Silt's Interior Showcase

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Silt's picture
2019-12-02 07:21
Last seen:
5 years 1 month ago

Small interior showcase, nothing fancy, just a 3x2x2 Hlaalu home to get myself familiarized with the CS. Did my best to avoid floaters / bleeders and I've made sure the esp is clean.

Cell name is TR_Silt_Showcase.

Binary Data TR_Silt_Showcase.ESP11.74 KB2019-12-05 03:55
MinerMan60101's picture
Exterior ReviewerInterior Reviewer
2016-10-09 23:10
Last seen:
16 hours 17 min ago

Clean: Yes
Northmarker: Present
Fits Exterior: Yes
Illegal to Sleep Here: Correct
Lighting: Maybe decrease the blue value of the fog a bit? Otherwise good

T_Com_ClothPlainFolded_01 x2 - these won't f into place, but you can still get the selection box to flicker. Go to preferences and set movement speed to 0.1
light_de_candle_02 - this was oriented incorrectly. Setting the x angle to zero fixed it though
active_de_p_bed_10 - floating slightly
T_Com_Nail_01 - one of the ones in the bowl is floating
T_De_Cm_Shirt_14 - the back of this is caspering (see through part is visible)

furn_de_tapestry_09 - The rope should be fully exposed on these, not partially inside the wall. Alternatively, you can bleed it into the ceiling such that the bar is connected to it. Which one you do doesn't matter, just be consistent.
furn_de_p_bookshelf_01 - bleeding slightly. Objects that taper down at the bottom like this can be incorrectly f'ed a second time.
com_basket_01_empty x2 - as above
misc_de_basket_01 - as above
furn_de_p_chair_01 - as above
furn_de_p_table_05 - as above
misc_de_goblet_06 x2 - these two on the shelf shouldn't be rotated in the x or y since the shelf is flat.
potion_comberry_brandy_01 - as above
ingred_ash_yam_01 - two of the thorns/spikes bleed through the plate
T_Com_Rope_01 - bleeding into the other rope
light_de_lantern_03_128 - zoom in on where this and the rope meet and make it rest on the rope instead of bleed into it.
iron battle axe - the top of this is bleeding through the floor

You should have an in_hlaalu_room_rail next to the steps
It's a convention to place the northmarker behind the door to the exterior. This is mainly to help the merger find that door, especially in large dungeons.

General tips:
If you don't already have it, download the internal version of Tamriel Data, pinned in #tamriel-data. This lets you use all of our current assets and internal files.
Take a look at this page, there are a ton of weird controls:
For precise movement and rotation, I recommend setting movement and/or rotation speed to 0.1 in the preferences menu (set them back to 1 for normal movement).
When you need to reference the exterior, you can download our internal files from Development -> Release Files. Use the command !show tr_map in the discord to see which section it's in, and then load it in the CS. You can get to the cell by pasting the coordinates in Worldspace -> Go to Cell.
The command !northmarker calculates the northmarkers for you based on the angles of the doors. Use !help northmarker to see the syntax. It can be off by a multiple of 90 degrees depending on the door model, so fix it if needed.

Good job overall! Despite the long list of errors, you avoided many of the common issues I've seen in interiors. Thanks for having the Tamriel_Data.esm dependency.

Silt's picture
2019-12-02 07:21
Last seen:
5 years 1 month ago

Went through and fixed everything you mentioned. Corrected the floaters / bleeders, added the rail, moved the northmarker, and tweaked the lighting slightly.

Binary Data TR_Silt_Showcase.ESP11.81 KB2019-12-05 06:56
MinerMan60101's picture
Exterior ReviewerInterior Reviewer
2016-10-09 23:10
Last seen:
16 hours 17 min ago

Clean: Yes
Northmarker: Present
Fits Exterior: Yes
Illegal to Sleep Here: Correct
Lighting: Good

light_de_candle_02 - this candle on the bookshelf still needs to be rotated. As I said, setting the x value to 0 aligned it perfectly.
A lot of items on the bookshelf are floating very slightly, you can only tell if you zoom in up close to them. Just raise each of them up and press f.
misc_com_wood_spoon_01 - on floor behind bookshelf, as above
misc_com_bottle_03 - on floor under bookshelf, as above
misc_de_foldedcloth00 - on barrel, as above
T_De_Cm_Shirt_14 - caspers slightly. You can either scale it down a little or switch it out with the pants to close it up.
Gold_005 - floating slightly
Gold_001 - as above
Gold_001 - bleeding into above coin

furn_de_p_bookshelf_01 - bleeding into tapestry and into floor slightly. You can select the bookshelf and all of the items on it to move everything away from the tapestry at once. You should raise and press f on just the bookshelf, and then repeat on all of the items directly on it, and then repeat again for all of the items on those.
misc_de_goblet_06 - this one on the shelf shouldn't be rotated in the x or y since the shelf is flat. The other one is fixed though.
com_basket_01_empty - bleeding into floor slightly, the selection box disappears when you zoom in further.
active_de_p_bed_10 - as above
furn_de_p_chair_02 - as above
light_de_candle_03 x2 - as above, you need to use 0.1 movement speed instead of pressing f to place lights properly (judging by the other lights you probably know this).

You fixed all of the complex rotation issues I found last time, most of these are "raise the object up and press f."