this is Atahualpa from the OpenMW forums writing. I recently took over WeirdSexy’s job of producing our release videos. We have just released version 0.39.0 of our open source engine, and I wanted to seize the chance to promote OpenMW a bit more. I’ll quote the release announcement in the follow-up post.
Most of you should be familiar with our project but I created that thread just to stay in contact with your great venture which aims at implementing the parts of Morrowind Bethesda bilked us of. We already had a thread at your old forums but that seems to be burried in your archives (http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/old_forum/viewtopic.php?t=23462). Thus the revival!
Just in case you don’t know about OpenMW:
OpenMW is an open source reimplementation of Bethesda’s RPG-classic The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Our goals are to provide a modern, maintainable and freely accessible engine to play Morrowind natively on Windows, Linux and MacOS X, while at first recreating the vanilla engine without its bugs, probably adding some minor features, and later extending our engine to allow modders to adjust every single piece of the game to their needs. OpenMW will be compatible with all mods made for Morrowind, on condition that they don’t rely on third-party software like, for example, MGE / MGE XE.
OpenMW is also suitable for creating whole new games using our engine. We provide a home-brew editor, OpenMW-CS, which will be easy to use as well as highly customisable, and should allow modders to do whatever they could with the original Construction Set – and even more!
So far we are nearly feature-complete on the engine’s side, mainly fixing bugs and implementing new features in OpenMW-CS. Every quest in Morrowind itself should be playable by now, without ever running into a game-breaking bug.
Check out our homepage for more information, ask your questions in our forums, consult our Wiki if you’ve problems, or update our bugtracker if you’ve encountered an issue:
In this thread, we can discuss your opinion on OpenMW, your experiences with our engine, and – most important – possible cooperation between our projects. Honestly, I didn’t try to install Tamriel Rebuilt on top of my OpenMW setup, so I’d like to hear if any of you succeeded in this. I wrote this on our forums a while ago: I’d really like to “advertise” your project in one of the upcoming OpenMW videos. Maybe showcasing some new places or flying over Morrowind with your land mass added.
You could benefit from OpenMW’s development in form of OpenMW-CS. We recently made some big steps forward in terms of functionality of our editor, and a possible future switch to our engine would also help us to legitimate our status as “the” alternative to Bethesda’s engine. Apart from that, we are always in bad need of testers for both our engine as well as our editor. So if you’d consider to test your mod using OpenMW and simultaneously tinker with OpenMW-CS, that would be awesome!
Let me know what you think. I really don’t want to put any pressure on you – we are all spending our time on these projects at a voluntary basis.
Best regards, also on behalf of the OpenMW team,
2016-04-16 22:36
3 years 1 month ago
And here comes our recent release announcement – feel free to follow the corresponding link to our homepage: https://openmw.org/2016/openmw-0-39-0-released/.
2016-01-23 11:05
6 years 6 months ago
I love new bug tracker skin and I can not wait to see 0.40.0
maybe in 40 you fix name labels 
2016-04-16 22:36
3 years 1 month ago
The OpenMW team has, finally, released version 0.40.0! The release got a bit delayed because of several errors in different release builds. Now, everything should be in place. Have fun with the new version – and keep up the great work! I really enjoyed your Summer Update video.
2015-12-12 23:47
3 years 3 months ago
Woohooo! *throws confetti!*
I for one am really looking forward to trying this out.
Does: concepts, textures, youtube vids, admin stuff e.g. PR, handbook, assets, small website things. Activity level: wildly unpredictable. Still active. Find me on Discord.
2016-04-16 22:36
3 years 1 month ago
Hello over there at Tamriel Rebuilt!
The OpenMW has released version 0.41.0 of our open source reimplementation of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Keep your fingers crossed for a 1.0 release in the not too distant future. Meanwhile, check out the change log and the corresponding release videos. – Oh, and I watched your 16.09 release video as well. Good work!
