Region Planning

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Atrayonis's picture
Developer EmeritusInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2015-09-28 20:13
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2 years 8 months ago


This is currently a placeholder and suggestion topic. Created for the meeting on 2016-06-11, it was intended to showcase the diverging ideas of how the regions in the north-western part of Morrowind are supposed to look like. It will do so for the meeting on 2016-06-18 hopefully.

The discussion at hand was centered around the regions detailed in Velothis Landscapes, there called Clambering Moor, Julan-Shar, and Uld Vraech.

His most current region plan is – I believe – this one:

What are Morrowind Regions good for?

Morrowind regions have several gameplay effects:

  1. A unique region ID and region name. Unnamed cells automatically use the Region Name (i.e. Bitter Coast Region).
  2. Unique Weather Chances (Morrowind has 10 hardcoded weather conditions and each region can split percentual chances of weather conditions among each of these).
  3. Sleep Creatures (creatues that will interruped the PC’s sleep).
  4. Sound effects.

They also have informal effects:

  1. Vanilla Morrowind keeps landscape assets confined to each region type, i.e. WG items are only used in the West Gash Regions.
  2. As per the unification of data files with Project Tamriel this will apply to our data too. Sensible regions should be chosen for unique assets.
  3. Bloodmoon uses region names in an attempt to suppress cell names, i.e. Thirsk and Brodir Grove.

What should be noted in using regions is that the weather change is important. Weather changes are triggered as soon as region borders are crossed (notable when crossing into the Red Mountain Region), so crossing a lot of small regions will potentially make the weather go haywire as it tries to rapidly change from one condition to another.

TR_Preview right now – and the proposals.

Currently, TR_Preview has two big Regions Velothi Mountains and Northern Velothi Mountains.
Various proposals exist to overhaul the Northern Velothi Mountains region into at least Uld Vraesh (the coastal area), Julan-Shar (names vary; sort of a coastal swamp area), Cormaris (an uncertainly defined Imperial region around Cormar), and others of varying degree.

Proposal: Adapt the regions from Velothis Landscapes and Gnomey’s region map, both in spirit and in TR_Preview/InDev.

Telvannis and the South...?

The regions in Telvannis need a rework – the thin regions and isolated region cells make weather go awkward when they are crossed rapidly. Regions such as Lake Boethiah have no discernable value. The Sea of Ghosts is a thin, nonsensical layer around the coast (which, incidentally is misplaced – all waters east of the mainland are the Padomaic Ocean, not the Sea of Ghosts).

At the same time, wildly varying proposals exist to revamp the regions in the long term. This does not address the current problems and the near future ones which are the result of TR and PT unifying file structure with an explicit eye on region semantics. If there is supposed to be a long-term rearrangement of regions, it needs to happen now before we tie our file structure to the current regions.

Third, the site is currently using half-implemented area terms, because I’m still not sure which ones are actually supposed to be used. Any sort of clarity will mean I can finish this and all claims and future content types we want can be linked to proper areas.

Proposal: Get rid of the mini- and disjointed regions with no value. Join Lake Boethiah, the valley of Mephala, and the Inner Sea with their adjacent region.
Proposal: Get rid of some of the Sea of Ghosts, joining its cells to the Telvanni Isles, and rename the eastern half into Padomaic Ocean and put some proper cells (underwater claims) in it. If not right now, then mark it down as a definite something.

Finally, the south has some agreed-upon regions as of a month ago (see Seneca’s map below). There are currently issues with the border with Cyrodiil, but they will be part of a cross-project coordination thread in the near future.

However, with the Middle Thirr Valley, we now have properly yellow rocks which will likely not be used in this region but can be earmarked for farther south. The southern half of the river Thirr is part of Shipal-Shin, a valley region. I do not believe this works for the southern Thirr for a couple of reasons:

  1. It is one giant river valley. This will cause a different climate and different animals (sleep creatures) from the rest of the more rocky and higher elevated Shipal-Shin (its western river doesn’t exist in the InDev heightmap because it’s above zero, so you can just see it as a depression and in the Gridmap).
  2. Using the yellow rocks, the orange Middle Thirr valley flora and ground textures, and Shipal-Shin’s (hopefully) more reddish rocks will create a unique contrast between both other regions.
  3. Since one of the problems some people have with “Middle Thirr” as a name is that there’s neither and Upper nor Lower Thirr, this would both create a logical region name without causing players confusion as the region is not otherwise named in-game, as well as keep the “ooh, so the the Lower Thirr is now the Inner Sea” realization which should make the terms more believeable.
  4. It breaks up the monomay of the southern/south-western regions, which are pretty damn big.

