Lighting: Ambient too grey, aim for a warm brown colour. Try to match example image I'll provide below. Sunlight much too high, TR uses significantly lower values. Check Andothren in the Roryn's Bluff section file for examples of the current standard of Hlaalu lighting.
Light placement is a bit excessive especially around the bar area, remove a couple of them and reduce a few radii. This int is too small for any 256 light for example. The upper floor could also use a small light.
Northmarker: Present, good
Fits exterior: Yes, good
Pathgrid: Absent, looks like it was attempted but not saved.
Illegal to Sleep Here: Yes, good
Gridsnap: Doors not gridsnapped so there is visible gaps. Apply gridsnap to the two doors.
Bleeders: furn_de_p_bookshelf_01, into the rug. misc_clothbolt_01, into the wall.
Floaters: Furn_de_rug_big_09, needs to be sunk so the tassles are on the ground. Same as you did with the other big rug. light_com_candle_07_64 x2
Lighting: Much better, but the ambient is a bit yellow. Try increasing the blue value to about 35. Sunlight is greyscale, avoid having the same value in all 3 fields, also a bit too low now. 20,10,10 is good for sunlight in this int.
A few lights are still causing greenlight, (greenlight is a lighting bug where lights create a strange grey/green colour if they're too close to certain geometry, will show what I mean in a comment under this one) the candle on the desk and the one on the keg on the upper floor. Also the lantern in the corner on the cushion is still a 256, which is too high for a small int like this. Reduce the radii of all 3 of these (64, 64 and 128 respectively), and move the lantern on the cushion more toward the edge of the cushion and away from the walls and that should be it for lights.
Northmarker: Present, good
Fits exterior: Yes, good
Pathgrid: Appears to be autogenned, therefore a lot of unnecessary nodes and paths going through objects. Please delete, then place nodes and paths manually (the nodes should be blue not red). Here is a tutorial for pathgridding manually:
Illegal to Sleep Here: Yes, good
Gridsnap: Correct, good
Floaters: furn_de_p_bookshelf_01
Rescaled miscs:
File should not have Mainland.ESM as a master, please remove master record using Wyre Mash. In future when making esps, do not load any ESM other then Tamriel_data and the 3 vanilla ones. Use the mainland.esp found with the sectionfiles to load mainland conent alongside you esps in the future.
Nice use of Tamriel_Data assets, but a few more would be good, preferably swap out a few more misc items with ones from Data. However T_Imp_FurnR_Shelf_01 is a rich Imperial shelf (as shown by the Imp and the R in the ID) but the rest of the furniture is poor dunmer (as shown by the de and the p in the IDs). Same issue with the rug. Avoid set mixing. Please either replace or remove the shelf and the rug.
Objects on the de_p furniture do not appear to have been rotated, please rotate everything on the de_p furniture so it sits flat.
Alright, this should fix most of these issues. It's possible that rotating on de_p is still a slight issue, but I tried to comb through the misc objects to check.
Lighting: Settings perfect. However, blue lights are reserved for mages and pink lights are reserved for brothels etc. Replace these lights with normal yellow colour ones.
Northmarker: Present, good
Fits exterior: Yes, good
Pathgrid: Perfect, no issues
Illegal to Sleep Here: Yes, good
Gridsnap: Yes, good
Bleeders: misc_com_wood_cup_02, into the barrel it's on.
Rescaled miscs:
Admirable effort on rotating the assets, but a number of them appear to have been skipped. However the ones that have been rotated are all done so correctly, nice work.
T_Imp and T_Nor assets should be removed/replaced. Use only de or com assets to avoid set mixing as mentioned before.
Really nice scattering of data assets otherwise, very nicely integrated.
Reviewed, very close now I expect this to be the final try
Clean: No, one dirty cup reference.
Lighting: Settings perfect. Move light_de_candle_11_64 away from the center of the table to remove greenlight.
Northmarker: Present
Fits exterior: Yes
Pathgrid: No issues
Illegal to Sleep Here: Yes, good
Gridsnap: No issues
Bleeders: potion_comberry_wine_01 on the shelf, into the wall
Rescaled miscs:
I should have caught these in the previous review:
Because they are loading zone doors you should swap the in_hlaalu_door assets for in_hlaalu_loaddoor_01.
And the furn_com_rm_shelf_01 should be swapped for a de_p shelf, com_rm is rich medium imperial furniture but this is a poor dunmer int. Com misc clutter can be used alongside other sets in most ints but furniture must match.
light_com_lamp_02_128 should be replaced with a de_ (dark elf) lamp. But since Jack missed that in their review I'll let it slide and not bother you for another attempt for that singular issue. Just make sure to avoid setmixing in the future.
One other comment I'd give is that overall, the furniture sprawls pretty far into the walking space. In the future, make sure there's plenty of room for the player and NPCs to be able to walk freely without bumping into furniture, either by pushing it back more or just cutting down on its use.
With all the issues of the review fixed, promoted to Interior Developer.
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2021-02-06 12:11
3 weeks 4 days ago
Name: dk_custom
Clean: Yes, good
Lighting: Ambient too grey, aim for a warm brown colour. Try to match example image I'll provide below. Sunlight much too high, TR uses significantly lower values. Check Andothren in the Roryn's Bluff section file for examples of the current standard of Hlaalu lighting.
Light placement is a bit excessive especially around the bar area, remove a couple of them and reduce a few radii. This int is too small for any 256 light for example. The upper floor could also use a small light.
Northmarker: Present, good
Fits exterior: Yes, good
Pathgrid: Absent, looks like it was attempted but not saved.
Illegal to Sleep Here: Yes, good
Gridsnap: Doors not gridsnapped so there is visible gaps. Apply gridsnap to the two doors.
furn_de_p_bookshelf_01, into the rug.
misc_clothbolt_01, into the wall.