Best regards and a happy new year,
2014-03-16 17:45
2 years 6 days ago
Watching OpenMW’s work so close to completion really puts the vanilla engine’s bugs in perspective!
2016-04-16 22:36
3 years 1 month ago
Hello again,
we have finally released version 0.42.0 of our OpenMW engine. The release was delayed due to an exemplary case of Murphy's Law, mostly on the release commentaries' side. We are already making good progress on v0.43.0, so it won't be another 8 months until the next release. Check out our official release announcement below -- and have a look at my release commentaries.
Best regards,
"The OpenMW team is proud to announce the release of version 0.42.0! Grab it from our Downloads Page (https://openmw.org/downloads/) for all operating systems. Apologies for the delayed release, but we wanted to have everything in order for you! Check the changelog below for new features and bug fixes.
Check out the release video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKhfdOxkafo) and the OpenMW-CS release video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exWbXBAJYtY) by the magnanimous Atahualpa, and see below for the full list of changes.
Known Issues:
- Shadows are not re-implemented yet
- To use the Linux targz package binaries, Qt4 and libpng12 must be installed on your system
- On macOS, OpenMW-CS is able to launch OpenMW only if OpenMW.app and OpenMW-CS.app are siblings
New Features:
- Implemented water sound effects
- Implemented light particles showing in inventory character preview
- Implemented magic projectiles emitting light
- Implemented NiSphericalCollider
- OpenMW-CS: Implemented "Book Type" combo box replacing "Scroll" check box in Book records
- OpenMW-CS: Implemented "Blood Type" combo box replacing blood check boxes in NPC and Creature records
- OpenMW-CS: Implemented "Emitter Type" combo box replacing emitter check boxes in Light records
- OpenMW-CS: Implemented "Gender" combo box replacing "Female" check box in NPC and Body Part records
- ess-Importer: Implemented converting mark location
- ess-Importer: Implemented converting last known exterior cell
Bug Fixes:
- Falling leaves in Vurt's tree mods now render correctly
- Actors now use capsular collision shapes (solves issues with characters getting stuck or floating above the ground)
- Collision handling has been improved (better performance and overall behaviour)
- Collision is now not disabled for actors until their death animation has finished playing
- Players can no longer climb sheer terrain by jumping and then moving forwards in the air
- Doors no longer stutter when colliding with the player
- Dialog boxes now appear in the center of the screen after the window is resized
- Weapon and spell cycling is now disabled while in GUI mode
- Weapon and spell cycling can now be bound to a gamepad
- Gamepad and mouse/keyboard may now be used at the same time
- Inventory window titles are now centered vertically
- Changed name tooltips' behavior on enemies to match vanilla behavior
- The maximum width of a tooltip is no longer set to a fixed value
- The drowning widget now more accurately matches the vanilla one
- Fall height is now reset when the player teleports
- Changed Slowfall spell effect to better match vanilla behavior while jumping
- Combat with water creatures now ends when leaving the water
- AI actors no longer hit unintended targets
- Changed NPC wander and idle behavior to better match vanilla
- Fixed some summoned creatures not engaging underwater creatures in combat
- Enemies now initiate combat with player followers on sight
- Creatures now auto-equip their shields on creation
- Changed combat engagement logic to better match vanilla behavior
- The Command spell effect now brings enemies out of combat
- Followers now continue to follow after resting and saving and reloading the game
- Light prioritization on objects now takes the light sources' intensity into account (fixes issues with light sources popping up)