Proposal: Create an Upper Thirr region, as outlined in the image below (sans typo). Other region cells do not align properly to Seneca’s map, his takes precedence.


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Seneca37's picture
Developer EmeritusExterior DeveloperInterior Developer
2015-07-05 20:55
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4 years 1 month ago

Here is the Current map of TR’s Regions as of ver1603. I’ve added the southern regions and will be uploading the In_Dev file with these changes.

Image icon Full size map of TR's Regions (v1603)2.78 MB2016-06-15 22:18
Rats's picture
Developer EmeritusAsset ReviewerWriting ReviewerExterior DeveloperInterior ReviewerQuest Reviewer
2014-01-08 21:55
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18 hours 59 min ago

In case I can’t make it to this saturdays meeting I’ll post some thoughts.

First, I do not think that small mini-regions are a thing we should just avoid. They can be pretty great. An example of this is Old Ebonheart. It is its own region, just four cells in size, but the region sound effects really help create a unique atmosphere. This is something we could and should do more. I’m unsure whether the weather changes are that bad an issue: weather does change sometimes rather bizarrely in the game anyway. If it is indeed a problem it can be avoided by making sure there’s something that blocks the player from just running straight from cell to cell, and making the cell borders concur with natural borders.

Small regions adds to the sense of exploration. A new region name pops up and the player goes “oh, I’ve never been here before; wonder what this place is”. Region names can be a great part of the game’s storytelling. For example there’s the smallish valley with an Ashlander camp and a dying little creek running through it which acts as the buffer zone between Armun Ashlands and the Thirr River – visually unlike neither of them. Now let’s say that instead of having it be part of one of the two regions we give it its own name. Instead of “Middle Thirr Region” or “Armun Ashlands Region” the player is noted they’re in “Sul-Amuhn Witherway Region”. The player is prompted to explore, find out more about this particular area, rather than continue their way to the next region.

I was very fond of Uld Vraech as a region, and I am hoping to see it return. Making the whole northwestern part of Morrowind just “Northern Velothi Mountains Region” seems rather bland to me. It is also a bit misleading since much of the region would not actually be geographically part of the Velothi Mountains: there’s the coast and the lakes and everything. Gnomey’s suggestions seem good (though, honestly, I wish we could have had the coast near Baan Malur named “Blacklight Shores Region” – my inner twelve-year-old thinks Blacklight sounds edgy as hell).

I will also be opposed to having the Thirr region we currently have named Middle Thirr Region. Even if the region around Lake Andaram was named Upper Thirr, I’m still not convinced. Why would anyone call that part of the river “Middle” when it’s not – the lore explanation we have for it, IMHO, doesn’t make it seem any less weirder for the player or for the in-game characters. I mean, it’s not like people from the English Midlands call it Lake Harrison because the area used to be under water. I don’t see why we couldn’t have a “Lower Thirr Region” (if we go with the dichotomy) or a “Thirr River Region”.

As for the southern regions of Morrowind, I have no strong opinions about them right now. In the future I probably will. But I will say that I will be forever and ever until creation’s last breath against calling Tear anything other than Tear.

Atrayonis's picture
Developer EmeritusInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2015-09-28 20:13
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2 years 8 months ago

I’m going to reply more elaborate tomorrow, when I had some coffee, but there’s two things I would like to say:

  1. If the regions acutally do have a purpose, I won’t object to them staying around (aside from the Sea of Ghost south of Port Telvannis), as long as we can (mostly) all agree on them having a reason to exist. Having a nice region name is not going to cut it in my opinion. Above everything else, I want to end that terrible, paralyzing uncertainity that hangs over too much of TR still. And that is mostly centered around the conflicting views of how the regions in Telvannis should or ought to look like. Just agreeing that they are fine as they are (Sea of Ghosts aside) is as desirable as anything else in my opinion. It’s just that they will have more impact soon as we move to the new file structure and they should be reexamined accordingly.
  2. I don’t particularly want to reopen the can of worms that is the Middle Thirr, because this caused no end of grief as nobody had any real good idea on what to call the region after “Thirr River Valley” was found wanting. We sorta agreed on “Middle Thirr” by exhaustion and real-life precedence and if you absolutely have to contest that name before it moves into the game files, I strongly suggest coming up with something better in a constructive vote of no (naming) confidence, even if you have to touch other regions like the Inner Sea. I don’t want to have to rediscuss this every time someone else looks at the name and finds it lacking.
Rats's picture
Developer EmeritusAsset ReviewerWriting ReviewerExterior DeveloperInterior ReviewerQuest Reviewer
2014-01-08 21:55
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18 hours 59 min ago

The real-life precedence is not actual precedence though, is it? Middle Rhine is actually middle Rhine. The Middle Thirr we have is actually Lower Thirr.