Furn_de_rug_big_09, needs to be sunk so the tassles are on the ground. Same as you did with the other big rug.
light_com_candle_07_64 x2
Rescaled miscs:
No use of Tamriel_data assets, please scatter a couple into the int.
Please delete ext shell from esp.
Ownerships have been left in from copy/pasting, be sure to clean out owners.
Remove the post with the light and tapestry on it. The cobble doesn't quite fit aesthetically.
Tapestries not placed to standard, will provide an example image below.
de_p furniture has uneven surfaces, objects placed on top must be rotated so they sit flat on the surfaces.
ₒₕ, bₒₒ𝒹?
2021-12-10 00:26
2 years 7 months ago
Okay, I've gone through everything here, and I think this should be an improvement. Don't be afraid to let me know of additional issues, though.
2021-02-06 12:11
3 weeks 4 days ago
Clean: Yes, good
Lighting: Much better, but the ambient is a bit yellow. Try increasing the blue value to about 35. Sunlight is greyscale, avoid having the same value in all 3 fields, also a bit too low now. 20,10,10 is good for sunlight in this int.
A few lights are still causing greenlight, (greenlight is a lighting bug where lights create a strange grey/green colour if they're too close to certain geometry, will show what I mean in a comment under this one) the candle on the desk and the one on the keg on the upper floor. Also the lantern in the corner on the cushion is still a 256, which is too high for a small int like this. Reduce the radii of all 3 of these (64, 64 and 128 respectively), and move the lantern on the cushion more toward the edge of the cushion and away from the walls and that should be it for lights.
Northmarker: Present, good
Fits exterior: Yes, good
Pathgrid: Appears to be autogenned, therefore a lot of unnecessary nodes and paths going through objects. Please delete, then place nodes and paths manually (the nodes should be blue not red). Here is a tutorial for pathgridding manually:
Illegal to Sleep Here: Yes, good
Gridsnap: Correct, good
Rescaled miscs:
File should not have Mainland.ESM as a master, please remove master record using Wyre Mash. In future when making esps, do not load any ESM other then Tamriel_data and the 3 vanilla ones. Use the mainland.esp found with the sectionfiles to load mainland conent alongside you esps in the future.
Nice use of Tamriel_Data assets, but a few more would be good, preferably swap out a few more misc items with ones from Data. However T_Imp_FurnR_Shelf_01 is a rich Imperial shelf (as shown by the Imp and the R in the ID) but the rest of the furniture is poor dunmer (as shown by the de and the p in the IDs). Same issue with the rug. Avoid set mixing. Please either replace or remove the shelf and the rug.
Objects on the de_p furniture do not appear to have been rotated, please rotate everything on the de_p furniture so it sits flat.
ₒₕ, bₒₒ𝒹?
2021-02-06 12:11
3 weeks 4 days ago
See this for what I mean about greenlight, also where to place the lantern to avoid it
ₒₕ, bₒₒ𝒹?
2021-12-10 00:26
2 years 7 months ago
Alright, this should fix most of these issues. It's possible that rotating on de_p is still a slight issue, but I tried to comb through the misc objects to check.
2021-02-06 12:11
3 weeks 4 days ago
Name: dk_custom
Clean: Yes
Lighting: Settings perfect. However, blue lights are reserved for mages and pink lights are reserved for brothels etc. Replace these lights with normal yellow colour ones.
Northmarker: Present, good
Fits exterior: Yes, good
Pathgrid: Perfect, no issues
Illegal to Sleep Here: Yes, good
Gridsnap: Yes, good
misc_com_wood_cup_02, into the barrel it's on.
Rescaled miscs:
Admirable effort on rotating the assets, but a number of them appear to have been skipped. However the ones that have been rotated are all done so correctly, nice work.
T_Imp and T_Nor assets should be removed/replaced. Use only de or com assets to avoid set mixing as mentioned before.
Really nice scattering of data assets otherwise, very nicely integrated.
ₒₕ, bₒₒ𝒹?
2021-12-10 00:26
2 years 7 months ago
At the risk of annoying you with more item rotation stuff, I'm hoping this is at least close at this point.
2021-02-06 12:11
3 weeks 4 days ago
Reviewed, very close now I expect this to be the final try
Clean: No, one dirty cup reference.
Lighting: Settings perfect. Move light_de_candle_11_64 away from the center of the table to remove greenlight.
Northmarker: Present
Fits exterior: Yes
Pathgrid: No issues
Illegal to Sleep Here: Yes, good
Gridsnap: No issues
potion_comberry_wine_01 on the shelf, into the wall
Rescaled miscs:
I should have caught these in the previous review:
Because they are loading zone doors you should swap the in_hlaalu_door assets for in_hlaalu_loaddoor_01.
And the furn_com_rm_shelf_01 should be swapped for a de_p shelf, com_rm is rich medium imperial furniture but this is a poor dunmer int. Com misc clutter can be used alongside other sets in most ints but furniture must match.
ₒₕ, bₒₒ𝒹?
2021-12-10 00:26
2 years 7 months ago
Alright, I apologize for taking so long. These issues should be fixed now. Hopefully you're correct about this version being final.
2020-07-31 02:09
1 week 6 days ago
light_com_lamp_02_128 should be replaced with a de_ (dark elf) lamp. But since Jack missed that in their review I'll let it slide and not bother you for another attempt for that singular issue. Just make sure to avoid setmixing in the future.
One other comment I'd give is that overall, the furniture sprawls pretty far into the walking space. In the future, make sure there's plenty of room for the player and NPCs to be able to walk freely without bumping into furniture, either by pushing it back more or just cutting down on its use.
With all the issues of the review fixed, promoted to Interior Developer.