i dont know if its an issue on my part but i seem to be missing in irenam manor ,port telvannis the plague rat blood texture it apears as a yellow icon.
i read that it can be assosiated with the bsa but its already registered , i can pick up the item and use it but it apears missing
(Reply #1) Posted on Thu, 2021-03-25 00:56
2017-06-04 07:39
2 years 2 weeks ago
I've encountered the same problem. In addition, there's a bug with the quest "Intrigue in Port Telvannis". When I report to Rantela Irenam about a dead body, the topic "undetected" links to itself causing an infinite dialogue.
2014-03-16 17:45
2 years 3 weeks ago
bugtracker link for the dialogue
2017-10-17 19:03
3 days 11 hours ago
Rat blood is fixed. The other one looks familiar; I believe I fixed that a few months ago.