I could live with Lower and Upper Thirr regions.

Also, doesn't deciding the region names now go against the bottom-up design philosophy we're trying to embrace.

10Kaziem's picture
Asset DeveloperInterior Developer
2015-12-12 23:47
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3 years 4 months ago

We’re coming to a point where the region names are going to get set in stone in the data files, so they’re going to get chosen anyway. We just need to discuss and make sure they make sense.

Does: concepts, textures, youtube vids, admin stuff e.g. PR, handbook, assets, small website things. Activity level: wildly unpredictable. Still active. Find me on Discord.

Kevaar's picture
Developer EmeritusQuest Developer
2016-01-19 19:35
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2 months 1 week ago

Thirr Delta?

If there’s not going to be a Lower Thirr region, I agree Middle Thirr sounds weird.

Almas Thirr or Thirr River would probably be fine.

Atrayonis's picture
Developer EmeritusInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2015-09-28 20:13
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2 years 8 months ago

Actually, it turns out that this has a preexisting discussion here. Whoops.
Suffice to say that nobody has actually managed to find a better name. “Thirr River Valley” was deemed too clinically descriptive, it’s not much of a valley, the Thirr is at its center, the most important city aside from those pesky Imperials even has Thirr in it.
Swiftoak suggested Fields of Thirr (link to the meeting about the name) – but it also doesn’t consist of fields. Gnomey seems fond of Valley of the Crossing, which has similar problem as Thirr River Valley (it’s not much of a valley).

As for the Lower Thirr, there are two interpretations:

There is a Lower Thirr, which is the river delta around Old Ebonheart. The in-game region is the Askkaed Coast. I would advise against creating a new region just for that name, dialogue can and should mention it. This seems to be a bone of contention, that a region must be in-game realized to exist in fluff. Naming the Middle Thirr Lower Thirr makes little sense to me, as it’s just blatantly not the lower part of the river.

The cheeky way to look at this is that the Lower Thirr is actually the Inner Sea – a realization which plays back to the fact that Vvardenfell was not always an island and Middle Thirr might be a more historical reverential name than it seems at first glance.

It would, I think, add to the game as it points to Morrowind’s history and a more grown, natural name than “Veloth’s Crossing” or similar blatantly tacked on. Disclaimer: If you’ve seen Gnomey’s first era map, that’s one river placement we disagree on but there’s no official take on first era Resdayn anyway.

Rats's picture
Developer EmeritusAsset ReviewerWriting ReviewerExterior DeveloperInterior ReviewerQuest Reviewer
2014-01-08 21:55
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18 hours 59 min ago

Fuck me, I just realized I've been wrong the whole time. Middle Thirr is actually Middle Thirr -- like Atrayonis has been saying. The lower bit is indeed the Askkaedh (spelling..?) Coast. Apologies.

Middle Thirr is fine.

Seneca37's picture
Developer EmeritusExterior DeveloperInterior Developer
2015-07-05 20:55
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4 years 1 month ago


We’re coming to a point where the region names are going to get set in stone in the data files, so they’re going to get chosen anyway. We just need to discuss and make sure they make sense.

It’s not that they will be set in stone, it’s just that we will be developing assets using these region name, and any changes to the names will be troublesome for developers down-the-road. All I’m hoping is that we can agree on some names/regions and be able to start making some progress. There is a lot of exterior work that needs to be done, and hence planned out. Borders with the other provences, regions, cities, roads, flora etc… need to be planned out before opening up any exterior work.

