Pete Fargoth's Interior Showcase

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Peter's picture
Developer EmeritusSenior DeveloperInterior Reviewer
2021-09-07 12:38
Last seen:
2 months 1 week ago

(cell name "tr_showcase1")

shell : ex_hlaalu_b_05

Binary Data TR_Showcase_PeteFargothsHouse.esp16.39 KB2021-09-08 13:34
Peter's picture
Developer EmeritusSenior DeveloperInterior Reviewer
2021-09-07 12:38
Last seen:
2 months 1 week ago

( Ignore this )

Mark's picture
ModeratorSenior DeveloperInterior ReviewerQuest Developer
2020-07-31 02:09
Last seen:
4 days 9 hours ago

Couple things:

All TR interiors and ESP names should start with the prefix “TR_”, add that

Before I review this properly, it needs to be cluttered more. There’s just too much empty space. Look at interiors in Balmora for ideas of what you can do. Floorspace and wallspace needs to be filled in with tapestries, more containers and furniture in general. More clutter should be added to your furniture (though, your bookshelf looks fine).

The furn_de_ex_table_03 should be replaced with a “furn_de_p_table_”. That’s the showcase requirement.

The blue lantern should be replaced with a normal orange one, because in TR colored lights are reserved for thematic locations (in the case of blue--mage locations).

I like how you used some TD items though, good job on that! Fix these issues above (most importantly the cluttering), and I will do a more in-depth review where I go into the nitty-gritty of lighting and object placement and so on.

PS. let me know what shell you're using so I can match it to ext

Peter's picture
Developer EmeritusSenior DeveloperInterior Reviewer
2021-09-07 12:38
Last seen:
2 months 1 week ago

Latest revision 9/12/21

Binary Data TR_Showcase_PeteFargothsHouse.esp19.26 KB2021-09-13 07:47
Mark's picture
ModeratorSenior DeveloperInterior ReviewerQuest Developer
2020-07-31 02:09
Last seen:
4 days 9 hours ago

This does not fit the specified shell (ex_hlaalu_b_06). It is missing an entire floor. Also, this is too large of a shell to work with for a showcase. I recommend tweaking it to fit ex_hlaalu_b_05. It will only require some top floor shuffling and downsizing, the basement can remain the same. You can clean out the second cell from the file. It's important that you fix the int-ext matching situation before I go on with the normal review.

At a glance, the com_chest and com_cupboard do not belong, because they are part of the common set, not the dark elf set.

Peter's picture
Developer EmeritusSenior DeveloperInterior Reviewer
2021-09-07 12:38
Last seen:
2 months 1 week ago

Revision 9/13/21

Binary Data TR_Showcase_PeteFargothsHouse.esp16.05 KB2021-09-14 05:05
Peter's picture
Developer EmeritusSenior DeveloperInterior Reviewer
2021-09-07 12:38
Last seen:
2 months 1 week ago

Update 9/16

Binary Data TR_Showcase_PeteFargothsHouse.esp15.93 KB2021-09-16 18:01
Mark's picture
ModeratorSenior DeveloperInterior ReviewerQuest Developer
2020-07-31 02:09
Last seen:
4 days 9 hours ago

Name: tr_showcase
Clean: Very dirty. Make sure to use TESAME to clean out everything that you edited besides the blank TES3 entry, your cell, and your cell’s pathgrid. The renamed container is the worst offender. Here’s the TESAME tutorial.
Lighting: The sunlight setting is too high, TR reduces these values because they cause a one-sided glow to the int and oversaturate things. Make the sunlight into 25/20/15 or similar. Now, you’ll have to adjust the ambient settings to make up for the loss of color in the sunlight. Try to achieve a deep brown color for ambient.
Northmarker: Present, N/A
Fits exterior: Yes
Pathgrid: A node at the top of the stairs is bleeding into a basket. Best just to remove one of the nodes at the top of the stairs and use only one as the corner. It’s okay if the yellow lines bleed into the stairs. There are several places where you can connect more nodes together in diagonals. Way too many nodes in the little alcove in the basement.
Illegal to Sleep Here: Yes, correct
Gridsnap: Good