- Icon shadows no longer persist in GUI windows
- Disintegrate Armor/Weapon spell effects are no longer bound to the framerate
- Enchanted arrows now explode when they hit the ground or a static object
- Fixed a crash that occurred while using a container and the console at the same time
- Fixed the beginning of NPC speech being cut off on macOS
- Nodes named "bounding box" are now ignored by the nifloader making corresponding meshes render correctly
- The correct swish sound is now played for NPC weapon attacks
- The player now has to pay for their followers when using fast travel
- Fixed a regression with Dispel; it now is an instant spell effect again
- Corrected greetings in Antares' Big Mod
- The ProjectileManager no longer crashes when a sound ID fails to play or is not found
- Fixed behavior of Activate and OnActivate commands (fixes freeze when opening "Hammers" container in Aanumuran Reclaimed mod)
- Fixed possible game-breaking exception caused by trying to access NPC stats on a creature
- Identification papers can now be picked back up after they are dropped
- Fixed the interpreter to properly handle a reference change caused by an Activate command
- Changed behavior of stat script commands to better handle stats above 100
- Fixed gun sounds in Clean Hunter Rifles mod
- Fixed selling success chance when bartering
- Fixed objects doubling when loading a save game after editing the used game files
- Silenced SDL events of types 0x302 and 0x304
- Fixed a rare crash that occurred on cell loading
- Activation flags are now reset when an object is copied
- Removed the possibility to implicitly call GetJournalIndex by simply stating a script ID (solves issues with objects using the same ID as a script in Emma's Lokken mod)
- Blacklisted some unused scripts from the Bloodmoon expansion pack which relied upon the abovementioned implicit function call
- Fixed the ResourceHelpers to allow the simultaneous use of forward and backward slashes in a model path
- Fixed handling of enchantments' spell effects to correctly display these effects in the GUI
- OpenMW-CS: New or cloned Body Part records may now use the ".1st" suffix
- OpenMW-CS: Fixed sorting verification results by Record Type
- OpenMW-CS: Cloned and added pathgrids are no longer lost after reopening an omwgame file
- OpenMW-CS: Camera position is now re-centered when changing interior cells via drag & drop
- OpenMW-CS: Added missing Text field to allow editing a book's actual text
- OpenMW-CS: Skill books now show associated skill IDs instead of attribute IDs"
2017-07-24 07:16
9 months 3 weeks ago
I have been using openmw since .40 and I have to complement you guys. It plays the game much more smoothly than the original. Thanks for the hard work.
Also, are shadows close to being reimplemented? Maybe in .43? I don't understand all the technical stuff and I never noticed them till they were gone but that is definitely a feature I'm looking forward to.
2016-04-16 22:36
3 years 1 month ago
A bit late, but have you read our recent news post? Our user AnyOldName3 is currently implementing shadows for the OSG version of OpenMW. Have a look here for a WIP video.
2016-04-16 22:36
3 years 1 month ago
Hello Tamriel Rebuilt!
While you are busy working on your next release (hopefully a 180x one!), we have released version 0.43.0 of our OpenMW engine. Apart from over 100 bug fixes, we have also implemented some of the remaining v1.0 features. Have a look at the official release announcement below, and check out our release commentaries.
Best regards,
"The OpenMW team is proud to announce the release of version 0.43.0! Grab it from our Downloads Page for all operating systems. This release brings a host of new features and bug fixes, including AI resurfacing to breathe, improved AI combat behavior and keyboard shortcuts for menus.
Check out the release video and the OpenMW-CS release video by the masterful Atahualpa, and see below for the full list of changes.