Atrayonis's picture
Developer EmeritusInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2015-09-28 20:13
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2 years 8 months ago

From today’s meeting:

Regions and region names




Regions we are in agreement about, name and placement, or only placement-wise

  • Arnesian Jungle
  • Deshaan Plains
  • Mudflats
  • Salt Marshes
  • Shipal-shin
  • Othreleth Woods
  • (A third region, split from Othreleth Woods)
  • Armun Ashlands
  • Roth-Roryn
  • Velothi Mountains
  • Julan-shar
  • Grey Meadows
  • Clambering Moor
  • Uld Vraech
  • Sundered Scar
  • (Thirr region)
  • (Alt Orethan)
  • (Lan Orethan)
  • (Nedothril Coast)
  • (Vales of Mephala)
  • (Sacred Lands)

Regions that were deferred on account of fact finding

  • Lake Boethiah
  • Mephala Valley (set to 100% fog)

Regions which need more work in name finding or were held off

  • A third region next to Shipal-Shin and the Othreleth Woods (Upper Thirr or Othreleth Woods if the current one are named to Othreleth Upper Lands)
  • Pretty much all regions currently in TR_Mainland. There are some radical reorganisations proposed, which will need further elaboration, specifically for Telvannis
Biboran's picture
2016-01-23 11:05
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6 years 6 months ago

I'am not a expert, but bayme call regions simply Thirr and Thiss?

Kevaar's picture
Developer EmeritusQuest Developer
2016-01-19 19:35
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2 months 1 week ago

Thiss region, not to be confused with Thaat region. (Sorry, impulse was too strong to resist...)

Parker's picture
Developer EmeritusInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2016-01-19 04:30
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3 years 5 months ago

I still somewhat support nixing the Nedothril Coast and extending the Lan Orethan to the shoreline, though that position is probably mostly based on how underwhelming the current Nedothril Coast is, I admit. 

At one point, an idea was being floated around to extend the Vvardenfell Grazelands and Azura’s Coast regions to the mainland coastline of Telvannis, to show how that area used to be one continuous landmass in our backstory/history. At the very least, I think the Grazelands region would suit the immediate area around Firewatch.

For other regions, I prefer these names Swiftoak (I believe) suggested once:

Sacred Lands → Horn of Veloth
Othreleth Woods → Kanit Valley (this could be used for the third unnamed region in that area)
Boethian Mountains → Boethia’s Spine (only If we keep the mountains in Telvannis)

Atrayonis's picture
Developer EmeritusInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2015-09-28 20:13
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2 years 8 months ago

Where exactly is “Kanit” coming from?

I do somewhat like Boethia’s Spine, but Horn of Veloth sounds kind of overdoing the Moses parallelsilly . I’m inclined to argue that Sacred Lands is just fine.

As for the Thirr, my option is still Othreleth Woods should stay as they are. So, going from Gnomey’s new map:
Othreleth Highlands → Othreleth Woods
Othreleth Woods → Upper Thirr

At one point, an idea was being floated around to extend the Vvardenfell Grazelands and Azura’s Coast regions to the mainland coastline of Telvannis, to show how that area used to be one continuous landmass in our backstory/history. At the very least, I think the Grazelands region would suit the immediate area around Firewatch.

Ah, so that was a real proposal? That’s one of the maps I found and attached in the OP then – the Og4CRIJawpoYrreHyEeVXGZI5gH0ZEMKlSEPGW4Z83g.jpg one.

Gnomey's picture
Asset DeveloperWriterExterior DeveloperInterior Developer
2015-08-10 20:50
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1 day 5 hours ago

As far as extending the Azura’s Coast is concerned, I did do so in the region map. I opted to only extend Azura’s Coast to the mainland and not the Grazelands as I figured Azura’s Coast could be made to look just familiar – but still unwelcoming – enough for Firewatch. I imagine the Helnim Fields region as being the primary Telvanni grazelands on the mainland, but whether the region would use the Grazeland asset kit or not remains to be decided.

As for the Orethans, I imagine them all as being part of the same ‘super-region’, meaning that they use the same asset kit but with distinct visuals and weather patterns. So in effect that is very similar to extending Lan Orethan to the coast, except, at least at the moment, I feel as though the territory could be put to better use than more forest.

I’d be very ok with Horn of Veloth (HV) as a new name for the Sacred Lands.

The name Kanit had slipped my mind (I’m pretty sure the name ‘Kanit’ comes from Swiftoak not liking the name ‘Othreleth’ for whatever reason); going by my map I think Othreleth Woods and Kanit Uplands would work quite nicely.
That being said, I made my region map before I noticed this thread, and I don’t think the idea of an Upper Thirr region is a bad one; only it runs into similar naming problems as the Middle Thirr so I’m not sure what to call it. So how about we use Othreleth Woods (OW) for the region along the Othreleth and simply Kanit (KN) for the Upper Thirr? In which case Kanit would not be the name of a river but simply of the region.

