[Old Ebonheart-East Empire?] The Clueless Egg Miner

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Kevaar's picture
Developer EmeritusQuest Developer
2016-01-19 19:35
Last seen:
2 months 3 weeks ago

Repost, with some tweaks.


An Imperial came to Old Ebonheart to make his fortune. Hearing the egg mining business is lucrative, he has managed to obtain the egg of a kwama queen (or so he's been told), and now needs help starting up a mine for it.

Step 1: First he needs some gold for the start-up fee.

Step 2: The local Indoril landlord is being snotty about not letting him get a contract for a parcel of land to use, and he needs help convincing the landlord to make a contract with him.

Step 3: (The NPC now appears in the mine, not the tavern where you found him.) The kwama queen egg has hatched, and now the NPC needs some workers to tend to her.

Step 4: When the player returns with the workers, they find the NPC was attacked by nix-hounds! The kwama queen is okay, but now he needs some warriors to defend her.

Step 5: The player returns to find the workers attacked the queen! The NPC tells the player to get rid of the warrior, and to go get some pheromes to cover the queen with so the workers won't attack her again.

The player returns to find the queen has hatched some foragers and scribs. The NPC thanks them for the pherome and applies it to the adult workers. All done!


It might be neat if the player gets part-ownership of the mine after all this, and can now return every week or so for a little of the proceedings. Otherwise, just something standard like gold and extra eggs. Maybe a alchemist's recipe for the eggs, written like a cookbook.

This is also assuming this scheme works. A more lore-friendly alternative to the mine succeeding is that it fails, the queen dying (or never hatching), and the player gets absolutely nothing but a net gold loss and an Indoril landlord that doesn't like them anymore. Food for thought.

Steelgonads's picture
Quest Developer
2016-01-21 19:43
Last seen:
1 year 1 day ago

I like the idea, but I have a few questions:

How would the player get a Kwama Warriors and Workers?

Instead of getting the Kwama, why not get human workers from taverns (or add some Commoners/paupers in the closest city which you can hire/convice) and the the Kwama Warriors and Workers will just spawn as a result of the queen breeding them?

Also, instead of having problems with the Kwama, why dont you make a rival businessman try to sabotage the mine (attacking it with mercenaries, poisoning workers) and then make the player solve the problem wither with diplomacy, money or violence?


Anyway, really cool concept. I was also interested in making quests related to the EEC, but I'm not a dev yet.

uno Dos Dres's picture
uno Dos Dres
2016-01-27 11:34
Last seen:
3 years 1 month ago

I think this quest looks to similar to vanila House Hlaalu stronghold questline. It will be good to add something special and new. I like idea about egg hatching - its cool. Maybe a few steps of "care" would be reasonable to inplement? Spin-off with egg being stolen by rival (defending mine) or rich gourmet (speechcraft/sneak)

Parker's picture
Developer EmeritusInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2016-01-19 04:30
Last seen:
3 years 5 months ago

I'd actually recoomeend shortening the quest rather than lengthening it. Right now, it strikes me as a little too elaborate for a miscelenous quest. Instead, the Imperial's failure -- and I do believe it would make more sense for him to fail -- should happen more swiftly, to highlight how utterly clueless he is about native industires.

Kevaar's picture
Developer EmeritusQuest Developer
2016-01-19 19:35
Last seen:
2 months 3 weeks ago

If we made it into an East Empire faction questline, we might be able to get away with it being longer, and also having special rewards like your very own eggmine tied in. I've never done the House Hlaalu questline, so I couldn't say where it could be tweaked to make it dissimilar enough.

Obtaining the kwama--I pictured scripting it so the player goes to another eggmine, (say the owner of it made a deal with the Imperial, so the player doesn't try to go to "any" eggmine, which would be a headache to code for), "greets" the kwama, and it's considered captured. Then the player escorts it back. The kwama warriors might need to be calmed or knocked unconscious or something before you can capture them.

Another alternative might be that th Imperial tells you he made a deal with some guy back in town who's handled wrangling up the kwama, and just needs you to go and escort said kwama to the mine. This could be an inroad to Steelgonads' ideas, too, where the rival attacks you on your way back, or kills the kwama before you can even get to them, etc.

Shortening it-- Step 1 and 2 could probably be combined, or one of them taken out. The warriors and workers might also be able to be combined into the same step but I think I prefer the timing for those steps as it is. Makes the Imperial look more incompetent and facepalm worthy. :D


Kevaar's picture
Developer EmeritusQuest Developer
2016-01-19 19:35
Last seen:
2 months 3 weeks ago

Editted to be shorter and transferred into asset browser. Not all of the suggested edits here were used.

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