Known Issues:
- Shadows are not re-implemented yet
- To use the Linux targz package binaries, Qt4 and libpng12 must be installed on your system
- On macOS, OpenMW-CS is able to launch OpenMW only if OpenMW.app and OpenMW-CS.app are siblings
New Features:
- Implemented AI resurfacing to breathe (#1374)
- Implemented rain and snow induced water ripples (#452, 4156)
- Implemented fade to black on cell transitions (#824)
- Implemented starting in an unnamed exterior cell with --start (#3941)
- Implemented AI using "WhenUsed" enchantments (#3953)
- Implemented stacks of ingredients or potions remaining grabbed after using one (#4082)
- Implemented keyboard navigation for menus (#3400)
- Implemented an option to show the success rate while enchanting (#3492)
- Implemented an option to show projectiles' damage in tooltips (#2923)
- Implemented an option to show melee weapons' reach and speed in tooltips (#2923)
- Implemented a "launch OpenMW" tickbox on the Windows installer (#2258)
- Implemented the ability to close the inventory while dragging items (#1692, #3099)
- OpenMW-CS: Implemented LTEX record table (#933)
- OpenMW-CS: Implemented LAND record table (#936)
- OpenMW-CS: Implemented highlighting occurrences of a variable in a script (#2509)
- OpenMW-CS: Implemented using one resource manager per document (#2748)
- OpenMW-CS: Implemented shortcuts and context menu options for commenting code out and uncommenting code respectively (#3274)
- OpenMW-CS: Implemented an option in user settings to reset settings to their defaults (#3275, #3682)
- OpenMW-CS: Implemented reloading data files (#3530)
- ess-Importer: Implemented converting projectiles (#2320)
Bug Fixes:
- Water visibility is now consistent across different setting configurations (#815)
- Autosaves are now created when waiting, to match vanilla behavior (#1452)
- Container Close button no longer loses key focus when an item is clicked (#1555)
- Guards no longer become aggressive towards creatures that are beyond their alarm radius (#2405)
- Players can no longer change their weapon or spell during attack or spellcasting, though weapons can still be sheathed (#2445)
- UI window pinning now persists between saves and boots (#2489, #2834)
- First person view now uses the correct body texture with the "Better Bodies" mod (#2594)
- Stat review menu now reads correctly from the player's stats (#2628)
- Player states are now correctly reset when a save is loaded (#2639)
- Rain and snow weather effects no longer move with the player (#2698)
- Implemented some missing creature swim animations (#2704)
- "Owned" crosshair now does not mark objects which can be activated without triggering a crime (#2789)
- Drag-and-drop is now ended if the item is removed (#3097)
- GetDetected can now be used without a reference (#3110)
- Fixed poor performance when resizing the dialog window (#3126)
- Fixed how ampersands in filenames are handled by the Launcher and Wizard (#3243)
- Improved water reflection rendering along shorelines (#3365)
- Improved AI usage of Dispel magic effect (#3341)
- Disposing of corpses no longer breaks related quests (#3528)
- Framerate limit is now enforced in videos and menus (#3531)
- Only one copy of a given sound effect may now be played at a time (#3647)
- Stationary NPCs resume returning to their position after a game is loaded if they had moved (#3656)
- Added a fade-out for music transitions (#3665)
- Spellcasting effects now disappear when resting (#3679)
- Filled soul gems no longer count against the number of empty soulgems a merchant restocks of the same type (#3684)
- Fixed magicka calculation during character generation (#3694)
- Guards will now try to arrest the player when attacked, instead of just fighting back (#3706)
- Death counts are now checked to be for valid actors before they are loaded (#3720)
- Malformed inequality operators are now handled as equality to match vanilla and give a warning (#3744)
- Yagrum Bagarn no longer twitches (#3749)
- DisableLevitation now removes Levitate visual spell effect indicators (#3766)
- Script commands now run if they were in voiced dialog scripting (#3787)
- Added enabled check to animation script commands (#3793)
- Default sound buffer size was increased (#3794)
- RemoveItem behavior adjusted (#3796)
- Godmode adjusted to match vanilla (#3798)
- Animations now loop correctly in the "Animated Morrowind" mod (#3804)
- Fixed enchantment point calculation to match vanilla (#3805)
- Missing book art now logs a warning instead of showing a pink rectangle (#3826)
- Fixed "Windows Glow" mod so window textures are not darker than they should be (#3833)
- Bodyparts with multiple NiTriShapes are now handled correctly (#3835)
- InventoryStore::purgeEffect() now removes all effects with argument ID (#3839)
- Fixed fatigue loss calculations when jumping (#3843)
- Underwater effects are now not applied to scripted "say" commands (#3850)