I’m all for renaming the Boethian Mountains Boethiah’s Spine; the mountain range technically still exists on my map, but as as a border between regions rather than as its own weather region. And I should clarify that my map is intended to represent the (rough) weather regions. As a matter of fact, I imagine Nas-kaan as a shaded mushroom forest nestled within Boethiah’s Spine. As far as I’m concerned Boethiah’s Spine could have a unique asset kit if we want it to, but for now I’m primarily concerned about our weather regions.

Kevaar's picture
Developer EmeritusQuest Developer
2016-01-19 19:35
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2 months 1 week ago

Kanit = Kanet? The gold flowers? Named for all the Gold Kanet that grows up there perhaps?

Atrayonis's picture
Developer EmeritusInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2015-09-28 20:13
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2 years 8 months ago

Tossing out my suggestion for Telvannis – aside from the Padomaic ocean I didn’t touch the names. I think Aranyon pass has also some unique weather patterns due to that curse, so much as I don’t like it, don’t think it can be fiddled with without tossing it out in its current form.

Gnomey's picture
Asset DeveloperWriterExterior DeveloperInterior Developer
2015-08-10 20:50
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1 day 5 hours ago

In case I haven’t already made the point, putting my more extreme suggestions for Telvannis’ regions aside, I’m very much of the opinion that TR’s ocean regions should just be removed entirely. They tend to pointlessly restrict other regions to justify themselves, which is more obvious with the Inner Sea region. Mechanically, I think the generic ‘Wilderness’ region better serves their purpose, as it doesn’t end two or three or ten cells off the coast but keeps going, and as effectively its sole purpose has only ever been to describe the continuous ocean barrier surrounding the landmass. If we want the coastline to have particular weather patterns, I think we’d be better served with specific coastal regions. (They wouldn’t need to have their own asset kit; just look at Sheogorad).

But yeah, aside from that I obviously think Telvannis will require extensive work to meet its potential, with an emphasis on interesting and varied regions, so most of my suggestions will diverge wildly from the status quo.

Edit: though another less divergent point I could make: I do think we could extend the concept of the Valley of Mephala (at least as far as its weather – constantly wreathed in fog – is concerned) to the whole Mephalain Mountains region and remove it as a distinct in-game mini-region. This could admittedly undermine the exceptionalism of the valley, but I think in this case making the Mephalain Mountains region as a whole more interesting takes precedence. If we want to keep the one valley unique, I think focusing on its appearance will be enough, and would also be more consistent with vanilla Vvardenfell, which has many notable landmarks of varying levels (admittedly often not well executed, but the Caldera Ebony Mine comes to mind) but only one (Red Mountain) with its own region and weather pattern.

Atrayonis's picture
Developer EmeritusInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2015-09-28 20:13
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2 years 8 months ago

Hot from today’s meeting


Region Planning

Discussion begins with further thoughts on the Narsis District and the names, borders, and assets of the regions in there.


Final result


  • The current Middle Thirr region will be renamed Aanthirin (AT) (meaning “around/divided by the Thir(r)). It will feature orange and green plants and Ascadian Isles (green-grey) rocks.

  • <OU> will be Othreleth Woods (OW)

  • <OW> will be Thirr Valley (TV)

  • <SH> remains Shipal-Shin (no changes.)

  • Nedothril Coast -> Nedothril (NT), with the thought that it will be a deforested coastline later on, instead of the rolling plains it is now

  • Boethian Mountains -> Boethiah’s Spine (BS)

  • Lake Boethiah -> *deleted*


Referring to asset kits:

Shipal-Shin is mainly red soil and red rocks with sparse orange foliage.

Oreleth Woods is mainly orange foliage with little (sparse) rocks and red soil, using the same plants as Shipal-Shin. The density of the foliage should obscure the red soil and make it more orange than Shipal-Shin.

The Thirr Valley mixes orange rocks with Othreleth’s mushroom forests. The mushroom trees by the water should evoke mangroves by having a sprawling network of roots (which might be seperate assets). The soil should be reddish/orange, whatever is more convenient at the time.

Aanthirin stays as planned: orange and green, with green-grey rocks and it uses the new textures and foliage Rats is creating.


The Oceans

The existence of the Ocean region (Sea of Ghosts) is a point of contention. For now we agreed on extending the coastlines of adjacent regions to make the ocean region border the wilderness cells outwards exclusively instead of acting like buffer zones between landmasses.

At the same time, the Padomaic Ocean (PO) is to be split from the Sea of Ghosts (SG?), as the SoG is the ocean north of Tamriel and PO is east.


