Game version:
Related Release File:
Found in Version:
Fixed for Version:
- 8/5/2018 (23:21) TR_Preview.esp 1/2/2012 (01:00) Admin flora_stoneflower_02 Alt Orethan Region (14,-25) 114936 -199479 347 "fly"
- 8/6/2018 (02:28) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin terrain_rock_wg_08 Lan Orethan Region (27,-31) 227176 -246523 1536 "doorblock"
- 8/6/2018 (13:17) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin In_OM_wallruin06 Zanammu (28,-21) 234594 -167599 1967 "fly"
- 8/6/2018 (16:10) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin flora_green_lichen_02 Nedothril Region (38,-20) 317846 -162849 733 "fly"
- 8/10/2018 (13:31) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin flora_tree_gl_09 Sacred Lands Region (38,-17) 312816 -133072 1516 "fly"
- 8/10/2018 (13:40) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin terrain_rock_wg_02 Nedothril Region (36,-21) 299946 -170895 2017 "where"
- 8/10/2018 (14:18) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin In_OM_waterfall Mephalan Vales Region (31,-15) 257546 -115381 438 "waterfall"
- 8/10/2018 (16:14) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin T_De_SetInd_X_Platform_05 Tomaril Manor (32,-15) 267247 -118652 6842 "blocked"
- 8/10/2018 (16:17) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin flora_tree_wg_01 Tomaril Manor, Manor House 589 -911 -4 "from"
- 8/13/2018 (18:32) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin flora_bittergreen_03 Alt Bosara (36,-5) 296252 -40119 741 "wherebittergreenroot"
- 8/15/2018 (20:36) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin TR_m1_Marcel_Artaud00000000 Firewatch Library, Second Floor 4162 3743 14797 "trader"
- 8/18/2018 (15:26) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin flora_stoneflower_02 Boethiah's Spine Region (23,9) 195916 73985 1710 "fly"
- 8/18/2018 (19:52) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin TR_m2_BugdulgroGulfis00000000 Bthangthamuzand, Entrance Hall 3966 4119 15234 "heisdeadqueststillhave"
- 8/18/2018 (20:28) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin T_Glb_TerrWater_Circle1024_01 Akamora (30,-11) 247412 -86829 4701 "notwater"
- 8/18/2018 (20:30) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin T_De_SetInd_X_Platform_05 Akamora (30,-12) 250588 -90541 2794 "stoppingplatform"
- 8/19/2018 (01:35) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin ex_t_door_01 Kemel-Ze (22,-2) 186145 -12537 5574 "badDoormarker"
- 8/20/2018 (14:06) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin flora_tree_wg_01 Boethiah's Spine Region (32,1) 264031 11991 1015 "fly"
- 8/20/2018 (18:25) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin flora_red_lichen_01 Telvanni Isles (38,18) 312648 153837 727 "fly"
- 8/21/2018 (00:04) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin T_Mw_TerrRockWG_Cliff_02 Helnim Fields Region (23,2) 190304 20843 -2050 "wrong_stack"
- 8/21/2018 (00:25) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin ex_de_docks_corner_01 Galseah, Deep Caverns 2692 2310 -2170 "its_blocked_walk_on_quest_" known issue with NPC follower collisions, may need follower scripts
- 8/21/2018 (00:42) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin Flora_BC_Lilypad Tel Muthada (27,-5) 222428 -35718 4059 "square_in_water"
- 8/21/2018 (13:41) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin flora_tree_wg_05 Boethiah's Spine Region (33,-4) 271951 -27997 591 "tree_in_rock"
- 8/21/2018 (13:43) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin terrain_rock_wg_18 Boethiah's Spine Region (32,-2) 269775 -9306 3959 "fly"
- 8/21/2018 (13:43) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin terrain_rock_wg_05 Boethiah's Spine Region (32,-2) 268926 -9053 3768 "more_wrong"
- 8/21/2018 (13:58) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin flora_chokeweed_02 Boethiah's Spine Region (36,1) 300677 14771 536 "fly"
- 8/22/2018 (15:55) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin flora_chokeweed_02 Boethiah's Spine Region (32,4) 269974 36244 2867 "grow_from_stone"
- 8/22/2018 (16:11) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin terrain_rock_wg_14 Boethiah's Spine Region (37,-1) 309963 -5075 710 "fly"
- 8/22/2018 (16:14) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin terrain_rock_wg_08 Boethiah's Spine Region (38,-5) 313162 -40651 2558 "need_coloring"
- 8/22/2018 (16:48) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin ex_dwrv_bridge00 Sacred Lands Region (46,-15) 381271 -118217 2432 "fly"
- 8/22/2018 (17:19) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin Terrain_rocks_WG_02 Sacred Lands Region (40,-14) 332088 -110024 404 "broke_earth_and_tree_in_stone"
- 8/23/2018 (13:31) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin flora_stoneflower_01 Mephalan Vales Region (34,-16) 279380 -130135 3869 "flower_in_rock"
- 8/24/2018 (14:13) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin flora_tree_wg_05 Mephalan Vales Region (28,-12) 230056 -94047 2441 "tree_in_rock"
- 8/24/2018 (14:20) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin in_moldcave2_s_05 Dun Akafell, Entrance -198 4016 10512 "wrong_position" shell not gridsnapped :( easier to move cave pieces from the entrance to this one Z 10512, rest of the interior is 10511.520
- 8/24/2018 (14:43) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin terrain_rock_wg_18 Dun Akafell (25,-13) 205652 -106214 3339 "little_fracture_beside"
rotedit: can't reproduce the following
- 8/15/2018 (20:55) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin ex_imp_keep_01 Firewatch (17,15) 142528 127136 1072 "missedDOOR"
- 8/24/2018 (14:48) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin flora_kreshweed_02 Mephalan Vales Region (25,-14) 210945 -109194 2551 "hang_above_earth"
- 8/24/2018 (14:55) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin flora_tree_wg_06 Mephalan Vales Region (26,-15) 220503 -115027 2189 "many_fly_trees"
- 8/24/2018 (15:08) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin TR_m2_Eifid00000000 The Inn Between 4644 3898 14466 "_i_dont_found_vampire_dust_in_room"
- 8/24/2018 (18:37) TR_Mainland.esm 8/2/2018 (19:13) Admin ex_cave_entrance_ai_01 Lan Orethan Region (33,-28) 274928 -221744 2968 "fly"
If you use quotes around the
If you use quotes around the phrase at the end it will allow you to use spaces, i.e. bc "This is a floater"
I've dealt with several but
I've dealt with several but not all of these in https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/comment/12247#comment-12247 .
Alternates between "has been
Alternates between "has been fixed", "not a bug", "fixed it now", and "can't reproduce or make sense of the report".
As such, I'm closing this.