- Actors no longer try to speak underwater (#3851)
- Fixed a crash caused by an NPC being spawned by two routines at once (#3864)
- Fixed an exploit where constant effect enchantments could be made with any soul gem by switching the soul gem during enchanting (#3878)
- Fixed jail state not being cleared when a game is loaded (#3879)
- Journal no longer displays empty entries (#3891)
- An empty line is no longer displayed between a topic and the actual dialog text in the dialog window (#3892)
- PositionCell in dialog no longer closes the dialog window (#3898)
- "Could not find Data Files location" dialog no longer appears multiple times (#3906)
- Fixed a case where the user could get stuck when installing without a CD (#3908)
- Adjustments made to the Morrowind Content Language dropdown in the settings pane of the launcher (#3909)
- Scroll in launcher window can no longer be cut off by resizing the window (#3910)
- NC text key on nifs now works correctly (#3915)
- Menu click sound no longer plays for right clicks (#3919)
- Improved AI targetting algorithm to choose targets based on attack effectiveness (#3921)
- AI now avoids enemy hits while casting self-ranged spells (#3922)
- Copy/Paste now uses the correct command key on macOS (#3934)
- AI attack strength is now reset when starting a new attack (#3935)
- Changed spell priority calculation to match vanilla (#3937)
- UI sounds are no longer distorted under water (#3942)
- Fixed the game not pausing when minimized on Windows (#3943)
- Vendors now confiscate stolen items that the player tries to sell them back (#3944)
- Fixed some character preview rendering issues (#3955)
- EditEffectDialog close button now updates range button and area slider properly (#3956)
- Fixed some issues with body part rendering with mods (#3957)
- Clothing value is now unsigned, preventing some value overflow issues (#3960)
- Fatigue is now consumed if your encumbrance equals your maximum carry weight exactly (#3963)
- Journal sounds are now played when flipping pages and closing the journal (#3974)
- Fixed containers instantly closing when opened with a controller and the cursor over the close button (#3978)
- Fixed performance issue when casting spells, especially on new landmasses such as Tamriel Rebuilt (#3981)
- Corrected down and up sounds played when trading (#3982)
- NPCs taunted to aggression no longer continue dialog with the player (#3987)
- Journal can no longer be opened at the main menu (#3991)
- Fixed Dispel to only cancel spell effects (#3995)
- Fixed missing header inclusion breaking OpenBSD clang build (#4002)
- Inventory avatar now fits within display border (#4003)
- Manis Virmaulese now speaks to the player before attacking (#4004)
- AI spawn position is now reset if they are moved to another cell (#4010)
- Keypresses consumed by the UI are no longer processed again by the game (#4016)
- GetPCRunning and GetPCSneaking now check if the PC is actually moving (#4017)
- Music track shuffling is improved (#4024)
- Spells with copy/pasted names no longer sort to the top of the spell list (#4025)
- NPC archers now switch to another weapon to attack when they run out of arrows (#4033)
- Reloading a save game while falling no longer prevents fall damage (#4049)
- Draw animation is no longer played when a player equips a new weapon while already holding one (#4056)
- Disposition is now updated correctly when dialog is closed (#4076)
- Alchemy skill increases now take effect immediately after potion creation, instead of after the next batch is started (#4079)
- GetResist commands now work like in vanilla (#4093)
- Level-up messages for levels past 20 are now used (#4094)
- Fixed error in framelistener when taking all items from a corpse (#4095)
- Default 0 float precision is now used in float formatting (#4096)
- Cycling through weapons now only selects weapons that can be equipped (#4104)
- A scroll bar has been added to the birthsign effects list at character creation (#4105)
- Changed inventory sort order to be more consistent (#4112)
- Fixed unexpected "Resolution not supported in fullscreen" messages (#4113)
- Fixed pickpocketing behavior to match vanilla (#4131)
- Fixed a case where NPCs would not equip a second ring (#4155)
- NPCs now do not autoequip clothing of the same price (#4165)
- Multiple GUI and AI fixes and improvements
- OpenMW-CS: Fixed issues with using # characters in loaded configuration files (#3045)
- OpenMW-CS: Fixed camera position jumping when switching camera modes (#3709)
- OpenMW-CS: "Map Color" field in Cells table now works correctly (#3971)
- OpenMW-CS: Name is now reported correctly as OpenMW-CS on macOS (#4027)
- OpenMW-CS: New greetings now work in-game (#4037)
- OpenMW-CS: Merging of Land and Land Texture records fixed (#4074)
- OpenMW-CS: Fixed narrow left pane in Preferences window (#4107)"
2016-04-16 22:36
3 years 1 month ago
Greeting Tamriel Rebuilt!