Discussions about Molagreahd and the cells bordering Vvardenfell were delayed until next week’s meeting.

Rats's picture
Developer EmeritusAsset ReviewerWriting ReviewerExterior DeveloperInterior ReviewerQuest Reviewer
2014-01-08 21:55
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18 hours 59 min ago

That’s pretty good. Aanthirin Region is good. God, finally the debate over what to call the region is over. 

In case it was discussed: are we still calling the green region north of Roth Roryn Asskaedh Coast [Region]? Or something else?

Also, when these are updated we should keep to the vanilla way of naming regions, ie. instead of “Roth Roryn” we have “Roth Roryn Region”.

(I should really start attending these meetings once again; my apologies that I haven’t for quite some time)



Atrayonis's picture
Developer EmeritusInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2015-09-28 20:13
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2 years 8 months ago

Asskaedh is still in, yeah. It seems it slipped through the list, but I do remember we nodded on keeping the name.

Agreed, we’ll keep the vanilla conventions. Morrowind has two region names and the <x> region is in the cell names, but the region itself doesn’t have region in it, so it’s omitted from all the maps.

Gnomey's picture
Asset DeveloperWriterExterior DeveloperInterior Developer
2015-08-10 20:50
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1 day 5 hours ago

I did not nod! devil I frankly think we should just extend the vanilla Ascadian Isles region to cover the Asskaedh coast, as we decided to do away with silly arbitrary divisions between Vvardenfell and the Mainland years ago and there is no worthwhile visual difference between the two regions to warrant them being separate as far as I can see. (There are the ugly cliffs, but those are only at the edge of the region, so different borders to the same region). If we do keep the region, I think we should go with a simpler name like Askaad, but I really don’t think it’s worth keeping as a distinct region in its current form, and if we do want a distinct region there I think we should actually make it look distinct.

And yeah, I’m all for keeping to vanilla conventions, personally. I do remember someone wanting to move away from them, but they can feel free to come back and argue the point themselves.cheeky

Kevaar's picture
Developer EmeritusQuest Developer
2016-01-19 19:35
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2 months 1 week ago

I just noticed something. That thin nose off the yellow region (TV). Will that cause crazy weather effects? As the first post mentions thin regions make the weather go haywire when crossed quickly.

Rats's picture
Developer EmeritusAsset ReviewerWriting ReviewerExterior DeveloperInterior ReviewerQuest Reviewer
2014-01-08 21:55
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18 hours 59 min ago

I think that saying the weather will go haywire is bit of an overstatement. Yes, when crossing region borders the weather sometimes changes. But I wouldn't worry about thin regions too much.

On Asskaedh Coast: I don't think the division here is silly or an arbitrary one. From an in-game perspective, I would imagine that when the player crossed the Inner Sea they would await that the region's name also changed to something new to signal them they've found something new. The Coast, I think, doesn't need to look any different. It's pastoral and quite normal-looking, telling the player that this area is low level and safe. It's fine as it is.

Atrayonis's picture
Developer EmeritusInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2015-09-28 20:13
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2 years 8 months ago

Ascadian Coast was another suggestion for it, wasn’t it?

I think it’s okay where it is. It’s certainly less islandy than the Ascadian Isles (which really are a collection of big isles).

Rats's picture
Developer EmeritusAsset ReviewerWriting ReviewerExterior DeveloperInterior ReviewerQuest Reviewer
2014-01-08 21:55
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18 hours 59 min ago

Ascadian Coast / Asskaedh Coast, either one is fine by me.

Atrayonis's picture
Developer EmeritusInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2015-09-28 20:13
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2 years 8 months ago

I think we finally have it! Map below.

Rats's picture
Developer EmeritusAsset ReviewerWriting ReviewerExterior DeveloperInterior ReviewerQuest Reviewer
2014-01-08 21:55
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18 hours 59 min ago

The legend still has old region names, but the names on the map are 10/10.

That's it, IMO.

fufufu's picture
2016-01-23 02:43
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8 years 1 month ago

I like all the names except for Mephaliad. It reminds me too much of the Iliad. Feels too western. I know it’s following the same pattern as Sheogorad but has a different feel to me. I much preferred Vales of Mephala.

Parker's picture
Developer EmeritusInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2016-01-19 04:30
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3 years 5 months ago

Could we change Alt Orethn to Yad Orethan? Alt is a button on my keyboard, not a region in Morrowind. laugh

