[Thirr Region] Brother Against Brother

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Kevaar's picture
Developer EmeritusQuest Developer
2016-01-19 19:35
Last seen:
2 months 6 days ago

Building Atieggar’s brainstorm into a proposed quest.

Premise: One brother betrays another when a business deal goes sour. Exact locations TBD, but this is constructed to take place somewhere within the Thirr River Region.

assets needed:
Hlarven Berend, an Indoril Dunmer (male)
Madril Berend, an Indoril Dunmer (male)
Enchanted House Indoril helmet (NOT an Ordinstor helmet, but whatever the Indoril guards wear)

possible rewards:
Enchanted House Indoril helmet (enchantment should be partially detrimental, such as a decrease to Willpower but a boost to charisma)
gold (300?)

Details: two Indoril brothers have agreed to go into business together, but they both have different ideas of how they should go about it. Madril adheres to Indoril ideals of honor and honesty, while Hlarven believes its okay to cheat outlanders if it suits their purpose.

The issue comes to a head when Hlarven arranges to steal back an item sold to an outlander through an auction. His reasoning is that the item—a ceremonial Indoril helmet (not to be confused with Ordinator armor)—is too good for the outlander. Wile Madril similarly believes the outlander isn't worthy of the helmet, he believes fair is fair and that the outlander should keep the helmet, having paid good money for it.

The player first decides which brother to help. The player can either steal the helmet from the outlander (by breaking into their house and taking it from a chest) to help Hlarven, or they can try to convince Hlarven to not go through with the theft to help Madril. Madril wants the player to warn Hlarven he will report Hlarven’s crime if he doesn't repent.

if the player steals the armor, Hlarven thanks them and gives them a gold reward. Madril finds out however, and refuses to speak to the player. Later, rumors indicate that the brothers went out of business. Hlarven moves to Old Ebonheart to continue his trade, and Madril returns to his family’s manor

if the player tries to convince Hlarven out of it, Hlarven says he can't believe Madril would betray him in this way, and vows to get the helmet back whatever it takes. (regardless of disposition/speechcraft, this is the outcome) When the player returns to Madril, Madril says he reluctantly reported his brother to the Indoril leadership for his crime. He asks the player to beg his brother to repent one last time when they go before House leadership to face justice. The player next meets the brotherrs in the dwelling of said leadership.

The player has one last chance to persuade Hlarven to repent. If persuaded, Hlarven repents, but is stripped of his title and must go on a pilgrimage to Saint Aralor’s shrine as his punishment. Marvin thanks the player for saving his brother from further dishonor and gives them a gold reward.

If Hlarven is not persuaded, he demands a duel of honor with his brother. Madril  proves to be the stronger, killing Hlarven. He tells the player he is saddened it came to this, and gives the player the helmet, saying the thing must be cursed and they don't want to look at it anymore.

10Kaziem's picture
Asset DeveloperInterior Developer
2015-12-12 23:47
Last seen:
3 years 4 months ago

Hey Kevaar,

I don’t have any real comments on this quest, but I wanted to say thank you for making these and participating; we really appreciate it and could use all the help you feel like offering. So, thanks!


Does: concepts, textures, youtube vids, admin stuff e.g. PR, handbook, assets, small website things. Activity level: wildly unpredictable. Still active. Find me on Discord.

Ateiggaer's picture
2016-03-14 17:47
Last seen:
2 weeks 5 hours ago

Very good. I also like the tragic, sad option.

Kevaar's picture
Developer EmeritusQuest Developer
2016-01-19 19:35
Last seen:
2 months 6 days ago

Suggested Locations for this quest:
Draler Ilvi in Roa Dyr: Ilvi Mansion will be the judge for the two brothers. He stands in a room suitably large enough for a battle between the two and is the region’s top ranking Indoril.
Hlarven Berend can be found in The Moth and Tiger in Old Ebonheart. Probably in a corner being grumpy about all the outlanders around.
Madril Berend can be found in one of the uncompleted houses in Roa Dyr. This means an interior claim will need to be made specially for him.
The outlander is Anjzhirra of Anjzhirra’s Rare Goods in Old Ebonheart. Since she is a merchant, the helmet will appear on her list of goods to buy. The helmet itself is on display in her shop.

Additonal considerations:
The trek between Roa Dyr and Old Ebonheart is a long one, and Madril may need to be moved to Old Ebonheart instead of Roa Dyr to reduce the fedex factor.
The helmet should be set within line of sight to the little alcove in Anjzhirra’s shop, so a smart player may use telekinesis to nab it out of sight of the guard and Anjzhirra.

