NifScope question

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RJPugh's picture
2019-12-29 05:14
Last seen:
4 years 3 weeks ago

Hello, all.

I use NifScope to change and replace textures in *.nif models, and sometimes I get strange results. When I select a texture, NifScope saves the entire file path for the texture file, as opposed to the relative path to the game execuitable. Something like this:

c:/programs/bethesda/morrowind/textures/rjp/ opposed to this:


I get the impression that it should be doing the later, but generally it does the former. I have not yet encountered texture errors in either the editor or in-game, but I am concerned about the eventual portability of my work.

Is this something I should be concerned about? If so, it there a way I can resolve it? Perhaps by editing configuration files or some such?



Mwgek's picture
Asset ReviewerExterior DeveloperInterior Developer
2016-03-14 23:18
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4 days 11 hours ago

You always change the texturepath to textures/map/ That way other people can use the model on a different computer. If it's for personal use only it doesn't really matter.

I think this can only be done mannually in nifskope. When exporting from 3d application (blender/3dsmax) you can preset the destination folder.

Hope this helps

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Stripes's picture
Interior Developer
2018-01-19 20:28
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2 years 6 months ago

Yeah you can manually type the path in the source texture block.
Also if using v1.1.3 or older (the recommended version for MW) you can drag and drop textures onto the render window, but if they're not in the list of folders set in your options menu they will get your full path. You can drag and drop from your game folder if you set that path(which should be set so you can see the textures on the render window) or add a new path where you are dragging from, but of course you'll have to move the textures to your game folder anyway to see them in game.

Rot's picture
Quest Developer
2014-03-16 17:45
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2 years 3 weeks ago

NifSkope will shorten new paths automatically for you if you go to Render->Settings...->Rendering->Add Folder and set the path of your Data Files folder.

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