I am looking to use this claim for an interior showcase:
Cell name: TR_Othmura_12
I am looking to use this claim for an interior showcase:
Cell name: TR_Othmura_12
2020-08-01 01:27
2 days 1 hour ago
Uploaded initial version.
2020-08-01 01:27
2 days 1 hour ago
2018-08-13 09:52
1 hour 50 min ago
"Forum sigantures suck" - a great man
2018-08-13 09:52
1 hour 50 min ago
Legoless showcase review 1
Name: TR_Othmura_12
Clean: yes
Lighting: Okay, the lantern on the table is too bright and causing the green light bug, lower floor is under-lit, top floor could use more variety with candles.
Northmarker: correct
Fits exterior: No, the longer staircase makes it that the building would be "clipping" into the basement of the mages guild*
Pathgrid: Good
Illegal to Sleep Here: Yes, correct
Gridsnap: Good
misc_com_wood_knife: bleeding into table
misc_com_metal_plate_07: bleeding into table
T_MwDe_Furn_Vs4Food bleeding through floor
T_De_StonewareJug_01: bleeding into table
light_de_candle_06_64: bleeding into table slightly
misc_com_bottle_05: bleeding into crate
T_De_HackloPipe_01: floating on one end
com_sack_01_chpfood5: not being bled into the sack below it
chest_small_01_gold_10: floating flightly over shelf
active_de_pr_bed_23: should be replaced with a de_p style bed
T_Com_SetHarbor_Bollard_02: why is there a bollard in a house?
Containers marked "POS" use dungeon loot so arent great for uses such as homes and general storage, they should be swapped over to misc
This is a pretty solid start but the int is very lacking in clutter, the upper floor you could probably fill some space by using barrels and containers as places to have clutter lying around, the storage room, again just more objects.
*Additionally with not fitting the lower floor storage area doesn't use the pieces with posts and this is to its detriment, theoretically since the room isnt properly supported but also practically as posts/pillars/columns are a great way to make rooms seem to have more in them than they actually do (breaks up the players view)
"Forum sigantures suck" - a great man
2020-08-01 01:27
2 days 1 hour ago
Uploaded version 2 with requested changes.
2018-08-13 09:52
1 hour 50 min ago
Legoless showcase review 2
Name: TR_Othmura_12
Clean: yes
Lighting: Okay, most of the light sources on the lower floor are still a bit too dull, would recommend swapping them to their 128 versions
Northmarker: correct
Fits exterior: Yes
Pathgrid: Good
Illegal to Sleep Here: Yes, correct
Gridsnap: Good
furn_de_p_table_05: bleeding into ground (for this kind of application, using the TD versions of de_p would be acceptble)
T_De_HackloPipe_01: still not resting naturally
misc_clothbolt_02: floating the cloth bolts below
T_MwDe_SetDre_U1Drink10: This is specifically a Dres Style urn and should be replaced with a standard one, also adding a few regular urns with food/ingredients around in general wouldnt be a bad idea.
Good progress but this still needs more clutter, I prefer to judge showcases and claims separately but in this case you need to get comfortable placing more objects than you'd think are needed and also variety, using 3-4 different looking bottles if your going to have them clumped for instance.
The top floor especially is feeling really empty and static, some banners, another rug, some liquor on the shelves, you want to make it look like someone actually lives in this space.
"Forum sigantures suck" - a great man
2020-08-01 01:27
2 days 1 hour ago
Version 3 uploaded with requested changes.
2018-08-13 09:52
1 hour 50 min ago
Legoless showcase review 3
Name: TR_Othmura_12
Clean: yes
Lighting: Good
Northmarker: correct
Fits exterior: Yes
Pathgrid: Good
Illegal to Sleep Here: Yes, correct
Gridsnap: Good
furn_de_basket_01: bleeding through floor visibly
furn_de_tapestry_11/T_De_Furn_Tapestry_11: the one you did by the door was correct, but the three near the stairwell were off, (the apestry hanger should be in the adobe not the wood)
Fix these last two issues and I will reccomend for promotion.
"Forum sigantures suck" - a great man
2020-08-01 01:27
2 days 1 hour ago
Version 4 uploaded!
2018-08-13 09:52
1 hour 50 min ago
Legoless showcase review 4
Name: TR_Othmura_12
Clean: yes
Lighting: Good
Northmarker: correct
Fits exterior: Yes
Pathgrid: Good
Illegal to Sleep Here: Yes, correct
Gridsnap: Good
Reccomending for promotion
"Forum sigantures suck" - a great man
2016-01-25 21:01
57 min 48 sec ago