Gnomey's picture
Asset DeveloperWriterExterior DeveloperInterior Developer
2015-08-10 20:50
Last seen:
1 month 6 days ago

I feel that this quest is very out of character for House Indoril and might be hard to adapt to them; the Indoril do not engage in private capitalism or trade for profit as a rule, and both brothers would be very much going against the Indoril othrodoxy by doing so. House Indoril is best understood as a class rather than an organization, and it is the ruling class. Comparatively, ripping off an outlander would probably be seen as a far more minor infraction.

I find it beneficial to imagine the Indoril as medieval nobility, perhaps (certainly in their eyes) even royalty: a vast network of upper class families linked by various marriage alliances ruling over their subjects and retainers. They typically do not engage in business. At most they (indirectly) oversee trade with neighbouring ‘states’, exchange gifts and receive tribute. That sort of stuff. Rather, they do not have separate occupations at all because ruling and statesmanship is their occupation.
Most Indoril trade is handled through the tollmer, who generally work for their individual lords, but as their name implies even they are not merchants in the traditional sense. Their main job is to shuffle goods through and around Indoril lands so that they end up where they are needed. They are effectively civil servants.

The Velothi are the underclass, and even they typically do not engage in trade for profit, instead relying on the barter system. That has been changing, though, through the influence of the Empire. As such, this quest idea could perhaps be made to work if the brothers were Velothi and not Indoril. If one returns to the medieval analogy, they are very much the subjects and burghers (or bourgeoisie), and one could probably make a pretty solid comprison between the waning strength of the Temple and House Indoril and resulting greater freedom and social mobility of the Velothi with similar developments in Europe during the renaissance toward the early modern era. (The Temple, naturally, standing in for the Cathoilic church in that scenario).

The rise of the burghers is far better embodied by House Hlaalu, of course, who fit into the above analogy quite nicely. I can see why you didn’t make the brothers Hlaalu, though, as in that case the brother with scruples would have been the outlyer. I still think this is the most promising direction to go in, though. Perhaps the brothers are Velothi from the west bank of the Thirr who decided to join House Hlaalu to climb in social rank of whatever. The one brother embraces Hlaalu pragmatism while the other hasn’t quite let go of his Velothi scruples. The authority in this case would be a local temple rather than an Indoril, and as a result the ‘punishment’ Hlarven receives would naturally be quite different.

Kevaar's picture
Developer EmeritusQuest Developer
2016-01-19 19:35
Last seen:
2 months 6 days ago

Hm. Here’s a suggested alternate version, but not sure if it takes care of the problem:

We’ve got two Velothi brothers.
One wants to join Hlaalu.
One wants to join Indoril.
They think the other is nuts, but so far haven’t come to any serious arguments over it. Nor have either made any serious moves towards joining the House of their choice.

Then #%&$ happens. Indoril brother (Madril) finds this Indoril helmet in the shop of the Khajiit and believes it’s been stolen from a tomb. He’s stressing over what to do about it and believes it should probably be reported properly through the Indoril leadership. Hlarven, on the other hand, thinks they should just steal it back.

From there, it progresses as proposed above. If the player helps Hlarven steal the helmet though, the rumor is that Hlarven went off to join Hlaalu (and resold the helm, because Hlaalu) while Madril joined Indoril, and that they have never spoken to each other since, etc.

If the player helps Madril, it progresses as proposed above. The brothers go to the Indoril leadership because of the fact it’s an Indoril helm (might be a cheap excuse? a Temple might have the same judgment anyway). The brothers have their duel and/or their repentance and pilgrimmage. If Hlarven dies, Madril decides not to join Indoril after all out of grief. If Hlarven repents (and lives), the two mention they’ll still have to talk about which House to join after the pilgrimmage.

Kevaar's picture
Developer EmeritusQuest Developer
2016-01-19 19:35
Last seen:
2 months 6 days ago

Quest Idea: Candidate for Nobility

Potential follow-up quest to this one, offered through the House Indoril faction: Player is to go to the Indoril brother (Madril) and convince him to join Indoril. This wouldn’t be tied directly to this quest, but dialogue would need to be sensitive to what happened in this quest, so the two ought to be together in the same claim. AKA, player may need to convince a grieving brother after the fact, may need to find the two after their pilgrimmage is completed, may get offered the Brother vs. Brother quest because it’s the first time they met Madril, etc, etc.

Kevaar's picture
Developer EmeritusQuest Developer
2016-01-19 19:35
Last seen:
2 months 6 days ago

Already in asset browser, with all suggested eits incorporated/responded to

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