Misc_de_tankard_01: (the one on the table) bleeding and no effort made to rotate this to be flat with the table
Urn_01_food: bleeding through a tapestry
barrel_01_ashyams: as above
iron spear: one of these is bleeding into the spearholder
Urn_01_food: bleeding into a barrel
Barrel_01_ashyams: bleeding into a wall
com_sack_03_chpfood5: very oddly rotated between sacks and crates. Make this look more natural
bk_frontierconquestaccommodat: bleeding into table (rotate this to look like it rests flat)
All the tapestries are bleeding at the rope knot. I will show pictures on discord.


active_de_p_bed_04: floating
Misc_de_tankard_01: (the one on the floor) floating
potion_local_liquor_01: floating, and no effort made to rotate this to be flat with the table
T_De_StonewarePlate_04: no effort made to rotate this to be flat with the table
Furn_pottedplant: floating
Furn_de_p_bookshelf_01: floating
Com_sack_01_saltrice_10: floating
Misc_de_basket_01: floating
Nothing on the bookshelf is rotated to be flat with the surface of the shelf, and is therefore either bleeding, floating, or both.
light_de_lamp_01_128: floating
com_sack_02_pos (x4): not bled enough (needs to be bled into the floor a bit)
com_sack_03_chpfood5: the one at the back is not against the side of the crate
furn_de_p_chair_02_UNI2: the legs are floating (also, replace this with the non-UNI variant)
T_Com_Var_BottleWeapon_01: top part is floating
iron spear: one of these is floating, not touching the spearholder
iron mace: handle is floating
iron saber: appears to be floating
Furn_De_rm_Winerack: floating
Potion_comberry_brandy_01: (the lower one) floating on one side
Potion_comberry_wine_01: as above
Misc_Quill: floating, rotate to be flat with the desk
Misc_Inkwell: rotate to be flat with the desk
light_de_candle_ivory_01: as above
Furn_de_rug_big_05: not bled enough (bleed it enough so that the tassels dont really look like they’re floating)
Furn_de_cushion_round_01: should be bled into the ground a bit, it’s a cushion


Bed is missing a pillow
T_IngFood_Apple_01 does not belong in morrowind (all instances)
Furn_com_rm_chair_03 (x2): should be swapped with a de_p chair because you are using de_p furniture
Replace the blueware utensils with the generic wood utensils because the blueware is meant for higher class ints
T_Note_LetterToBrother02PC: what is this? Did you make it custom? I don’t think it fits well into a poor commoner’s home, neither in message nor the actual model. 
In the alcove you use 2 in_hlaalu_doorjamb_loads. Instead, you can just use 1 in_hlaalu_doorjamb.
T_Com_Lute_01: replace with a vanilla dunmer lute
Furn_de_lecturn: use T_De_Furn_P_Lecturn to match the rest of the int

Much better on the cluttering! But this still needs some work. Check out the item placement tutorial on the website, as well as other showcase materials in the handbook.

Peter's picture
Developer EmeritusSenior DeveloperInterior Reviewer
2021-09-07 12:38
Last seen:
2 months 1 week ago

Updated after review 9/16

Binary Data TR_Showcase_PeteFargothsHouse.esp11.1 KB2021-09-17 07:33
Mark's picture
ModeratorSenior DeveloperInterior ReviewerQuest Developer
2020-07-31 02:09
Last seen:
4 days 9 hours ago

Apologies for the wait. Thank you for being so patient.

Review 2
Name: tr_showcase
Clean: Yes
Lighting: Good! 
Northmarker: Present, N/A
Fits exterior: Yes, fits ex_hlaalu_b_05 with a basement
Pathgrid: Good
Illegal to Sleep Here: Yes, correct
Gridsnap: Good


Active_de_p_bed_04: bleeding into a tapestry
Furn_de_p_table_02: as above
Furn_de_p_bookshelf_01: (and some of its contents) as above
(there are more things throughout the int that bleed into tapestries because you corrected their placements. Make sure you fix these)



Interior devs don’t set up doormarkers (unless it connects 2 things inside one int), so you should uncheck this box on your door.

Fix these final things and you will be promoted.

Peter's picture
Developer EmeritusSenior DeveloperInterior Reviewer
2021-09-07 12:38
Last seen:
2 months 1 week ago

Ok I guess this is the final version 10/3/21

Binary Data TR_Showcase_PeteFargothsHouse.esp11.04 KB2021-10-03 17:14
Mark's picture
ModeratorSenior DeveloperInterior ReviewerQuest Developer
2020-07-31 02:09
Last seen:
4 days 9 hours ago

All things fixed. I'm promoting you to interior developer