Congratulation for your latest amazing release on behalf of all the OpenMW people. We did a release too, the version 0.44.0 of our OpenMW engine: we removed a ton of bugs, improved a bit the OpenMW-CS as well as various usability improvements. Have a look at the official release announcement below, and check out our release commentaries.
Best regards,
The OpenMW team is proud to announce the release of version 0.44.0! Grab it from our Downloads Page for all operating systems. This release brings a slew of new features and bug fixes, including a search bar for spells, a tab for advanced settings in the launcher, and multiple quicksaves.
Check out the release video and the OpenMW-CS release video by the perspicacious Atahualpa, and see below for the full list of changes.
Known Issues:
New Features:
Bug Fixes:
2015-09-28 20:13
2 years 7 months ago
Cheers, bugfixes are always good and necessary.
With 0.45 apparently halfway finished, I might just skip this one and install the next version. Any bad blockers yet?
2016-04-16 22:36
3 years 1 month ago
Hello Tamriel Rebuilt, hello Atrayonis,
well, your notion was reasonable - but you didn't consider the real-life factor (and RL always follows Murphy's Law). Over half a year later, I can finally announce the release of version 0.45.0 of our OpenMW engine. At least, it is a huge release. See below for the official release announcement and don't forget to check out the release commentaries on our YouTube channel.
Best regards,
2019-05-07 14:15
5 years 7 months ago
It's been well over a decade since I first played Morrowind, and when I found it available here on Steam - and on sale, nonetheless - I was thrilled. However, no matter how many solutions I researched and implemented (and there were many), I could never get the game to play without constant CTDs.
And then I tried OpenMW[openmw.org], simply because it claimed to be a stable replacement of the outdated Bethesda MW engine. And although it is - to date - incomplete, and is not without its flaws, I've found it to be a satisfactory engine on which to play my favorite Elder Scrolls game.
Chris | https://www.carpetcleanercolumbia.com
2019-05-22 04:45
5 years 7 months ago
Great to hear about the new version, I'll be checking it out!
Dillon - www.tilecontractorswinnipeg.com
2016-04-16 22:36
3 years 1 month ago
Hello Tamriel Rebuilt,
we're proud to announce the release of version 0.46.0 of our OpenMW engine! This release comes with a plethora of bug fixes, mod compatibility improvements, new features, and next-gen mod support. Check out our release video which also covers quite a few locations from Tamriel Rebuilt and Project Tamriel and visit our homepage for the official release announcement.
Best regards,
2016-04-16 22:36
3 years 1 month ago
In our constant battle about who releases new versions less frequently ( ;-) ), we managed to score a point (or you scored a point?): today, we proudly announced the release of OpenMW 0.47.0! The new version brings distant statics via object paging, improved support for groundcover mods, and a shader-based lighting system. We also made sure to incorporate some features for our editor, OpenMW-CS. Expect to see more progress on this for the upcoming 0.48.0 release, though. In any case, see below for the full changelog and check out our release videos (both English and German) on YouTube.
Best regards
2019-08-25 19:28
2 hours 53 min ago
OpenMW sure is humming along great! Excited for post-processing and Lua, but most espcially OpenMW-CS features. I hold out hope that grid snap will one day be a thing...
2021-11-15 01:20
3 years 1 month ago
Is your website down or something? Seems like it. Bad gateway