might not and thus requite more improvisation).
On a more positive note the floater and bleeder problem is immensly better. There's still some slightly awkwardly floating plates in the stacks and a sack that's bleeding a bit too much in the hidden cupboard area but nothing that's really eyecatching.
2019-03-11 20:09
12 hours 53 min ago
Thank you for advise about gridsnaping, it relly work, so this is a new version of my shawcase I tried to fix all mistakes.
2019-03-11 20:09
12 hours 53 min ago
New Cell name is Shawcase_Hla_Inn
2019-03-11 20:09
12 hours 53 min ago
This is, new one.
2019-03-11 20:09
12 hours 53 min ago
It is final version, I hope
2019-03-11 20:09
12 hours 53 min ago
I change all mats to carpets, add some light.
2019-03-11 20:09
12 hours 53 min ago
New one
Clean: Yes.
Lighnting: Good.
Northmarker: Set and Good.
Illegal to sleep: Yes.
Bottles(all): The ones in the wineracks are floating and sometimes bleeding.
misc_com_plate_03(four): They are standing in the bookshelf without touching the wall. This would be physicaly impossible.
furn_c_t_lover_01: Floats.
furn_de_tapestry(many): Floats.
light_de_lantern_03_128(all): They are bleeding into the hooks.
light_de_paper_lantern_01_128(all): Shouldnt be placed like that. Try adding ropes and place them on them.
in_hlaalu_wall(many of them especially in the 2.Floor): Are not gridsnapped. Needs to be fixed.
hlaal_loaddoor_01: Is not touching the doorjamb in some regions.
Notes: Generally your creativity is good. There is nothing I can find wrong on that part. The only problems are the ones mentioned above, mainly, some things not gridsnapped and many things generally floating or bleeding a bit. Outside of that the only other problem is that you didnt use furn_p (poor) furniture. This is required in a showcase as we need to know if you can rotate stuff correctly without it bleeding or floating.
If you can fix these things then your good to go.
2019-03-11 20:09
12 hours 53 min ago
I fixed all floating and bleeding those I found, I also add a ropes for lanterns. As for furniture set, I used to use furn_p set but later when I send my showcase into discordI was asked to use only furn_de set or furn_com.
2016-01-25 21:01
1 hour 18 min ago
If it is a dunmeri style building, you need to use only T_de (DE=Dark Elf). Com is for imperial interiors.
2019-03-11 20:09
12 hours 53 min ago
Ok I change all furn_com objects to furn_de
Clean: No. Seems to edit a cell in Balmora.
Lightning: Good.
Illegal to sleep: Yes.
Northmarker: Yes.
T_Nor_FlaskBlue_04: Floots over a table.
furn_de_cushion_square_06: Floats over another cushion.
furn_de_cushion_round_06: Same as above.
misc_com_plate_03(all in the bookshelf): They still dont lean onto the bookshelf but stand completely vertically which is physically not possible.
furn_de_p_table_06(most things on these tables): Most things either float or bleed on them. In the showcase, while difficult and requiaring much time, we need you to be exact with the rotation.
T_Com_Rope_01(In the hidden backroom): Floats over the barrel.
One of the furn_de_p_shelf_02 in the hidden backroom, the one which is placed the highest, has the things on it floating. Also lower it a bit.
misc_skooma_vial: Bleeds into the table.
misc_com_plate_03: Bleeds into the table.
light_de_lantern_04_128(the ones placed on hooks): Either bleed or float.
There are 3 potion_skooma_01 standing besides each other. Try rotating them so that they dont all look into the same direction, as that makes its texture repititive.
misc_de_tankard_01(all of them in the bookshelf): Same as above.
furn_c_t_lover_01: Looks cool what you did there but doesnt fit sadly. Its floating and bleeding too much.
All walls in the 2.Floor are not gridsnapped. There should be some horizontal pillars you can use.
2019-03-11 20:09
12 hours 53 min ago
I tried to fix this mistakes.
Clean: Yes.
Lightning: Good.
Illegal to sleep: Yes.
Northmarker: Yes.
misc_com_plate_03(all in the bookshelf): They now lean thats great, but they still float and bleed a bit. If its too hard to fix you can just let them lean against the bookshelf one by one.
furn_de_p_table_06(most things on these tables): Most things either float or bleed on them. In the showcase, while difficult and requiaring much time, we need you to be exact with the rotation.
misc_skooma_vial: You placed it horizontally which can be done but place it in a position that makes physically sense.
light_de_lantern_04_128(the ones placed on hooks): Still either bleed or float. They can bleed a bit btw. Just not too much.
com_sack_01_saltrice_10(Both of them in the hidden room): They bleed too much into the barrels they are put on top of. Raise them a bit.
Many walls in the 2.Floor are not gridsnapped. There should be some horizontal pillars you can use.
light_de_paper_lantern_01_128: Some are still not rotated according to the rotation of the ropes. You can let them bleed a bit btw. They are both ropes so its fine.
2019-03-11 20:09
12 hours 53 min ago
I tried to fix all this mistakes, but I still have not got idea what to do with walls bloks in the second foor, when I tried to gridsnapped them, small rent appears, and I can not find any pillars to block it.
2019-03-11 20:09
12 hours 53 min ago
I tried to solve the problem whis wall gridsnapped, but I do not sure that is beter then previous version, so you can compare.
2019-03-11 20:09
12 hours 53 min ago
I tried to solve the problem whis wall gridsnapped, but I do not sure that is beter then previous version, so you can compare.
2019-03-11 20:09
12 hours 53 min ago
I tried to solve the problem whis wall gridsnapped, but I do not sure that is beter then previous version, so you can compare.
misc_com_plate_03(all in the bookshelf): Still float and bleed a bit. If you cant find the problem, ask me on discord and I will try to give an screenshot.
p_tables: Stuff still not quite right even thought nearly there. I can give some advice here, press "w" and then you can see the exact surface. That way you can place the stuff in a way that they are only standing on one surface. This makes it easier to place them correctly. Also, placing correctly would mean that you can still see the bottom lines of the selection box barely over the surface. Here too I can give you some screenshots on discord if things are unclear.
light_com_candle_06_64(placed in furn_com_rm_winerack): Can be seen sticking out behind the winerack. Rotate it a bit and sink it more in maybe. It doesnt matter if it bleeds into the winerack as with this type of object its ok.
Lanterns: Either still not rotated according to the ropes or still bleeding or floating in the case of the ones placed on hooks.
2019-03-11 20:09
12 hours 53 min ago
I tried to fix this mistakes, if you find some floating or bleeding, please take a photo.
Posted on discord whats still missing in the latest version.
2019-03-11 20:09
12 hours 53 min ago
Final one... (or not).
The entrance door is floating. Missed that the last time I reviewed.
Some lanterns still floating. Check everything. Its always the same who are still missing.
You removed the rooms I told you to remove but I also had in mind removing the added romes above them.
And the stuff on the tables.
2019-03-11 20:09
12 hours 53 min ago
2019-03-11 20:09
12 hours 53 min ago